s. 16 ep. 22

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"Great god! Y'all are amazing!" Soojin pulled us in a group hug. Lia and she just arrived and saw the house fully decorated.

"Thank you guys so much, you made my day better." She was on the verge to cry. "NO! The birthday girl can't cry on her day! Don't Soojin!" Nima gave her a tissue. "I love y'all, thanks!" She hugged us again.

About 40 minutes later people started coming and greeting us. There were a lot of people, a few from our school, class or people from her middle school. It was nice meeting them all. We had a lot of fun celebrating her day and playing games.

Right now some were dancing, some were talking and some were just standing and eating. I'm the one eating, by the way. I was just looking around seeing the others have fun when Soojin walked up to me.

"Did you find him?" She asked taking a glass of coke. "Not yet. Nima found hers tho." I whispered in her ears as she widened her eyes. "Who?!" - "She'll tell you later." I winked at her as she scoffed.

"Promise!" I smiled taking her to the dance floor. "If she doesn't, I will kill you." - "Don't worry, it's very obvious. I think you would know without me telling you." She looked at me confused but realized after a while.

"SO IT WAS HIM IN THE FIRST PLACE?! OH MY GOD!" - "YES!" I laughed at her reaction. "Let's enjoy the day and talk later." I said as she agreed. We were dancing to a few songs when Lia called me, Soojin left with a few old classmates so I went up to Lia.

"Let's get the cake ready." Lia said. I just nodded at her statement. "Hey, are you enjoying the party?" I asked a group of people. "Of course! Everything looks so great."

"That's good to hear. Is it possible for you to go to the main room now? We're about to cut the cake there and sing for Soojin." – "Oh, yeah no problem!" One of them responded with a smile on her face. Like that, I made everyone who was sitting in the kitchen go to the living room.

I helped Lia to get the cake on the table when I took the knife. "Soyoung, you need help?" I heard Daniel's voice. I turned around just to see him drinking something. "Can you put this on Soojins head? And tell Rik to lower the music." He nodded as he took the party head from my hands.

A few minutes later Lia and I came from the kitchen with the cake. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Soojin, happy birthday to you~" Everyone in the room started singing. Happily, she looked over the cake. Once we finished singing she blew out the candles and clapped happily. "Oh, the knife!" I mumbled when I realized I forgot it in the kitchen.

I went back to the kitchen as I bumped into him. "Oh sorry." I looked at him when he caught me by my arms. "Here." Jungwon gave me the knife and smiled. "Thanks."

I got so used to the shrilling sound I keep ignoring it but I can't ignore the headache and the thing hurting my ear. How is that even allowed? It hurts really bad.

Soojin cut the cake and everyone got a piece. After that, some people were still partying and some of them were getting ready to leave.

"Soojin, happy birthday again. You look so good and thank you for inviting me!" Seojun, our classmate said as he hugged her. "No, thank you for coming." – "I'll see you at school." He said as he left too.

After 30 minutes, us seven were now standing in the living room, the music still blasting and us looking around. "I'm so dead." I took off my heels.

"Guys!" Soojin sat next to me as she put her hair in a ponytail. "Let's play truth or dare." – "I'm down." Daniel answered when he looked at us. "Same." Riki stretched himself as he sat down too. I nodded when the girls also sat down. "Okay." Jungwon said looking at Soojin with his sparkly eyes.

He looks like a cat. A cute one.

"Stop smiling weirdo." Lia whispered into my ear, making me come back to reality. "Shut up." I whispered back looking down. Why are my ears starting to feel hot? Fuck.

────── •✧• ──────

"Wait, before we start can I change my clothes? The dress is feeling itchy." Soyoung stopped Soojin as she got up. "Okay, let's change first." Lia said when all four of them got up and left to Soojin's room.

Not gonna lie, Soyoung was the most beautiful girl at the party.

"Hey Rik, can you call Sunghoon hyung and tell him he should pick us up like in an hour or something?" – "Sure." Riki answered as he typed around on his phone.

"Gosh it's cold." The girls walked down again when Soyoung said that. "No shit Sherlock you're wearing a crop top in November." Daniel said throwing his hoodie at her. "No wonder you're my favorite!" She laughed putting it on.

────── •✧• ──────

We were all sitting on the floor in a circle. I was sitting between Daniel and Nima and across from me was Jungwon.

When i looked at Jungwon, he was looking at me so weirdly? He's still looking like a cat but he looks so pissed.

"Hey Dani, did you talk about something when we were gone." I pulled him closer to me, whispering to him. Daniel shook his head in confusion "why?" – "He looks so pissed." I mumbled pulling my legs to my torso. "Doesn't matter." I whispered then as he sighed.

────── •✧• ──────

She's looking so cute. In the oversized hoodie and her legs pulled to her torso.

Pull yourself together.

"Dude, why are you looking at them like that?" – "Hm? Oh nothing. Did you talk with hyung?" – "Yeah, he'll come in an hour." Riki informed me as I nodded.

"I'll get the bottle." Lia got up and went to the kitchen. "Bring something to drink too!" Nima yelled.

"Oh," everyone looked at Soyoung, which just looked confused "my song is playing." She smiled "Why is he still awake?" She mumbled.

Our song is playing? But I'm here? How is our song playing when I'm sitting with her? Maybe that's the glitch, Jake talked about.

"Okay," Soojin sat in the circle again "should we start?" She smirked looking at us.

Let the games begin.


Because we didn't get enoclock 😔😔😔

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