s. 16 ep. 11

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📍 Lakeacre Highschool, 8:31am

"Soyoung!" I turned over, hearing Soojin screaming my name. She ran towards me, breathing heavily.

"Guess who I just met." I shrugged my shoulders waiting for her answer. "Daniel, Riki, and Jungwon. We're going out to eat together again and they said y'all have to come with us."

She said after drinking the strawberry milk I gave her. "How do you even know them?" Nima came and sat next to us. "We were middle school friends and after that, they went to an all-boys school. But we still stayed in touch. Now tell me you all got some plans?"

"I'm out. I have practice with my cousin later, remember?" - "Same. I have to help my mom with the new kitchen we're getting." Lia said shrugging her shoulders.
"So it's me and Nima?" Nima nodded, so Soojin happily hugged her.

We were talking and waiting for school to start when suddenly he played our song. Thanks for giving me an earworm right before my test.


"See you tomorrow then. Have fun!" I hugged Soojin, saying goodbye to the others. I made my way to the bus stop. I texted my cousin that I'll be at his school waiting and put my playlist on shuffle. The first song that came up was our song which made me smile.

📍 York Valley Highschool

«sᴇʟғ ʜᴀʀᴍ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ»

Arrived at the school I looked around and as usual, I saw boys only. Of course, it's an all-boys school.

I walked into the school, greeted the boys I know, and walked around. I hate waiting at his school all alone. As a girl, it's kinda awkward.

"Oh! Soyoung!" I heard a familiar voice. "Hey Oppa, do you know where my cousin is?" It was one of my cousins' friends, "Sadly no. but you can wait in the music hall if you want. I'll just tell him you're there when I see him."

He said patting my head and going away. I sighed and walked through the school trying to find the music hall. After some luck, I finally found it and went to the piano.

I was playing around on the piano when it got pretty hot in the hall so I just took off my sweater forgetting someone could see the scars - but who will see them? I'm here alone and my cousin already knows.

I played this one song my grandpa always played to me. Kiss the rain. We would always go out while it was raining and after that, he would teach me some notes from that piano piece.

When I heard that he got cancer and would die soon, I got really sad and started with that - well cutting. After his death, I never played that piece again. So now it was about luck that I would remember those notes.

Slowly I scanned the notes with my fingers starting to play that piece. Without noticing my eyes got glassy and some tears fell.

With the thought someone could come in I quickly stopped playing and wiped off the few tears that fell. I started playing again when I noticed I was playing that one note wrong. Trying to get it right a few times I gave up. A deep sigh left my mouth.

┏━━━━ 2 years ago ━━━━┓

"It's okay Soyoung. Try it again." my grandpa said looking at me from the back. Again I tried to play the note right...but always I would fail. I started tearing up. I gave up.

"Hey, Soyoung. Look at me," my grandpa came and touched my chin with his two fingers making me look at him "how many times do I have to tell you. It's okay to fail once. Twice. All the time - but never give up. Did your grandpa give up? No, look at me I'm 77 years old and still here on earth trying to get over that cancer."

He wiped off my tears and led my fingers to the piano. "Play it again. Slowly." I started playing the notes and after a time I did it.

"I DID IT GRANDPA I DID IT!" I screamed happily and hugged him "See! I told you!"

┗━━━━ End ━━━━┛

Remembering his words I tried again. I played it slowly and carefully to not make a mistake - but I failed. Again. "I'm sorry" I whispered putting my hands on my face and trying not to cry.

"Kiss the rain?" I got surprised by the voice suddenly coming at me. "I like that play. But you're playing it wrong." - "I know but I can't help it." I answered still not looking at him. "I told you to stop saying sorry. Why did you say it again? Just ask someone for help." remembering who said that to me I opened my eyes in shock seeing Jungwon leaning at the piano.


i just chopped off my hair 👍 chapter to celebrate

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