・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 2 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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   *Sorry for the late update I got sick but hope you enjoy and sorry for any mistakes.*

Soobin's p.o.v.
      "So hyung have you seen your mystery guy?" I looked over at Taehyun who was eating my food. I didn't mind making food for him, but he would never eat it unless I said it was mine then he would eat it.

      "No I haven't but I decided to call him hot and will I even see him again? It's already been a month since he's gone to the club." I couldn't help but wonder if he was busy, or something because not even Beomgyu had been to the club in a month.

      "Hyung not to interrupt you but don't we have to go pick in Kai." I almost forgot about picking up Kai but thanks to Taehyun who reminded me. I nodded and turned off the stove and grabbed my keys before we left.

                       *At the school*

      "Hyung I'm going to look for Beomgyu." I nodded so he left to look for Beomgyu and I went to look for Kai. I was just looking around when I saw something happening in the back of the school. I quietly walked back there to see what was going on. I was almost there but they had realized I was coming and quickly left.

      "I know I saw someone here but whatever, I'm just going to look for Kai." I turned around going back and found Kai right away.

      "Hi hyung, how was your day?" I gave him a smile before giving a quick hug.

      "My day was good but now let's go home and have some food." He nodded so we started walking around to find Taehyun.

                       *The next day*

      I was about to go to work when I heard a knock on the door so I opened it to see Beomgyu.

      "Hi hyung, I'm looking for Kai." I was confused as to why he was here but then Kai came out of his room.

      "Hyung is Beomgyu hyung here yet?" I let him come in and he took off his shoes before going to Kai's room.

      "Kai I'll be home later and just text me if Beomgyu is going to stay the night, bye I love you." I left locking the door but felt like someone was looking at me. I shook off the feeling and started to walk to work.

                           *At work*

      I was giving people their drinks, and still had the feeling someone was watching me. I didn't want to make a big deal of it so I just kept making drinks. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for my break, so I told the other bartender and left for my break. I went to the break room looking for Taehyun and couldn't find him. I was about to sit down when our manager came into the room.

      "Soobin, I need you to take out the trash and find Taehyun after you're done. Someone is looking for him." He looked me up and down before leaving the room. I didn't have anything to do so I grabbed the trash and went out back. I was about to throw away the trash when I felt something cover my mouth. I tried to scratch the person but failed and felt my eyes closing.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I was doing some paperwork when someone came into my office.

      "Sir we have the guy from yesterday and his friends, would you like to come and see them now?" I got up and put my jacket on before nodding so he opened the door as we went to the room. Once we got in there I saw that one of them was wearing a skirt and seemed familiar. I was about to get closer to see if it was him but then I heard his voice confirming it was him.

      "Hello? Where am i?" I tried to stay calm but the men who got him quickly stepped back.

      "Boss we're sorry we didn't mean to piss you off." I clenched my jaw before turning to them.

      "Who said I was pissed off?" They all went silent so I walked up to them grabbing on by the collar to make him look at me.

      "Who said I was pissed off?" I glared at him as he quickly spoke up not wanting to get killed.

      "No one boss." I threw him to the ground as the others helped him get back up.

      "Good now get your asses out of here, now!" They were about to leave when someone came into the room. I turned around to see a really pissed off Beomgyu.

      "WHICH ONE OF YOU LAID A FINGER ON MY MAN!" None of them had any idea of who Beomgyu was talking about but one of the men spoke up.

      "I was the one who caught all three of them sir." He walked forward after he said that while the rest of them moved away from him. I was about to say something but then we heard a gun go off. I saw the guy who said something on the ground with a gunshot to the head and Beomgyu with the gun in his hand.

      "Pick him up and leave." They quickly picked him up and left not wanting to be the next on shot.

      "Never thought I would see you shoot someone." Beomgyu looked at me surprised before speaking up.

      "I didn't know you were in here and you know that dad said I'm the second best shot out of everyone here. I just never thought I was going to shoot anyone." I nodded at his words and quickly went to Soobin.

      "Hey baby it's been a while but I'm going to get you out of this." He seemed to still be scared so I kissed him. As soon as I kissed him he kissed back like he knew it was me. I pulled back once I felt he was calm while Beomgyu had already untied the other two and were now just watching us. I untied Soobin and took his blindfold off after he quickly shot up hugging me. I hugged him back, not wasting any time to feel him closer to me. My hand was about to make it to his ass but then he pulled back. I watched as he quickly went to a tall nice looking boy.

      "Kai are you alright?" He seemed to care for the boy even though he seems to be an adult already.

      "I'm alright hyung but do you know why we're here?" I knew he might not know the answer so I answered for him.

      "Soobin happened to see something my men were doing at your school but that's something I can explain tomorrow, right now all of you need to rest." They looked at each other before nodding so we took them out of the room to a room they could rest in. Beomgyu took Taehyun to his room, and I was going to ask Soobin if he wanted to come with me but he went into the guest room with Kai.

      "I guess that's my answer." I walked away going back to my office to do work.

               ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter two ˚˚ ⋆

              *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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