・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 12 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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I'm sorry for this extremely late update but school finals came then family came to visit for the holidays. I made it my goal to update every Friday and to write the next chapter one to two weeks before it's time to update. I hope you enjoy this chapter. ☺️

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I was waiting for my hyung to get here hoping that he would make a deal with me. I was kind of happy that Soobin was out with San hyung so that I could make this deal. I was about to order something to eat when he came and sat down in front of me.

      "Hi Yeonjun it's been a while since i've seen you so how is your mother?" I knew he was just trying to annoy me but I answered his question anyway.

      "I wouldn't know I haven't seen her for a year now, but that isn't what we are here to talk about, hyung." I could tell he wanted to mess with me more but he stopped himself and got back on topic.

      "Fine, what is the deal you want to make?" I took a deep breath and told him the deal.

      "I want you and your group to work for me." I kept eye contact and could see that he was  thinking about it but not  really interested in the job.

      "I don't think that my team would like that very much and it doesn't sound like much fun." I had a feeling that he was going to say that but I had just what I needed to change his mind.

      "Don't you wanna see that boy again tho?" His facial expression changed as he looked at me with rage.

      "Now now hyung I haven't done anything to the boy but I just happened to know who he is. I also know the person that took him away to protect him from what was about to happen." I could see that calmed down a bit before he spoke again.

      "I want to meet the person that helped to protect him and I want to see the boy again." I really didn't want to say anything because it wasn't my place but I had to tell him.

      "The person that helped him is someone that I know so if you and your group comes to my home you will be able to meet him as for the boy he will also be coming over to my house later." With that I got up, and left a note with my address on it and left. As I was walking out of the restaurant I saw Kai walking somewhere with a big bag. I decided to see where he was going so I called out his name.

      "Kai! where are you?" He looked back and once he saw me he gave me a smile before coming over to me. 

      "I was just going back home hyung." He looked a little bit tired so I offered to take him back.

      "If you're going home, I can give you a ride. I'm going back home." He gave me a nod before following me to my car and getting on. We were driving in silence when Kai spoke up.

      "Hyung do you know what's been going on with Soobin hyung lately?" I wondered what he was talking about but then he continued to talk.

      "I mean I've seen him looking at you a lot then he was mad at you and now he is happy with you again...Hyung are you and Soobin hyung dating?" I didn't know what to say but I knew it was better to tell him the truth.

      "Well I just asked him yesterday to be my boyfriend so it's new but yes we are dating." He was quiet for a while before he hugged me.

      "That's great hyung i'm so happy that you two are dating now and that means you two with maybe get married!" I was surprised to see him so happy but it was also very nice to see him like that. I couldn't help but smile as well seeing how cute and happy Kai was like a child.

      "Hey Kai, do you want to go get some ice cream and just watch a movie?" I didn't know what he would say but I was hoping he would say yes.

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