s. 16 ep. 12

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"What are you doing in an all-boys school? As long as I know, girls don't study here." He sat next to me on the piano chair. "I- I'm waiting for my cousin. We have to go to practice later." - "Oh. Well as long as you're waiting you want me to show you how you play it?"

Since when is he that open? I just nodded and gave him space. Carefully he started playing the song, I closed my eyes enjoying the piece he was playing. Suddenly he stopped playing and gently took my hands which made me open my eyes.

"I'll show you what you did wrong." I nodded again letting him do what he wants to do. We're friends, right? Also, you make me feel safe even though I don't know you.

Jungwon stood up and got behind me putting his hands on mine while playing the notes. "Right, it's an e accord." - "Exactly. You've been playing a b." he said letting go of my hands. "Thank you. You uhm wanna play together? I mean you like that song so-" I stopped talking following his look.

He was staring at my arm. Fuck. I quickly put on my sweater, clearing my throat. "Thank you for the offer but Daniel is probably waiting outside for me." He waved goodbye and left me there alone again.

"Right. what were you thinking Soyoung?" I hit my face and took out my phone.


Jun Oppa

If you still didn't know I'm waiting at your school. In the music hall to be specific. Hurry or I'll go by myself!!

Omg sorry!
I forgot, I'm waiting outside. Come outside.


"Took you long enough to call me," I said hugging my cousin. "Should we go?" - " I don't want to go to practice anymore. I'm hungry" I said hoping he will say the same.

"To be honest, same. Let's go take a time off." He put his arm around my shoulders and walked to the bus station with me.

"So what do you wanna eat?" He said after we got into the city. "Hmmm, food!" I said happily. "Dummy I know, but what kind of food? We have street food, restaurant food, fast food, just everything!" He said looking around.

"Let's go to this new restaurant. We went there yesterday and it was yummy." I dragged him around. "Okay miss. As you wish!" He laughed walking with me again.

As we came into the restaurant I quickly looked for a table somewhere, where no one can see us. In case our parents come here. We then ordered our food and talked while waiting for it. "So you can find your soulmate. How is it? You got any signs?"

"Well yeah. He once was next to me, or wait was it twice? I don't know. Anyways I even talked with him. But I don't know who he is." I said happily. "Ohhhh you chose the smart tactic. I raised you well." Jun wiped off a fake tear which made me hit him.

Suddenly I heard our song playing in the restaurant. "Oh my god! This is my song. The one I'm sharing with him." I let out. "Well, now he knows you're listening to it."

"What about you? What's with your soulmate?" - "I gave up on them. I'll just wait for the next person to confess to me. I mean that's life. I'll just wait and one day I'll find them anyway." He shrugged his shoulders and drank from his coke.

"You got a point but after I knew I saw him once I'm just so curious that I want to meet him." - "Don't forget sometimes the system fucks up." Jun mumbled. Sure I'll be careful.

We were eating when my phone started ringing. Confused I looked at my phone seeing the name. "Oh my god! It's mum. Shoot!" I threw the phone on the table looking shocked at my cousin. "I'll handle it."

He took a deep breath and picked it up. "Hey, aunty!" Slowly he put the phone on speaker. "Where are you both?" I heard my mom say. "We just got out of practice, why?" - "I wanted to pick you both up. Well okay. Tell Soyoung I'm not home." I gave him an okay sign and he told to her. After biding goodbye he took a deep breath again.


"Thank you, Oppa!" - "Always for you. Now go, it's getting cold." Jun patted my head and tried to push me into my house.
As I walked into the house I straight up washed my hands and got into my room. I had nothing to do since I did my homework in school.
I just did some packing for tomorrow and fell asleep.

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