・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 3 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I finally finished doing my paperwork, and looked out the window to see that it was already morning. I leaned back in my chair looking at the ceiling thinking about what happened last night. I was about to get up when someone came into my office. I sat back up to see Soobin standing there.

      "Ooh umm I'll j- just leave." I didn't even get to say anything before he left the room. I ran my fingers through my hair before getting up and going to the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see Beomgyu and Taehyun talking at the table. I saw that they had made coffee so I got a cup and poured some coffee and was about to leave when Beomgyu spoke up.

      "Hyung, are you dating Soobin hyung?" I turned around to see that they were both looking at me wondering what my answer would be.

      "No we're not, why do you ask?" They both looked at me confused but Beomgyu spoke up again.

      "Hyung you kissed him last night and on top of that after you got him out he hugged you first and didn't even go for Kai." Once he said that I realized that they didn't know about what happened at the club.

      "I've kissed him before but he doesn't even know my name. I mean I've seen him at the bar at the club and he's cute but he doesn't know me." Beomgyu just stared at me before slowly getting up and getting close to my face.

      "But I can tell that you like hyung and don't even try to say no." I felt my face heat up at his words but kept my cool so he wouldn't notice. I was about to say something but then we heard a cough, so I turned around to see Soobin and Kai standing there.

      "Sorry to interrupt but could you maybe explain what happened last night?" I looked at Beomgyu before looking back at Soobin and nodding.

      "Follow me to my office and I'll explain everything." They nodded and all followed me to my office. Once we got in there I sat down in my chair as Beomgyu sat down on my desk.

      "Hyung, I think you should explain some things and I'll explain some things too." I looked at Beomgyu making sure if he was up for it and he gave me a nod confirming it.

      "Well the reason for you guys being kidnapped was one of my men thought Soobin saw something the day he went to the school. You see we're part of the mafia or well part of the biggest one. We have to kill anyone who might see some of the things that we are doing." They were quiet for a moment but then Taehyun spoke up.

      "But what does Beomgyu have to do with all of this?" I looked at Beomgyu and he gave me a nod, so I sat back a bit so they knew he was going to explain.

      "I'm his brother and as a family we have to have each other's back in everything. There is one thing though I've never shot anyone till yesterday, that guy was my first kill." I could tell that Beomgyu felt uncomfortable having to say that. I was going to tell him he could leave but then he spoke up again.

      "I do some work at school for the mafia and that guy that popped up the other day was there to kill Kai." Everyone looked surprised at Beomgyu's words.

      "Why was Kai being targeted to begin with?" We looked at Soobin who seemed to be really worried and was already holding Kai's hand.

      "They saw him talking to me and thought if they caught him they could get to me. I'm kind of the face of the mafia but only to a few. You see he was one of our arms dealer's men." I looked at them and they seemed to be frozen for a second but then Kai spoke up.

      "So you guys saved me but also somehow but us all in danger?" I wished I could say no but I couldn't so I nodded to confirm what he had just said.

      "I'm sorry this is on me not Beomgyu, and I'll make sure the guy that targeted Kai will be taken care of myself." I was going to add more but then Soobin spoke up.

      "I have work tonight and I can't miss it. Kai had school today too. I'm sorry it's not that I don't care about what's happening, it's just that I have to look out for Kai." I understand what he meant but he's in danger now if we let him go out. I ran my hand through my hair before speaking up.

      "Well I'm trying to look out for you and I want to help protect you and your friends." He seemed to be annoyed a bit but got up and came closer to my desk. I kept eye contact with him till he reached the front of my desk.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      "I have work tonight and I can't miss it. Kai had school today too. I'm sorry it's not that I don't care about what's happening, it's just that I have to look out for Kai." I didn't want to be rude but I had to keep working so I could pay for Kai's school and other things too. I also still don't know if I can trust this guy. We've only talked once and it wasn't even for long on top of that.

      "Well I'm trying to look out for you and I want to help protect you and your friends." I don't know why but I felt a bit annoyed by his words so I got up and started to walk towards his desk till I reached the front of his desk.

      "Why should I trust you to protect me or my friends? I mean I don't even know your name." I kept eye contact but also didn't know what he was going to do. I watched as he got up and came over to me, standing face to face with me.

      "My name is Choi Yeonjun and I'm the guy of your dreams." I blushed at his words but also slightly cringed at his words. I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came to mind.

      "Well you're really hot and seem to be sweet so maybe I'll trust you just a bit." I saw him smirking at my words before pulling me close to him by my waist. I felt his breath against my lips, I bit the left side of my bottom lip and waited for him to do something.

      "If I'm hot like this I wonder if you can handle seeing me without clothes." I was so shocked that I tried to step back but instead I almost fell but Yeonjun pulled me back up.

      "Thank you uhh hyung?" He smiled nodding as soon as I saw his smile I felt myself start to melt in his arms.

               ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter three ˚˚ ⋆

              *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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