𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸

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The paramedics came carrying her away in the stretcher, while you just stood there, blood on your hands.

"What the hell did you do?!"


Was that

Who I think it is


You turn around and face the black short haired boy. Someone who also, was from your past.

"Huh?! What happened?" He grabbed you're shirt with both hands. "What did you do to my sister?! Huh?! Answer me!!" Your mind went blank, you knew what was happening but your mind couldn't catch up with you. You didn't notice the tears and blood streaming down your face.

He was about to punch you before Aizawa held him back, he dropped you and and Izuku came running with Denki following. 

"Y/n! What happened?!" He didn't expect an answer back, he held your head up on his arm.

You couldn't wrap your mind around it, anything, there was so much noise, you couldn't think, your body felt so weak.  All you could do was replay what happened in your mind, over and over and over again.

"I'm sorry." You whispered. "Sorry? Your sorry?!" Aizawa held him back from attacking you, although you felt like you deserved it.  

When he finally stop struggled Aizawa let him go. "If my sister doesn't come out there alive, you can promise I'm coming for you next." He walked away with Aizawa.

You really don't feel anything do you.

No remorse? Empathy?

If you don't, then why'd you do it?

She said it herself, she wasn't going down unless you killed her.

That made you understand a little more about it.

It wasn't an emotionless fragment living in you.

It was a hungry, fragment. One who only wanted to win. To do anything it takes.

To win.

It made you want to get rid of it even more, you made a promise to yourself to never. Let it take control again. Ever.

And shove it down as far as possible.


"I-I didn't mean to..it wasn't me!" You cried into his arm as he rubbed your back, he wasn't completely sure of what happened, but he knew whatever happened, it wasn't you. He'd believe you.

You didn't consider that people we're watching, that maybe hawks was watching, and your mom. It made you feel even weaker, as though maybe she had been right. Maybe you haven't changed, you rely on it for help without knowing the consequences.

You wanted to help people.

Not kill them.

Your only way of getting out of this was telling them about It.

But it was too late, it would just look like an excuse.

Your future

Felt forever ruined.


Go away.

I just want to say something.

Shut up.

I'm not sorry for what I did. I don't feel bad.

Your really pissing me off.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now