𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟽

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"Oh that was fun." He laughed leaning back in his chair and playing with his hair. "Sir, may I ask what you did?" His assistant stood next to him, hands by his side, as they always were. "Oh, I was just playing around, I didn't want to go there myself." He said turning off the device and began tapping his foot again. "Let me be in peace." He said, his assistant quickly shuffled out the door and gently closed it. The smile slowly disappeared from his face as he wrote in is notebook.


"Y/n, open the door!" You were trying to steady your breathing, trying to stop your palms from shaking, trying to stop your heart from beating too fast, sweat came down your face, as your tears did as well, you were trying to steady your self, you blocked yourself in with your bed.

"No!" You cried out.

'Get a grip of yourself! Stop stop!' You felt extremely unstable, like ice about to shatter. The others heard your scream and were crowding your door.

Izuku was outside, talking to someone. "Someone go get midoriya!" Iida yelled, Uraraka and Denki rushed outside.

"Izuku!" She said out of breath. "Huh? Whats wrong?"

"Y/n you have to come out! Or I'm getting Mr aizawa!" Iida banged on the door. "I said no! Go..go away!" Your voice cracked, this night was all types of wrong.

Izuku pushed pasted and gently knocked on the door. "Y/n, it's me let's talk." He said, it just made more tears fall on the floor. Your breathing was still uneven, like gasping for air. "Do you want me to get Mr-" "No." Izuku interrupted. "Y/n please. Let us help you." "No! I don't need help! I'm not crazy!" You glanced at the window, slowly getting up and failing to keep your balance you almost hit the floor.

"We don't think you are! But-" "No!" You managed to get to the window. Only struggling to get it open, your hands were to shakey, you felt so weak. "Shes trying to get out the window!" Izuku whispered to Iida, gesturing to get Aizawa.

You eventually gave up, sat down on the floor where your bed once was. Your tears were almost endless.

Someone managed to break through, you weren't sure who but they got through. You backed up a little. "Y/n, it's okay." Aizawa gestures Izuku to stay back, while he slowly neared you. "Please...go away.." You whispered.

The others couldn't help but watch, some of them were sleeping when you screamed, some where in their room and some in the common room. Some stayed in their room while some others went to find out what it was.

Aizawa managed to get you out, took a while but he did.

'This is the schools fault.' That's what you believed, that it was the schools fault, that everything leading from the first day of school, to now was their fault, that was your blame. Not yourself, not Izuku, the school.

You felt as though none of this were to happen if you didn't choose to go here.

You sat in the chair waiting for this to be over.

Your mom finally arrived. "I think it's best y/n stays home for a while." You were biting your nails, your mom looked at you in concern. "Yes that would be best." She agreed, holding your hand. You fiddled around with her rings.

After that you went to see Izuku before you left, before you got some of your things. "I'm sorry." You whispered hugging Izuku. He hugged you back, he didn't say anything, all he could do was ask questions, to get no answer. "See you soon." You said pulling away.

The car ride was nothing but silence. "Mom...do you, remember our dad?" You were still playing with your hands. "...no..I don't, why are you asking?" She hit a stop light, went in her purse and grabbed a paper.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now