𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟽

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The Incurable Chapter 70: Everyone is dead. I was unable to stop it, the disease made its way to their brain. This medication truly is something, I want to keep my test up. Unfortunately I am unable to understand why my current patient is unaffected by it. It's been a week since I've given it to him, but he shows no signs. He tells me he feels dizzy but that is it. My test shows he's perfectly healthy.

And I've finally figured it out. All the patrons before him that passed all have AB, A, and B blood. While his is O. It is amazing that he has survived.

What affect on AB negative blood would it have? I wonder, I have pondered around that question. I have the right blood, but I am at high risk.

He barely looked like your twin anymore.

Your third time you went back they had already knew. They just knew.

"Ah yes, he's close isn't he." You were too tired, too tired to deal with this. "I guess since it's late I could tell you, your aware what genes are right?" You snapped your head up, giving him a glaring look. "Yes? Good. Now there was a experiment a few generations ago." He tapped his foot, looked at the wall and continued.

"On a few people, the person was trying to make a incurable disease, long before quirks were a thing."

"Of course they had to lie and say it was an accident, that was the only way to continue to 'solve' it." You weren't understanding this at all. "What does this have to do with genes?" He raised an eyebrow, sighed and looked at you. "My assistant can alter the genes of others, he can take them, he can give them, and during that decade, oh boy, do you know how many generations that disease pasted onto?"

Your eyes widened, he started to smile, and chuckle a bit. "You can't cure something that does exist. What I meant was you can't cure something no one knows about." He started laughing, loudly, before pausing. "Say your goodbyes." He got up, still laughing.

It felt like your heart shattered into a million pieces. You didn't know if you believed him or not.

Up on a building you sat, watching a fight. The monster in the green tank had gotten out. It was attacking and destroying everything it saw. It was like a bigger and more human version of the nomu.

Every hit the heros did never did anything, they got endeavor, Mt lady, and more at the scene but nothing, nothing worked. All of its body was like metal. Except for a spot at the top of its head.

You watched as endeavor fought him, he notices the spot to, it didn't look as hard as the rest of his body. He went straight for it, and endeavors fire fist collided with his head.

It caused a huge explosion, it blew everything within a 5 mile radius. Including you. It sent you flying back.

House's blew open, it caused a lot of damage to the surrounding area.

You felt yourself land on grass, you got up, brushing yourself off and wondering where you were.

You ended up in front of u.a, you picked up your phone, it had a few cracks but it was okay.

When you were walking to the dorms you got a call. Your mom, she called to tell you that he was going to be okay, and the doctors may have had a break through.

She did give you a little more hope, just a tad.

The book you found was an interesting one, it truly did keep you up all night. The person had kept track of everything, everyday, they wrote. But why make such a horrible disease? You didn't understand some things, some of your questions were left unanswered.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now