𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟹

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"What the hell?!" She screamed, loud enough for everyone to hear.

You've had enough, of everything you were glad to see that all might defeated him.

You were still sitting on the edge of the building, with your foot dangling off the building. You couldn't hold your weight and began to eventually fall.

"Y/n!" She yells looking down at you, you close your eyes as you keep falling off the tall building.

You accepted your fate, not that you were going to die, that you were alone. The voice who once annoyed you no longer spoke to you, you felt as though this happened for a reason, all might was retired, you weren't sure if you were going to make it though as everyone was distracted.

'Is this it?'

It felt like you fell onto a bed of flowers, you finally let yourself rest.

"Daddy I want to be a hero!" You exclaimed as you watched the tv, holding the pillow close to you. "A hero?! Your quirkless, you and your stupid brother! A hero my ass!" He yelled turning off the tv and making his way to the kitchen, tears start to stream down your face. "B-but-" "Shut up! I'm trying to think." You gripped the pillow tighter and stuffed your face into it.

You never thought it would be so easy to break your spirit, you were stronger than this—you knew you were stronger than this, so what was it? Why did you let up? The words replayed in your head, over, and over again. You couldn't help but feel like she was speaking from experience, everything she said, everything she did to you. Just replayed and replayed. She had carved words into you, mentally, and physically, she made you hold in your pain, you couldn't move, couldn't scream, she took bottling up your emotions to another level.

When you fell off the building due to losing your balance, she didn't even try to catch you, she told you no one cared like she did. So who saved you?

Diagnosis: blood loss, broken hand, extremely deep wounds, located in almost every where, back. Chest, stomach, knees, face.

When Izuku heard you had been transported to the hospital he was in relief, but also dispair as he felt bad he wasn't there to help you.

You placed your hand, feeling for the words she carved, all over your chest, the ones on your face weren't that deep but left a scar.

You used your other quirk, to close the wounds, and fix your broken hand, it made the wounds heal faster, but they were still too noticeable.

You soon fell asleep again after that.

"Wait her arms healed? What?"

"Yeah I don't know either, run a few test see if it's really healed, if it is then I guess we can discharge her early."


You opened your eyes, sitting yourself up, and then letting out a sigh. Seeing that the doctor is gone you reach into your bag.

"Hello?!" "Mom.." You said ready to leave and go home. "Oh y/n I'm so glad your okay!" She exclaimed. "I'm just-I'm ready to come home." You said wiping your nose, struggling to not cry but your voice was already breaking. "But your injuries-" "I'm fine, physically. I just...I want to come home."

A few hours later they discharged you, you tried finding Izuku and instead ran into him at the beach, talking with all might.

"Izuku." You blurted out, standing across from him with your hands in your pocket.

"Y/n I'm so glad your okay!' He walked towards you about to hug you before you punched him to the ground. "You idiot!" You grabbed him but his collar. "I know what you did! I should do much more than just slap you!" You let him go and took a step back, taking a deep breath. "I'll let you go for now." As he got up and dusted himself off you hugged him. "Glad your okay too." You walked off, however Izuku noticed the scars across your face, and the ones on your neck.

He didn't say anything but he definitely wanted answers.

You were laying on your bed, going through your binder once again, it brought you comfort seeing it. Although you couldn't bring yourself to smile. Your mom had called you and Izuku into the living room, there you saw all might, and your mom and Izuku sitting down at the dining table.

"Oh, hi." You said sitting down as well.

You didn't know what they were talking about, not that you were zoning out just thinking of other things. Izuku shows a letter to his mom. You snapped out of it when all might had suddenly kneeled before Izuku and mom in his muscular form.

'The hell?' You said looking at the surprised Izuku. He turned back to his skeleton form. He told your mom he wanted you two to continue to go to ua, and that your safety was assured, he told them that he thinks Izuku should become the new symbol of peace.

Your mom starts to kneel as well, causing you to look at Izuku in most utter confusion.

After they were done talking, all might left and told Izuku he would see him at school.

Are you there?


I'm sorry...

You had no idea why it wouldn't answer you, wouldn't talk back, no ringing, you couldn't tell if it was there or not.

As you were packing your bags you debated if you should bring your binder or not, you didn't want it to get stolen or messed up, so you decided to leave it.

"Y/n." Izuku said knocking on the door. "Come in." You said continuing to switch your stuff over into the bag. "Do you have everything?" For some reason, you were now on the verge of tears when he asked that, you thought it was stupid that your body chooses now to cry. "Yeah." You said, he caught sight of your tears falling onto the floor. "Y/n why are you crying?!"

The words lingered in your mind, replaying as you tried to pack faster, your vision was blurred with tears. "Nothing." You said wiping your face and clearing your throat. "Are you ready?" You said about grab your bag until he grabs your hands, making you face towards him. "Y/n. I'm worried about you." He looked into your teary sad eyes, he was genuinely concerned about you, he wanted to know what happened to you, and what they did to you.

"I am too, but I don't want to talk about it." "Why? What did they do to you? You look like you've lost hope in everything." You looked down, feeling more tears fall to the floor. "They, didn't do anything,"

"She did." You continued, looking up, he let you go as you grabbed your bag and made your way out the door.

You were still kind of late, you went to get a coffee really fast but by the time you were back the class was in the front of the building looking kind of gloomy.

Katsuki dragged Denki somewhere forcing him to go into 'yay mode' and hands kirishima money.

'What a weird guy.' You said sipping your coffee.

Are you there?


No response. After Aizawa was done explaining, you all went to the dorms, you went straight to your room and started unpacking, trying to make it as much as like your room as possible.

'This is stupid' It's all you could think about, calling everything stupid.

After you finished packing you sat down on the bed.

You let the silence fill the room, your ears started to ring, at first a little but the more ignored it the louder it got eventually it got to the point where you were on the floor smacking yourself with pillows. Soon you stopped moving and just laid there for a moment, you hear the door open and lots of chatting. "Ooo this is nice!" They said pointing to the hawks figures and posters, and the nature themed design. You lifted your head up revealing your mess up hair.

"What are you doing here?" You asked getting up while still hugging the pillow. "We're seeing who's room is-" "Get out." You demanded, they got out while izuku gives you a concerned look before heading out.

You finally came out of your room a few minutes later after showering and getting dressed, you went to the common room where Denki was, and bakugo. 

'Does he know?' "Katsuki do-" He walked away, he knew exactly what you were about to ask him, except he didn't know the answer. Didn't care.


Are you there?

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now