・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 24 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
Soobin and I were making out in the shower when I felt Soobin start to finger me. I let out a moan and leaned against the wall. I pushed myself against his finger trying to get more friction. I felt another one of his fingers enter me as he started scissoring me. It felt amazing and before I knew it I had come already while Soobin continued.

"Yeonjun could I- I enter you?" I was a bit surprised but part of me really wanted it and I couldn't say no to him.

"Of course you can but just this once... I'm still your top." Soobin chuckled a bit before I felt him go inside of me. I felt my eyes roll back as Soobin slowly thrusted into me trying to be careful. Soobin was going too slowly for me so I started pushing myself against him. I felt Soobin stop moving and letting me do all the work and for some reason it felt amazing. I was getting close when I felt Soobin speed up. I was completely caught off guard as I tried not to fall over. He thrust one last time before we both came and I felt his cum filling me up as he rode off his high and jerked me off helping me. Once he pulled out I turned around and pushed him against the wall kissing him.

"Turn around and spread that ass." He quickly did as I told him and I thrusted into him. He let out a high pitched moan. I loved hearing Soobin moan, especially when I was the one making him. As we both came close we heard a knock on the door. I wasn't going to stop though so I yelled out.

"Who is it?!" I waited before I heard Beomgyu yell back.

"Hurry up and finish! I made us breakfast and Jungwon is waiting for you both! And I know what you are doing so be quick!" With that I heard him walk and gave one last thrust and came inside of Soobin. I rode off my high and pulled out of Soobin before turning him around and jerking him off. Once he came I licked the cum off of my hand.

"I love how you taste. Now let's go and eat some food." Soobin just blushed at me before we both got out and dressed. Once we got downstairs I saw that my mom was playing with Jungwon as he giggled away. I smiled as we sat down to eat some food. Once Jungwon saw us he quickly got off of his grandma's lap and ran over to Soobin. He climbed onto Soobin's lap before cupping Soobin's face, as he stood up trying not to fall.

"Eomma, when is wedding day? I want to wear my dress. Also I flower girl right?" Soobin was holding onto him making sure he wouldn't fall before answering him.

"We still need to plan things out so I think maybe in 6 months." Jungwon pouted while he sat down and Soobin gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Sweetie, you know that my and Appa haven't gotten our outfits yet." Jungwon's eyes lit up before he ran off going upstairs. We just shrugged it off and continued to eat. He came back after 15 minutes and whispered to Soobin before he got up too and went off upstairs again. I picked up Soobin's plate and put them in the sink. When I turned back I saw Kai and Jungwon pulling Soobin to the front door before Kai yelled.

"Yeonjun hyung we're going out to get Soobin hyung's outfit so bye!" With that I heard the door close and couldn't help but wonder what kind of outfit he was going to come back with if we hadn't even picked out the color theme. I thought about it for a minute before deciding to plan the rest of the weeding out with my mom and Soobin's mom.

*On the phone*

"Hi Eommashi I was calling to see if you would like to plan the wedding with me and my Eomma."

"Of course don't worry sweetie. I'll be there in an hour."

*Called ended*

I was surprised that she said she would be here in an hour. I didn't think she would come all the way to Japan just to plan some things out. I decided to wait and see if she would really come here.

*1 hour later*

I was sitting in the living room with my mom waiting for Soobin's mom to come when we heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door and saw Soobin's mom with a stack of wedding books along with folders of places, food, colors, and many other things. I helped her bring it all into the living room.

"Ok Eomma and Eommashi let's get to work planning the wedding." They both nodded before opening everything up while looking through everything.

*6 hours later*

It had been 6 hours since we started planning and now we just had a few things left to do. Soobin's mom just picked up her things before going with my mom to make dinner. I was waiting for Soobin when the door opened. I got up and was going to give Soobin a kiss when I saw he was holding a baby.

"Ok the baby looks cute but how did you come back with the baby?" Soobin just kind of giggled a bit before explaining.

*7 hours earlier with Soobin*

Soobin's p.o.v.
Kai and Jungwon had taken me away to a wedding dress shop, and I was behind them as they started to go crazy picking dresses out for me. I looked over to see that a worker was smiling watching them go crazy before coming over to me.

"Hi I saw that your kids are going crazy and I'm guessing that the dress is for you. And if it is then we do custom orders if you would like that better." I smiled happily knowing that I could have something made for me.

"Well that would be great and I was think of getting something that I could wear pants under, I don't know if that would be possible to do though..." She quickly ran to the back and came back with a book.

"We can do it but if you don't mind the pants being a bit of the tighter side it will work greatly in our favor." As I continued to listen to her, a woman came in with her baby. She seemed to be looking around for something so I didn't bother to say anything thinking she would get help. After 15 minutes I saw that she left but didn't get the best look. The worker helping me had placed the order for my custom order and now I just had to find Kai and Jungwon. As I was looking for them Kai came to find me.

"Umm hyung we found a little something that you might want to see." I was confused but I followed Kai until we got to a changing room and I saw Jungwon with a baby. Jungwon gave me the baby, being very careful with it before Kai spoke up again.

"A lady left him with a letter that said ' I can't take care of my baby but if you find him please fill out his birth certificate and make sure he is given a good home. I hope that he brings you joy just like he did to me. One more thing please don't let him know about what had to happen, he is 1 and if you would like to keep his name it's Niki.' That's all she wrote." I sighed knowing that she must have been in a horrible situation to leave her baby like this. I looked down at him and smiled before speaking up.

"Looks like he's going home with us." Jungwon jumped with joy so I looked at my phone to see that it had been 6 hours already so I told the boys it was time to go. We told the worker our goodbyes before leaving.

*Back to the present*

"So that's what happened... are you mad?" Yeonjun was already holding the baby giving him kisses. He looked up at me with a huge smile before answering me.

"So now we have two kids. This is great. We need to get things for him. I'll order everything and have someone pick it up." I smiled knowing that was his answer and was about to say something when I heard my mom's voice.

"Ok everyone, dinner is ready and it tastes amazing so hurry up before we decide to eat it ourselves." I walked over to the dining room to see a table full of food and my mom and Yeonjun's mom standing together talking. I was confused for a second before I remembered we have a private jet and she goes where she likes.

"Eomma where's Appa?" She looked over at me before coming towards me and giving me a tight hug before speaking up.

"Ooh sweetie Yeonjun called me and asked if I would like to help prepare the wedding and as your mom I quickly said yes and came. Everything is almost done except a few things that Yeonjun wanted to pick out with you." I nodded my head and trusted that they made everything amazing. So we all went to eat, not wanting to waste that amazing smelling food.

⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty four˚˚ ⋆

*.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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