𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟹

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Putting another trigger warning for this one their talking about it, still same goes for this.

The person treating you, he seemed so calm, he had patience. Lots in fact, something you struggled with. He told you that you weren't able to see your brother yet, which made you mad but he said it was for a good reason, and that you weren't ready to see him. Which you agreed partially, but you just wanted to hear his voice again.

You still pondered where you were, and if you were kidnapped again.

It all came back to you, everything that happened, the blood, the tears. All of it. You couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Do you have a phone?" You asked, he turned his head to you. "No we do not." He looked back to the computer screen. Now you were more bummed, you just wanted to tell your mom you were okay.

"When can I leave?" He sighed, resting his face in his hands. "Not sure." He was probably getting annoyed.

It's rude to underestimate ones strength, however when you can no longer mentally fight, still tough on the outside, but breaking on the inside, it is a hollow brick.

That being said, if you take a look at Denki. What do you see? You see the normal Denki, the funny and charming one. Take a look deeper, he's losing hope, slowly, it's like trying to hold water.

Izuku's stomach hurt, it had a bit of a dent in it. Stitches on his forehead and thighs. He still managed to say something else. "What happened?" He asked feeling his stomach. "You were crushed, by a rock." Izuku's eyebrows furrowed. "But...She saved me.." The man sighed. "Yes, the first time. I should let her tell you what happened." His eyes darted to the door that someone was knocking on.

"Sir, she's really persistent in seeing him." He was trembling again. "Fine, let her in." He was pushed to the floor by you, you're eyes landed on Izuku.

His eyes lit up when he saw you, you went to hug him before he winced in pain so you let go. "Oh, sorry I forgot." You apologized sitting next to him. His smile made you feel better. It's all you need to see.

"Are you okay?" You asked him, he looked at the floor. "My stomach hurts, but that's all." He gave you a weak smile. You could tell he was in pain, by what you did. He didn't remember but that just made it worse.

The other two had left the room, he asked you what had happened, but when he did all you could do was silently cry. Wiping your tears you asked him. "Are you sure...you want to know?" He didn't think it was that serious. However now seeing your face he wasn't sure if he was ready or not.

But he thought about it, came to a conclusion and nodded.

"Okay, but I just want you to know that you deserve to be mad." That's what you said, before telling him, everything, you didn't hold back. Didn't lie.

He definitely wasn't expecting that. In fact, he couldn't even look at you.

"Are you mad?" You asked, he finally looked at you, you couldn't tell if he was disappointed, mad or anything. "No, I'm not mad." He gave you a reassuring smile, and took your hand into his. "I can't be mad at you, especially if it wasn't you." You gave him another smile as you wiped your tears, you noticed something on his forehead. You moved his hair out of the way and saw stitches, you frowned. "I'm sorry." You whispered. "Don't apologize. But what happened to you?" He asked, you forgot to tell him that last part.

You remember Denki's face, and his tears. "...I got stabbed." He let go of your hand, and wiped a tear that fell down your face. "By who? Or what?" You bit your tongue, and looked away. "Me, I stabbed myself." His eyes darted back to you. "Izuku, I tried to save you, I tried...really hard, I saw-felt you dying, I tried really hard." Before he could say something the door opened.

𝐼𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑢'𝑠 𝑡𝑤𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now