・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 26 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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   *Sorry for the late update but I've got some important things going on. I have also been working on a new yeonbin ff. I also want to know if you guys would like a jaywon ff when they're older and meet again. Anyways I hope you enjoy! :)*

3rd person's p.o.v.
      Soobin and Yeonjun were both sleeping when both of their phones started to go off like crazy. They both quickly grabbed a phone knowing the kind of business they were in wasn't going to be a good call.

     "What's going on!? Did something happen to Jungwon or Ni-ki?" Both were half asleep but their kids were always their first priority.

      "This is Jin, Yeonjun, Jungwon is sick and is running a fever. I took a blood test to be sure and something wasn't right. You need to get here as soon as possible. I can't tell you this over the phone. Your mom sent a helicopter over, I'll be there in a matter of minutes, hurry." They both quickly got out of bed changing into Yeonjun's clothes and packing things up quickly before going outside. They saw a staff member was about to leave breakfast for them but they just gave him $1000 and told him they were cutting the trip short. They saw the helicopter from a distance and told the staff member if there was a place to land it on the resort. The member just pointed them in the right direction. They quickly ran, getting in and taking off.

                        *30 minutes late at home*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      As soon as the helicopter landed we got off running to our room, knowing that Jungwon and Kai liked to sleep there. As we opened the door Kai was holding a sleeping Jungwon, while my mom held Ni-ki. Soobin ran to Jungwon's side, taking him from Kai and giving him kisses. Just as I was about to ask for Jin hyung he appeared.

      "Good your here, now don't talk just listen to me, Yeonjun. He was injected with something and I'm not sure what it was. I have already taken his blood sample and we're testing it. I gave him something to push back the effects, but at most he only has a couple of hours. I'm trying my best to make the testing go faster, but if someone calls with an antidot we are going to have to take it." I bit my lower lip knowing that I needed to find a way to get what JIn hyung was asking for. I looked over at Soobin who was crying while holding Jungwon. I went over to him and hugged him while he cried hoping that I could help him in some way. Before I could say anything Soobin moved away and gave me Jungwon. I was confused when he gave me a kiss and got up from the bed. I watched as he took a deep breath before looking at Jin hyung.

      "Thank you, Dr. KIm, I'll be going to find out who did this now and I am going to need you to stay with my husband and kids. And no matter what no one follow me." He walked out of the room closing the door behind him and I was about to follow him when Kai stopped me.

      "Hyung I think it's better that you listen to him, right now he isn't going to reason. I'll follow him just don't let him find out about me doing this or he'll be really mad." I sat back down looking over at JIn hyung who was quieting trying not to laugh at me as my oldest son left the room.

      "Hyung, if you laugh I am going to hurt you." Jin hyung looked at me with a death glare before speaking.

      "I'm going to look for auntie, she said she was going to cook some food. I'm going to help he, can't believe the guy who would never settle would have three kids and a husband. Ooh when will I find my true love~" He left the room closing the door behind and my mom laughed at me and JIn's conversation.

      "So Jin is still as kind as ever, I remember when he used to wrap you up in bandages and take care of you. I'm happy to see that your relationship is still the same. I better go and get this little guy his food. Sweetie, I haven't known Soobin a long time but I know that he is going to get that antidot." She walked over going me a peck on the head before leaving the room. I played with Jungwon's hair hoping that Soobin would be back soon.

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