s. 16 ep. 14

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«sᴇʟғ ʜᴀʀᴍ & ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ»

"I know." I looked into the house totally forgetting for what I was here. "Uh come on in."

"Thanks for the offer but I have to go. I just came to giv- there is blood falling." I said getting into the house, gently holding her arm up.

"What did you do?" – "It was an accident. It'll heal soon." She pulled her arm back to herself. "Right, and if I wouldn't ring on the bell there would be more blood. Sorry I interrupted you." I closed the door and placed the bag with the food on the floor.

"Where is the first aid kit?" I took her arm again, quickly taking off my shoes. "Why can't you just leave me alone?" – "Why can't you stop hurting yourself? This is not a way to make everything better."

I walked down the hallway trying to find a little box. "It's in the kitchen." – "Of course and I'm very familiar with this house." I sighed looking for the kitchen.

After a time she gave me the kit and I took her hand. "You should stop doing that." I whispered while trying to concentrate.

Hopefully, the trial lesson of the hospital will work out. I took a deep breath and started to clean the cut.

"Why are you doing this?" She spoke with a shaky voice. "Because no one deserves to die." – "But I want to die." – "But the people who care about you don't want you to die."

"But-" – "Just," I looked up into her red eyes "just stop, please." I put the plaster on her wrist and closed the first aid kit. "Thank you." She mumbled.

"Thank you for saving your life or taking care of what you did?" – "Both." – "Then, no problem." I smiled a second but turned away again.

The awkwardness filled the air as I looked around. I got up and looked at her. "I need to go now. The food is in the bag and please eat it." I opened the door and just waved goodbye.


────── •✧• ──────

"Shit!" I banged my head on the door "Why him out of all the people?" I banged it again. I looked at my arm he had just taken care of.

A smile was seen on my lips. "Nope. He was just nice." I took the food and went to the kitchen to reheat it. While it was reheating I sat down on the piano.

"Is it worth it?" I looked at it. Slowly I looked at the notes and started playing. "Kissing the rain." I sighed while playing.

────── •✧• ──────

As soon as I walked out of the house a deep breath left my mouth. It felt like I was holding it since I stepped in.

Why did I even do that? To a completely random girl? She reminded me of that girl a few months ago though. I was about to cross the road to the bus stop when my phone rang.



It won't hurt to go to the academy again. Please give it a try again.

I'm sick of taekwondo. It's hard and I don't like it.

At least try it. Only today. I will never ask you ever again.

Fine. And it won't hurt if you stay home for once.

I'm sorry, my son.

No you're not. lol.


I walked back. As I remember the academy was in the same street where Soyoung lives.

I plugged in my headphones and played my favorite song. Surprisingly it's our song too.

You're always in my way but I don't know who you are. Why?


I'M FINALLY BACK GUYS!!!! I missed writing and posting but life was so stressful i hardly got time 😭😭😭 anyways tomorrow there will be another chapter so stayed tuned <3333

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