s. 16 ep. 23

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Why is he playing our song? Just now when we're about to start the game. I can't concentrate.

Quickly I took one of the water bottles Soojin just brought and drank out of it. That's so annoying.

"Okay," Soojin sat in the circle "should we start?" She smirked and that's how the bottle spun.

"Who's the first victim?" She mumbled as we all looked at the bottle stopping on Lia. "Dare!" She happily said once the bottle stopped at her. "Hm," Soojin started thinking "let's start the game easy. Hug the person to your right."

"Why not left?" Jungwon asked. "Oh, it's you." She laughed. "Calm down my friend." Lia hugged him as he hugged her back after sighing.

Lia spun the bottle and we all waited for the next person. "Nima truth or dare?" – "Truth." – "Do you know who your soulmate is?" Everyone got quiet.

I looked at Riki choking on his water as we all laughed. "Yes." She looked at him with a small smile. Gosh they're so cute.

"OHHH!" Soojin celebrated, pushing her softly. Nima spun the bottle and it landed on Riki. "Now it's getting interesting!" Daniel murmured as I laughed quietly.

"Truth or dare?" – "Truth." – "uhm, something that you want to tell someone really bad?" She asked curiously. "There's not something I want to say but something I want to ask. But I'm going to ask later." He smiled as he winked at her.

"Ew." Jungwon said who was sitting next to him and once again everyone started laughing.

"Jungwon, truth or dare?" – "Dare." – "Show us a picture you took 10 months ago." – "Why 10 mont- whatever." He took out his phone "That's February by the way." – "Thanks Rik." He smiled scrolling down.

"Who do I show it?" – "Everyone, duh." He sighed turning his phone to us. "that was a few days after my birthday before I went to the Hangang bridge." He showed us a picture of him and a dog, wearing a bucket hat.

"Oh! Wasn't that when we were calling and you suddenly hung up because of a girl?" Daniel asked as Jungwon thought.

"Yeah, I think." He was about to put away his phone. "Wait," I looked at him "what date was it?" – "Why do-" he confusedly looked at his phone "15th February. Why?" – "Just curious." I smiled.

That's impossible. There's no way he's the one who saved me. Sadly I can't remember that well what he was wearing but the hat. The hat is definitely the same.

"I'll be right back." I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

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I put away my phone and spun the bottle. "Soojin truth or dare?" I asked her. Please Sunghoon ring the bell. I don't know what to ask. "Da-" she got cut off by the doorbell. "Oh, that must be hyung." Riki said as he stood up.

Saved by the bell I would say.

"Hey, Soojin, happy birthday!" Sunghoon came in after Riki opened the door. "Sunghoon! Long time no see!" They hugged each other.

"Yes, it's been a long time." He smiled. "You should visit one time again, we have a new member." – "Huh? Who?" Soojin asked curiously as we boys were just standing, waiting for him.

"Daye, Jake's daughter." – "JAKE HAS A DAUGHTER?! OH MY GOD! Why didn't you tell me?" She looked at us. "Is that really necessary?" I yawned letting my body slightly fall on Daniel. "Make sure to invite me again." – "Sure I'll invite you all." He looked at the others too and hugged her to say goodbye.

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