・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 11 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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    I'm so sorry for this super late update but I've been busy with school and my mental health but everything is getting better now so thank you to everyone who waited.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see Soobin still asleep next to me. I was about to get up when I felt Soobin's arm around me. I laid back down pulling him closer when I heard a knock on the door.

      "Come in." I watched as the door opened and Wooyoung came in with San. I remembered that Soobin was naked so I quickly covered him up. I looked over to see Wooyoung with a smile on his face so I knew something was up.

      "So hyung did you and the bunny do it?" He smirked already knowing the answer, I sighed looking over at a cute sleeping Soobin.

      "We did and it was amazing also that 'bunny' is actually my boyfriend now." Wooyoung looked shocked at my statement, quickly closing the door behind him.

      "Hyung you know that's something you shouldn't be saying that loud, you don't know who could be listening." I blinked not knowing how to answer him but I felt Soobin moving so I quickly looked over to see him awake.

      "Good morning baby, so did you sleep well?" Soobin just smacked my arm before sitting up. I covered him with the blanket so that they wouldn't see his skin but I was too late.

      "Good morning Yeonjun hyung's bunny." I quickly looked over to Wooyoung, annoyed but Soobin spoke up before I could.

      "Good morning San hyung, could you actually help me with something today?" I was shocked that he completely ignored Wooyoung but also super proud at the same time. San looked surprised but nodded.

      "Ok I'll go look for you in 30 minutes and wear something fun. Now if you both don't mind could you leave so we can get out of bed?" San smiled nodding before just grabbing Wooyoung and taking him out of the room. I tried not to laugh as they left the room but then I felt Soobin's head on my shoulder.

      "Hyung, let's go take a shower also do you have any clothes I can use to go out with San hyung?" I nodded before getting out of bed and going to the restroom with Soobin following behind me.

               *After their shower*

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I was sitting on the bed with only a towel on as I waited for Yeonjun hyung to pick an outfit for me.

      "Hyung I have to leave in 10 minutes so could you hurry and why do you have a room at Wooyoung hyung's house?" He didn't look over but still spoke up.

      "I'm just looking for a shirt, and the reason I have a room here is because my parents would leave me here when 'business' needed to be done right." I nodded slowly just taking in the fact this is the first thing he's told me about his parents. I looked up to see Yeonjun hyung holding an outfit out for me to wear so I got up to get it when he suddenly dropped the clothes picking me up.

      "Hyung! What are you doing?" He just gave me a smile before placing a peck on my lips. I blinked as he just put me down, picked up the clothes and gave them to me.

      "I'm just happy that you're my boyfriend- wait I never asked Kai if he was ok with it." I tried not to laugh but I was also surprised that he mentioned Kai.

      "Hyung, why would you need to ask Kai?" I was hoping he would say the right answer.

      "Well because Kai is someone who is important to you and you're important to him too so his opinion matters to me too." I was surprised to hear him say that but also happy that he knew that. I finished putting the clothes on as Yeonjun hyung bushed looking away.

      "Hyung, why are you blushing?" I was curious to know why he was blushing because I knew well that it wasn't because of my body.

      "I- I'm blushing because of how cute you look in that outfit and well it's normal for me to blush too." I couldn't hear the last part he said but it was cute to see him like this and it showed me he had a soft side too. I walked up to him, giving him a peck on his cheek before opening the door to see San hyung waiting for me.

      "Are you ready to go hyung?" He nodded so I grabbed his hand walking down stairs with him to see Wooyoung hyung at the door.

      "San, are you just going to leave like that? What about me?" I could tell there was something between them but it felt like they weren't together.

      "Hyung, I'll bring him back to you later so you don't have to worry." I walked past him, opening the door, walking out, while still holding San hyung's hand. Once we were outside I took out my phone and saw that our ride was almost here.

      "Ok hyung our ride is almost here and then we are going to go shopping." He nodded, not really talking much but I was determined to find out the truth.

                      *At the mall*

      We were walking around just looking at things when I saw an outfit that would look good on San hyung. I grabbed his hand turning back around so we could go to the store.

      "Why are we in this store Soobin?" I looked at him excitedly, before picking out the clothes and giving them to him.

      "I saw this outfit and I think it would look good on you so go try it on." He sighed but went into the fitting room to try it on.

Soobin's outfit pick:

      San hyung came out in the outfit and I was shocked at how good he looked

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      San hyung came out in the outfit and I was shocked at how good he looked.

      "Wow hyung, I didn't know you looked so cool." He smiled nodding, I was shocked that he could smile like that. I had never really seen him smile before.

      "You have a really nice smile hyung but why don't you ever smile?" His smile slightly faded as he seemed to think about it for a moment before answering me.

      "I guess I just don't smile often because of my job and because I'm not allowed to love or fall in love with someone." He mumbled the last part but I could still hear him. I got up before speaking up.

      "Well I like that outfit on you so i'm going to buy it for you." I gave him a smile before he went back into the changing room to change back and as he did I saw that they had some cute skirts. I walked over to see that they also came with some beautiful high socks and couldn't help but think of what Yeonjun would do seeing me in this, before I knew it I was looking for my size and went into a changing room to try on the skirt. Once I had it on I thought to myself how I never realized just how good I look in a skirt. I quickly changed back, putting it in between some other things I found for myself. I came out to see San hyung waiting for me. I smiled before grabbing his hand and going off to pay.

         ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter eleven ˚˚ ⋆

         *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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