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«sᴜɪᴄɪᴅᴇ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ»

Finally, I have the chance to do it. For months I've been trying it but it always goes wrong or someone disturbs me.

So I took my last breaths and got on that bridge.

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"Yeah, bro. They told me she's not 16 yet, so I can't find he- OH SHIT! I NEED TO HANG UP!"
I saw a girl standing on the bridge. I can't let this happen again. I need to stop her.
I started running and held her hand "You can't leave! Please come down."

────── •✧• ──────

Someone touched my hand and tried to get me down from that bridge. Again. I can't take this anymore, it needs to stop.

"Please just come down." He said and still tried to pull me.

He needs to go away. I don't even know him. So why is he making such a drama?

I tried to get my hand out of his but he pulled me down and hugged me.
After hugging for minutes I started tearing up. "Why did you do that? Let me end it. I don't want this anymore!" I tried to look into his face but he was wearing a mask and a bucket hat.

"Promise me you won't do that again. People love you and need you. The sun will come."

No, I can't do this. I can't promise it.

"Let's die healthily and naturally." He continued.

I lied and gave him the promise so he would leave me alone.

He didn't leave me alone tho. All I remember is him going to the park with me. I talked, finally. I let everything out. No Name, no age, not even his face. Anonymous friends. But sadly only for that night.

But why did I feel safe that night? He was just a boy.


I'm suddenly so unsatisfied with this book- 😭😭😭😭

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