・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 10 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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   *Sorry for another late update but school has started up again so I've been busy 😵 but I hope you enjoy and sorry for any grammar mistakes.*

       *Some spicy stuff in this chapter 😏*

Yeonjun’s p.o.v.
      I put Soobin down on the bed as he looked at me with hunger and lust in his eyes. I was about to speak up when he got up. He grabbed my hand before turning me around and pushing me so I was sitting on the bed.

      “Oppa~ am I beautiful?” He started striping making sure to keep eye contact with me. I bit my lip feeling extremely turned on by his actions. I started to palm myself as he was getting to his last item of clothing. I couldn’t help but admire his body and imagine how I was going to mark it. Once he was done he walked over to me and kneeled down right infront of me. I watched him as he slowly started to touch himself as he watched me palm myself. He then moved my hand away as he started to palm me. It felt great when suddenly I felt him give my bulge a good squeeze causing me to groan. 

Soobin’s p.o.v.
      I gave Yeonjun hyung’s bulge a good squeeze hearing him let out a groan. I stopped jerking myself off before unbuttoning and unzipping Yeonjun hyung’s pants. I pulled down his underwear to see his dick. I licked my lips trying not to drool at the length. I don't think I did a good job because Yeonjun hyung spoke up.

      "I can see you want it, kitten, go for it." For some reason, him saying it makes me just want to taste it even more. I got up on my knees licking his tip as Yeonjun hyung hummed from the contact. I licked him again starting from the base all the way to the tip, making sure to keep eye contact. I could tell that he wanted to buckle his hips from the lack of friction but he kept himself from doing it. I wrapped my lips around his tip and swirled my tongue. I quickly felt Yeonjun hyung’s fingers through my hair before pulling it. I let out a moan making sure not to move away so that he would feel the vibration. I went deeper without warning, flattening my tongue underneath his length. I kept going down slowly loving the noises that he was making.

      "Ah~ if you keep going like this baby I don’t think I'll be able to hold back much longer. “ Once he said that I pulled away quickly, I could tell that he got pissed off but I quickly started to deep throat him. I could hear him as his breath hitched from my sudden action. I pulled back up before going back down getting him to buckle his hips. I tried not to choke, which made him let out a high pitched moan. I felt satisfied hearing that and started to bob my head up and down until I felt him twitch. I quickly pulled away as I could see his high go away by the frustrated look on his face. I smirked knowing he was starting to get mad so I went to the closet knowing that there were probably some ‘toys’ in there. It didn't take long before I found the box, I opened it and took the biggest vibrator I could find. I went back to the bed ignoring Yeonjun Hyung who had taken off all of his clothes. I made sure he looked at me while I inserted the vibrator into myself. I turned it on almost instantly letting out a moan.

      "Haahhh~” I kept pulling it in and out as Yeonjun hyung started to jerk himself off while watching me. I wanted to give him one more push so I said something that would make him lose it.

      “Oppa~ I need you inside of me, only you can satisfy me.” With that Yeonjun hyung grabbing my hand, taking it away from the vibrator as it was still in me. He grabbed my other hand before grabbing both of my wrists in one of his hands.

      “I don’t like being teased, Soobin, so you're going to pay for that.” I felt a chill go down my back as he said my name. I quickly felt my body somehow heat up even more. He grabbed my face with his other hand pulling me into a kiss. I started to melt into the kiss giving him full access to do whatever he wanted.

Yeonjun’s p.o.v.
      I could tell that Soobin was going into a submissive state just from me kissing him so I started to go down leaving marks on his neck, collarbone, and chest. He was starting to whine as I had left the vibrator in him, not taking it out I placed myself by his entrance. I let go of his wrists to see him quickly try to go for the vibrator.

      “Don’t you dare do that baby or I’ll punish you.” He stopped but kept moving trying to get it to fall out or at least come out slightly. I smirked, pushing it back inside of him and got a high pitched moan.

      “Gnghaaaaaaa!~” I watched as he squirmed from the feeling. Once he stopped I pushed myself inside of him while the vibrator was still inside of him.  He quickly arched his back as he grabbed a fistful of the sheets in his hand not even being able to express what he was feeling. I started moving to the sound of his whines and whimpers, tears started to stream down his face from the pleasure. I could tell he was trying to say something so I stopped moving to let him speak.

      “Iwanttorideyou.” He said it quickly but I understood him so I pulled out sitting at the end of the bed waiting for him. He crawled over to me before getting on top of me. He gave me a few kisses before lining himself up and going down. He had left the vibrator in which was now being pushed against his sweet spot. He bit down on my collarbone from the pleasure making me let out a groan. One he adjusted he started to roll his hips going up and down on me. I held onto his waist as he was starting to slow down so I decided to help him. I started to thrust up into him as I pulled him down onto myself. His head fell back as he gave me full control at this point. I watched as he managed to put his head onto my shoulder as his tears kept coming along with his moan and whimpers. I felt a pit in my stomach, so I started to go faster as Soobin used his last bit of strength to help me by moving with me. I came inside of him quickly filling him up and with him feeling that he came too, as his body couldn’t take much more. I stopped moving and didn’t move Soobin thinking he was still coming down from his high. I lifted his head to see that he was trying to get up but couldn’t. I picked him up and laid him down on the bed. Once I did that I pulled out the vibrator seeing my cum leaking out of his hole which was still trying to wrap around something. I laughed softly before going to the restroom to get a towel. I cleaned myself up but didn’t feel like putting on clothes so I stayed naked. I went back to the room to see Soobin already asleep so I cleaned him up and just put a blanket over him. I threw the towel on the ground before getting into bed with Soobin. I played with Soobin’s hair as he nuzzled into my chest while he was using my arm as a pillow.

      “I know you are not awake but Choi Soobin, would you be my boyfriend?” I chuckled to myself knowing I wouldn’t get an answer but to my surprise Soobin spoke up.

      “I thought you would never ask, of course I’ll be your boyfriend Choi Yeonjun.” I looked down to see an extremely tired Soobin smiling brightly. I kissed his forehead smiling as we both fell asleep while cuddling. 

             ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter ten ˚˚ ⋆

            *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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