𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟻

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Izuku had to catch up for the next three days due to fighting katsuki, so this is what happened during those three days.

You were extremely tired one day so Denki decided it would be a good idea to fight him, with pool noodles. When you didn't want to, he smacked you with one and you chased after him into the common room and around the place, eventually you caught him and pinned him, and then Bakugo yelled at you two. He said and I quote. "Will you two stop it! Or get a god damn room!" And sulked back to his room.

The next day you accidentally hit Denki in the face with your back pack while trying to put it on. Wasn't the first time you hit him the face. He also decided to scare you that day which scared you so much you ran all the way back into your room.

The last day you started your period in the middle of class, and you really needed to go. "Hey y/n!" He was blocking your way out. "Denki, I really need to-" "We should hang out this weekend." He smiled. "Okay but-" "We should go to the park like last time." "Okay I need to-" "or we can-" "Denki move!" You pushed past him and ran to the bathroom.

Aizawa has clearly had enough of you and Denki playing around.

"Sir, I've planted the device on both." Although this time he wasn't shaking, he was proud of his master, scared of him but proud. He was the only one he had yet to dispose of. "Good, now tell me the activity." A huge smile crept on his face, he tapped his foot, played with his pencil. Not out of fear, he needed constant movement.

One particular day you were helping clean the common room with Izuku and a few others, while you were vacuuming and Izuku was dusting. Both of you suddenly collapsed, it had felt like a bullet went into the both of you except it didn't hurt, but was powerful enough to knock you both to the ground, Izuku fell and hit the candle wax making it fall on him, and you fell backwards knocking into the shelf making the books collapse on you. The others were greatly concerned and confused.

"Sir, may I have permission to ask a question?" He was trembling once again, he knew he wouldn't like the question but, something told him he had to ask his master. "What is it?" He said, the smile disappeared from his face. "Why did you fake your death eight years ago?" He had braced for impact although it never came, his master just frowned at his question. "I wanted to be set free, away from the chains that once held me in that prison." A big smirk appeared on his face once again as he tapped his fingers.

"I hope that answers your question. Because I'm not explaining further. I've built this place from the ground up, just for it to crumble. But it's okay. Why you ask? Because I'm starting a new era, this is my time." It did indeed answer his question, he didn't know much about his master, whenever he asked him certain questions he would put it in a riddle. A questionable one.


You were just trying to survive the day, it is a new semester but that didn't make anything easier. After first period Denki came up to you.

"Hey y/n." He had a big smile on his face that made you raise an eyebrow. "Why are you smiling?"

At the end of the day, you were glad to be in your bed. After you got in the shower you made your way to the common room. Izuku greeted you while you walked out. "Oh hi zu." You said looking down at your phone, interrupted when he punched you.

"What was that for?!" You yelled rubbing your face where he hit you. He was about to hit you again when you grabbed him using your quirk to take him outside.

"Are you okay?! What did I do?!" It was late at night, he wasn't answering you, just looking at you like he was mad at you.

"Izuku!" You yelled, he powered up. You didn't want to hurt him so you kept dodging him. He was kicking, punching, everything. He managed to knock you against the wall.

"Oh my god Mina get Mr aizawa!" Ochaco yelled looking out the window in the common room. Mina looked too. "They're probably just training or something." She said sitting back in the couch. "No like they're actually hurting each other!" She quickly sped outside.

He had thrown you over his shoulder twice and kicked you in the stomach. When you were down, he punched you almost breaking your nose. You soon saw him get wrapped up by Aizawas scarf. "That's enough you two!" His hair was up, and his eyes were red. You got up and wiped the blood from your face.

Izuku was untouched, not a single scratch on him. Aizawa asked him what happened but when he didn't respond he asked you, after you told him he gave Izuku another punishment and told him if it happens again then the next will be worse.

You escorted him back to his room. In the common room bakugo was walking in and Izuku went to punch him before you stopped him. "Sorry katsuki." You said pushing him back into his room.

'What's going on Izuku?'

The next day in school he apologized, said he didn't know what happened and that he didn't mean to. That made sense, you accepted his apology and told him if it happens again you won't hesitate to knock him out. He nodded and proceeded on with his day.

This weeks been pretty weird for you, ignoring it wouldn't do no good but you also didn't want to bring it to light. Letting things just happen was how you worked.

On the other hand, other people would rather find out what was going on. For an example, Izuku.

As he sat in his room, tapping his foot, playing with his pencil, he decided to finally get out of his seat he'd been in for days. He reached to turn the light on, it light up half the room, enough for him to walk to his safe in the corner. He unlocked it and pulled out a picture, of his family. He saved it over the years, never once letting it go.

His legs were crippled, thanks to his assistant who healed them. He was grateful. Although his assistant was a very anxious person he still worked for him, his master always pondered about it but never asked. His master lived by many rules, he thought maybe it was because he never seen the sun in years, let alone been outside.

He locked the safe and made his way out the door. It was only at the moment he realized how bright the sun was, he squinted as he walked down the hall, down the stairs, and down to the ground floor.

He decided it was time to take action, no matter how much he double checked his plan he would always come back to this conclusion. As he said before, it was his time.

Sorry short chapter :|

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now