s. 16 ep. 39

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"Soyoung, are you ready?" - "Wait a second." I quickly put on my coat and scarf as Lia already went out.

While sitting on the bus I just listened to music - as always - and Lia was resting her head on my shoulder.

It was the day before Christmas and because we can't meet up on Christmas, today was the best date.

I can't wait to meet Jungwon again.

Like usual we met at Toshikoshi Love, having our table reseverd. "HEY!" I hugged Soojin and Nima who apparently also just arrived.

"Resevered." Nima put her coat on the seat next to her. We waited for a while until Riki and Jungwon came.

"Wait, do I hug him? Or kiss him? Or just smile? What do I do?" While we were waiting I told them we confessed to each other, so now I was just complaining as I didn't know if we're a couple yet.

"Just act like you're busy and see what he does." Lia enjoys watching me struggle.

And so I did. I acted like I was busy looking at my phone also having my coat next to me. Just for him.

"Ho ho ho." Riki came as he kissed Nima on the cheek. Cute.
"Merry Christmas, Youngie." Jungwon whispered into my ear behind me.

"Oh." I turned around, facing him, just a few inches keeping us apart.

A slight blush was seen not only on his face but also on mine. "Is this seat taken for me?" he asked as he quickly got back on his actual height, pointing at the chair. "Just for you and you only." I smiled seeing him smiling

"So where is the new couple now?" Lia looked at me when Soojin asked. "Daniel told me they're running late because Minjeong had to work." Riki responded looking at his phone.

"Don't we have two new c-" - "Lia, why don't you just drink your water? You seem very dehydrated." I cut her off before she could say something that may make him feel uncomfortable.

However I would also want to know.

"Be right back." Jungwon got up and made his way to the bathrooms.

"Stupid." I mumbled looking at Lia as she smiled amused. "You're welcome babe." She send me a flying kiss.

Jungwon was about to come back when a girl stopped him. They talked for a while as he just pushed her slightly and came back to the table.

"Who was that? Do you know her?" Nima asked who probably saw it too. Jungwon just shook his head.
"Random girl trying to hit on me." he sighed taking a sip. "What did you say?" - "Well," Jungwon looked at me "I have a girlfriend." he smiled taking my hand under the table.

"YOU HAVE ONE?!" Soojin acted clueless just like the others. They are very bad at acting.

"Yes." - "Who?! How come we don't know her yet?" Jungwon leaned to my right side and I started to blush more.

"You told them, right? They make it very obvious." He let out a quick laugh, leaning back "Stop with the nonsense. we-" - "stop what nonsense?" Daniel joined the conversation, holding a girl's hand. That must be Minjeong.

"Sorry we're late." he apologised for both of them. Minjeong was really pretty. Hazel eyes, a small nose and a very sweet smile she had on her face the whole time.

"Guys, this is Minjeong. My girlfriend and soulmate." Daniel proudly showed her off as she got shy. "Minnie, this is Soyoung. Her boy and my best friend, Jungwon. Soojin, Lia, Nima and Riki." He introduced us to the short haired girl as she tried to memorize the names.

"Hi, I'm Jang Minjeong. Nice to meet you." She brushed her hair behind her ear.

"I love your earrings! Come sit down." Lia offered her the empty seat next to her as she sat down. Right next to me Daniel sat down - are we even surpised? - and hugged me from the side.

"Why am I always sandwiched between you two? Both of you eat so loudly." I sighed jokingly. "Shut up and eat."

Daniel put his spring rolls on my plate as we all laughed. "I don't want your rolls." I gave them to Jungwon as he gave it to Soojin. "Oh come on guys." She complained.

"Tell me Minjeong," I changed the topic "how come you still like him? Isn't he like super annoying?" I heard a scoff and a laugh afterwards.

"Oh, I wish, I knew." She sighed playfully, making us laugh. "If you ever need help, I'm a call away. I can help you out no matter when or where." I winked at her as she showed a thumb up. We all laughed once again, teasing Daniel.

"Oh, by the way guys. They texted in the group chat earlier, Leo and Jay booked a venue for new years and invited us all, so y'all have to come. Also they're having this little gift exchange. Y'all are going, right?" Jungwon asked. "Of course! And when I'm there, those four are also." Soojin smiled at us as she meant us girls.

After doing some other activities together in the restaurant, it was time to go home.

We all were waiting at the bus station, talking to each other or joking around.

Most of the time I would just sit snd listen, not until I noticed Jungwon kept looking at me. "Do you want to say something or just keep doing that." I narrowed my eyes as he laughed.

"I hope you're not mad at me for saying that earlier." He tried to warm up his hands. "Nope, at least one of us knows what we are." I put my scarf around his neck. Jungwon took my hands, making me pause.

I felt him taking a deep breath before speaking "Weird timing and all but do you want to be my girlfriend?"

And suddenly. In this moment. When those words left Jungwons mouth, the world stopped. My world stopped. This isn't a dream, right? Hopefully this isn't. But if it is, I hope I never wake up.

"YES OH MY GOD" I hugged him tightly as he laughed.

Seconds later I felt his lips on mine and a long kiss was placed on my lips.

This feels like a dream. He is a dream. Please don't let me wake up. I don't want to wake up.


NOOOO one chapter to go 😭😭😭😭😭


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