𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟶

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Big 30!

It's been a few hours since you heard from the two, maybe they took your advice and shut up or something else. Either way your headaches were gone. You could focus a lot better, now that you were physically in school.

"Sir, you called?" He was shivering from head down, the room was freezing cold. He wondered how his master stayed in there. "Get it ready." He demanded, his assistants jaw dropped. "Are you sure?" He asked, a smile crept on his masters face. "Yes." He tapped his foot.


A box. It was a box. Not sure what got you and Izuku got there. The last thing you remembered was smoke clouding the classroom.

You weren't exactly awake, it had taken over when you were unconscious in order to save you.

"Y/n are you okay?" He asked as you stood up, you scanned the room, there was nothing, nothing but you and Izuku. Just by looking you could tell the walls were too thick to get through.

"Yeah, y/n is fine." It said, Izuku forgot what you told him, he remembered that this was part of you, so he shouldn't be upset about it.

Above you there was a speaker.

"Let phase one, begin." A robot voice announced, from the ground rose a few people, Izuku stuck close to you. Your eyes started to water, and your vision blurry, you could barely see and this resulted in you and Izuku getting knocked to the ground.

In another room Denki and Bakugo were also in trouble, because the room was so cold Bakugo had a but of a disadvantage, and because Denki is an enclosed space he can't use his quirk as much as he'd like too.

It was only in the moment that it realized they were wearing some type of amour, either that, or they weren't human. They repelled all of your attacks.

What's what happing where are we?

Do not worry, I think we were kidnapped.

Kidnapped?! What?!

Yeah, and it seems these people were made specifically for us.

I mean that's cool and all but did you try phasing?

The wall is way too thick.

Oh, uh.

It's visions was still blurry, although thanks to its quirk it can see from another perspective. Something felt weird about the room, Izuku was breathing pretty heavy, almost gasping for air.

It's hand went through the persons chest, and when it pulled it out there was nothing but rock and the thing went falling to the ground as a mountain of rocks collapsing.

"That makes sense...Izuku." It turned around to see Izuku knocked out, the thing about crush him and it took your hand through its chest as it collapsed.

Is he okay?!



He is fine, he is breathing.


Part of the wall on one side started to fall, revealing another room that looked the same, you drag Izuku and walk into the next room before the wall behind you repaired itself.


"Izuku, wake up."


𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now