𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼

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"Y/n, it's been a while."

He took notice of you're cast and crutches when you sat down in the leather chair.

"You're mom tells me you got into ua, how's that?"

He couldn't get you to talk about anything. It made him wonder how much you hated him. And he wasn't getting no where by asking questions.

"So you obviously don't want to talk about you're problems right now," 'no shit' "and we're kinda running out time so I'll give you two options." He pulled out a clear plastic box with a bunch of stuff and jumbled through it.

"You can either have one of these stress things, and a diary, or you can talk to your brother about what's bothering. Or both. Let me know how it goes tomorrow." He said handing you a purple stress ball and a notebook. 'Does he think I'm a kid?!'

The whole session felt like a waste of time to you, all you could think about the whole time was that you wanted to go home, and how dumb this was.

You didn't even feel like waiting for your mom so you walked home, you didn't realize how far it was.

'This is so stupid' You thought to yourself. It was getting dark.

There was no body on the street, and it was taking longer than expected. Especially with your foot and the crutches. This was a sketchy neighborhood, did you take the wrong way, or is it just because it's night?

You accidentally stepped in a puddle too, but your shoes weren't wet even though your whole foot went in, you took a step back and stepped in it again, still wasn't wet. 'What is this?'
You couldn't bend down to examine it closer. "Are you lost?" A voice whispered from behind you. You quickly moved your arm only to notice it's been covered in the liquid.

"Don't move."

'Y/n❤️sent their location'

Izuku's phone pinged as he was watching tv. 'Why? I thought mom was getting her' He quickly put on his shoes and jacket and ran outside.

"What a perfect time to rob someone, when they can't walk great idea, bad timing, wrong person."
Still, you had a plan no matter weapon he was holding to your back. It was all about timing. He did had you trapped, and could snap your neck if he wanted to, if he knew how.

"I'm not robbing you kid. I'm kidnapping you." "Then why haven't you taken me yet?" "I'm waiting" "for?"He didn't reply after that. 'He must be waiting for his partner' "I'm not immobilized you know." "Huh-" You kicked him in the stomach and he fell back on the floor.

You couldn't move— let alone feel your hand, whatever that liquid was it made your hand numb.
You almost stumbled over before regaining your balance. Holding yourself up for as long as you could.

He got up, not even a scratch on him. "This is taking too long,I'm not waiting for him!" He was enraged walking towards you. 'Think think think think' Your only option was to go defense for now. A metal bar came from his mouth as he opened it and took it out. He went in for a swing before you ducked, his second hit being faster and caught you off guard he hit you in the face.

His third hit went down for your head when you blocked it he kicked you to the ground. He hit you in the head again, everything went black after that.


Wake up



We can't afford this

Y/n wake up!

Your eyes snapped open, you saw the bright lights, and felt the soft bed you laid on, you heard mumbling that you could only assume was Izuku.

You felt your face, and the bruises. Nothing too bad. Your head was aching bad. Izuku didn't hear you wake up until he heard the bed creek.

Your first instinct was to tell him what you've been meaning to tell him. Even if you didn't fully understand it yourself. "Hey." You cleared your throat as it sounded raspy. "I need to tell you something." He looked up from the papers in his lap, all of his attention on you.

"At the u.s.j, something happened that you-" You cleared your throat one last time. "That you might not have noticed." "When you saved me, after you passed out, I saw your hand and.." Why was this so hard to say? Just say it, he'll understand.. "I don't know what happened but when I touched you.. My hand—It glowed, and I don't know why. And then your hand it was—well all your injury's were healed."  

You couldn't tell if he was mad, happy or surprised you weren't even looking at him. Just playing with your hands. "I understand if your mad-" "Why would I be mad?" He interrupted. "Because I was born without a quirk and you have two?" He wasn't the type to hold grudges, it scared you, not knowing how he meant that.

"Im happy for you." Although you were on the verge of tears you managed to crack a smile at him.

Sorry this chapter was short, I have A LOT of things planned for the sports festival. I'm so excited!

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now