・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 21 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      My plan with Wooyoung didn't work so plan b would have to work. We were packing a few things before going to visit my dad in Japan. I had been planning to go and visit for a while now but couldn't find the time until now. I also thought it would be a good time for my dad to meet Jungwon who was excited to meet his other grandpa. We left on the private jet and got there in a few hours. We had to drive a bit more before we got to the house. Jungwon was so excited that he didn't sleep much the night before but he fell asleep in the car. I was about to tell Kai to get him but I saw that Kai was asleep too. I got everything out of the car before coming back with Soobin to get Jungwon and Kai out of the car. Soobin got Jungwon while I got Kai. We went inside holding them when my dad came out to greet us.

      "Yeonjun welcome home and where is that grandson of mine that you have been telling me about? Also Soobin it is nice to see you again." My dad said with a smile on his face which made me happy to see.

      "Dad Soobin is carrying your grandson. He fell asleep in the car." He nodded while getting closer to Soobin to better look at Jungwon.

       "Well Soobin, how about I take the boy to your room and Yeonjun comes along with me? I need to talk to him about something." Soobin nodded, giving Jungwon to him carefully as Jungwon moved a bit before finding a comfortable position. We started going up the stairs when my dad spoke up.

      "Yeonjun, do you plan on getting married to Soobin?" I felt my face heat up at his question because I had thought about it before but Soobin and I had only been dating for 8 months now and wanted to wait a bit more.

      "I have, but I want to wait until we have been dating for at least a year. I have already thought about how I am going to propose to him and everything... there is something I do need to ask you about though dad." He hummed, waiting for me to give him the question. I took a deep breath before speaking up again.

      "I want to propose to him with the ring mom left for me..." It was quiet as he just kept walking alongside me. I was about to say something more he spoke up.

      "I think that's a great idea Yeonjun, I just wish your mother was here to see what her son grew up to become." I knew my mom was the world to my dad and whenever he thought of her it reminded him of just how special she was. I still had hope that she might be alive but we never got any demands or anything. I shook my head as we entered the room putting Jungwon and Kai down on the bed before putting the blanket over them. I knew this was probably something I shouldn't talk to my dad but I needed him to cover for me.

      "Dad I need you to cover for me, if anyone asks where Soobin and I are, just make something up we'll be back soon maybe." I didn't wait for him to give me an answer before running downstairs and finding Soobin. Once I saw him I picked him up and took the car keys to my other car. I put Soobin into the car before getting in myself and driving off. I drove until I found a quiet place looking out to the sea. Soobin looked over at me confused at everything that just happened. I leaned closer to him before kissing him which he quickly melted into letting out a soft moan. I bit his bottom lip, getting a whimper out of him before exploring his mouth with my tongue. He moaned again, making me hard just thinking about how I could make him do so much more. Soobin climbed over so he was sitting on my lap, we both pulled away from the kiss catching our breaths. I rubbed Soobin's lips with my thumb admiring how swollen they became from our make-out session. I groaned as Soobin started to grind against me looking for more friction. I put my hands on his waist grinding up against him and getting a sweet moan out of him. I smirked as he put his head on my shoulder. I was about to say something when I felt Soobin sucking on my neck, I let out a breathy moan. I tilted my head giving me better access to my neck as I kept grinding, getting him to moan as he left a hickey around my neck. After a while, I pulled on his shirt signaling him to take it off. He took him off while I took mine off as well. I admired Soobin's body, letting my fingers run up and down his body. It was so soft and warm that I wanted to mark every inch of him making sure anyone and everyone knew he belonged to someone. I grabbed his chin in my hand pulling him into a sloppy wet kiss as my other hand found its way to his bulge. I started to palm him, getting a whine out of him in between our kisses. His fingers tangled in my hair deepening the kiss as I stopped palming him. He quickly whined, pulling back from the kiss.

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