𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿

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(Once again using google if there's a mistake let me know)

"Slow poke. I already got it." "Shut up." He said walking past her and on his way back to the bar. "What's your problem crusty?" She began to walk behind him. "Don't call me that."

When they got back to the bar, Astral began to talk to toga, in private.

"So, it looks like we have the same quirk." She said, toga stops smiling as she hears the news. "Well actually kind of similar. All I'm saying is I've got a specific target." "And? What are you trying to say?" "...Nothing." She smirked and walked out and back out the door, someone had passed her on her way out.

"Hey, your hair is really pretty." The guy turned around facing her. "O-oh thanks." Time stopped for him too, he couldn't move or talk, she ripped a piece of hair out and kept walking.

Astral was one mysterious person, if you didn't get what she was talking about she wasn't going to repeat herself, just move on. She also would act weird, sometimes cold and distant other times just crazy. She wasn't wanted, but she was known, known as アストラル キラー meaning Astral Killer.

☘︎︎Day of the forest lodge field trip☘︎︎

'I hope I got everything' After getting on the bus you sit next to Denki.


Oh I forgot about you.

Is that a joke?


What do you want?

You need to leave.

Yeah because I can leave in the middle of a bus ride. Why?

Your going to get hurt if you go.

You've said that two times this month, I'm starting to think you just don't want me to be here.

No, this time it's serious.

Yeah yeah.


And if you try to force yourself this time I swear I will make sure there's extra security.


'So annoying.'

An hour as passed and the bus came to a stop, when we got out some people in cat costumes had come out, the brown haired one explains that you will be staying at the base of the mountain, using you're quirks as much as you like and whoever doesn't arrive there by 12:30 won't be served lunch.

'Oh that's easy I can just-' You were interrupted when a landslide came and caused you to fall into the forest below you.

"Son of bitch!" You yelled landing on a tree and falling through, your clothes were already dirty.


'5:03' That's what the clock read when you got to the base. The others were behind and you were the first one there.

"Wow that was fast!" One of the girls said but you had already fallen asleep before even making it to your room.

You woke up in your room, 'I guess I slept over dinner, where are the others?' You walk out of your room and into the dinning room, seeing one of the lady's. "Where are the others?" You asked. "They are in the hot spring, it's not to late to join them." As your getting ready you realized your hair was really messed up, so you decided to do something different once again.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now