𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟾

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You came across a abandoned building. "Oh this looks cool." You opened the door and started walking in. "This is old why haven't they taken it down yet?" He said following you.

The both of you went to the very top floor, and on the roof. "This was taller than I thought." You said looking off the edge. "Yeah, I'm sure someone fell off here at least once." The place had some cobwebs and rust but it looked cool.

Soon you heard police sirens and cars. They stopped in front of the building.

"Never thought they'd find us." You said still looking down and leaning on the railing. "I don't think they know we're up here." He sat down on the floor.

They soon looked up and spotted you, you frowned as you heard them through the speaker. "Kyran and y/n come down immediately." You sighed as you heard the railing creek back and fourth. "Oh well guess this-" The railing fully broke and you fell off the building. "Y/n!" He grabbed your hand trying to get you back up.

You heard your mom scream too. He struggled to pull you up, eventually you started to fall as he accidentally let go.

You saw his hand stretch out and had grabbed you and pulled you all the way up. "Are you okay?" He asked you nodded as you heard his dad yell.

"Get the hell down here!" He yelled, his face softened as he quickly walked down the stairs with you following.

When you both got down your mom hugged you and his dad had slapped him, it made him wonder why you wanted to ran away. "And you! How dare you influence my son! Who knows what could've happen when he was with you!" You rolled your eyes as your mom pulled away to make a phone call.

Some people might have gone insane, being stuck in a room, with no light, no human interaction, no windows, they would've torn themselves apart by the next month. But him, he stayed, locked himself in a room with nothing but his own inventions and a notebook and pen to keep him busy. This was his choice. He's changed throughout the years. Not for the better, others would call him a villain, or crazy, but he doesn't care.

He owned a large company years ago, it went to shambles. He found out he was going to be a father, and dealt with his stress the only way he could. He mentally wasn't ready for all of this, he loved his wife but he didn't want kids.

Of course he said something but the guilt got to him, he learned to love his kids. But over the years he had unwanted stress, unwanted thoughts, unwanted urges.

He turned into the person he hated the most, the person he despised, the person he wanted to kill the most. Used his quirk for bad, manipulated his family for years. Until he had enough. Two days before it happened, he had what he called a "breakthrough" planned everything. When the day came, his family had never thought they'd see him in a grave.

Unfortunately, his plan didn't work.

"You have mail." She said handing her the envelope. When she saw it was from you she quickly opened it. Started reading it, it brought tears of joy to her eyes. After reading it she put aside her drawing and started writing another letter to send. She wondered when you where going to call or come see her; she wanted to hear you're voice again.

Well yes it's true the world is a cruel place, there are good and there and bad and there are things that make you feel both.

Some people want to 'fix' the world.

Fix the world they created.

Fix the world to the point where they are the ones in power.

To were seeing "hero's" makes everyone sick.

And they are rejected to society as villains once were.

That's not fixing.

It's revenge. Revenge for the happiness that was taken away.

At least that's how I see it.


Who says that what villains are doing are wrong, most of them are rebelling the system others created. If that's the case, then I guess I'm a villain.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now