・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 8 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I wake up to see Soobin's face nuzzling into my chest. I smiled and was about to start playing with his hair when I heard a knock on the door. I felt a bit annoyed, but I got up going to the door so that they wouldn't wake up Soobin. I was shocked when I opened the door to see Wooyoung, so I quickly went outside and closed the door behind me.

      "Hey Wooyoung, what are you doing here at this hour?" He didn't answer me and just quickly jumped on me giving me a hug. I hugged him back and saw San standing a few steps behind him. Wooyoung pulled away before standing back up.

      "Hyung, I'm here to visit you so let's go into your room." He was about to open the door so I grabbed his hand stopping him from doing that.

      "How about we go to my office and talk instead?" He looked at me confused but agreed so we went to my office. Once we got into my office we all sat down before talking.

      "Hyung, why didn't you want us to go into your room?" I didn't want to tell him the real reason, so I tried to think of something but he spoke up again.

      "Ooh did you have some random person you slept with last night still in there?" I was about to say 'no' but he spoke again.

      "It's ok hyung you don't need to worry I'll keep it a secret." He gave me a wink as soon as he did that I knew I wouldn't be able to change his mind. I gave up and just nodded.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see that Yeonjun hyung wasn't in bed with me. I felt sad for a moment but then remembered he was probably in his office doing work from last night. I got up not paying attention to what or what I wasn't wearing and went to look for Yeonjun hyung.

      "I should brush my teeth first." I turned around to go to the restroom before going to look for him.

                       *After brushing*

      I walked to Yeonjun hyung's office and saw that everyone was down stairs. Once I got to his office I knocked on the door waiting to hear Yeonjun hyung's voice.

      "Come in." As soon as I heard that I opened the door to see some guy sitting on Yeonjun hyung's lap. I bit down on my bottom lip to control my anger before speaking up.

      "Hyung I was just wondering if you were doing work but I guess not. I'm going to go and make some coffee for you and your friends." I turned around, not giving him time to say anything before I closed the door.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      "Hyung I was just wondering if you were doing work but I guess not. I'm going to go and make some coffee for you and your friends." I watched as Soobin closed the door quickly, not even giving me time to answer. It didn't take me long to realize why he did that, but then I remembered Wooyoung was on my lap.

      "Hey Wooyoung can you please sit on the couch or on the chair if you came for something." He just gave me a pout but got up and sat down on the chair.

      "So hyung who's the tall bunny that just came and left really quickly? I also saw that he was wearing your hoodie and thigh-high socks." I felt my face get hot and felt myself start to get hard at the images of last night going through my mind. I was about to answer him when we heard the door open.

      "I'm back with the coffee." I watched as Soobin gave San his coffee. I looked down a little more to see he wasn't wearing underwear. I felt my pants starting to get tighter. He gave Wooyoung his coffee before coming around and placing my coffee down. He was about to walk away when I pulled him back making sure he was sitting on my lap. He was surprised and tried to move when his ass moved against my hard dick. He quickly stopped moving, trying not to get hard himself.

      "So hyung who is he?" I looked at Wooyoung forgetting he was here for a moment.

      "Just use your imagination, Wooyoung." I wrapped my arm around Soobin's waist so that he couldn't go anywhere.

      "Don't go moaning here baby or I'll give you a punishment that I have in mind just for you." I didn't have to see his face to know he was biting down on his bottom lip because of what I just whispered to him.

      "Ooh well ok. I do have something to talk to you about though." I looked at him confused but waited for him to continue. He turned back to look at San so I quickly managed to grind against Soobin's ass. He turned around smacking my chest before looking forward again. I was about to whisper something to him but then Wooyoung turned back around.

      "Right, there is going to be a party for some mafia heads to meet up with arms and product dealers. I was sent to invite you to it and that means you have to go. It's going to be Friday so be ready and bring your bunny with you, he could help you make deals. I'm sorry I can't stay longer, it looks like my dad is calling for me." I nodded knowing that those parties are basically just to check out the other mafia bosses. I got up as Wooyoung and San left the room.

      "Hyung do I have to go to that party?" Soobin looked at me wondering if he really had to go with me.

      "As much as I would like to say 'no' baby, Wooyoung is right on this one but I'll be sure not to leave you alone.

      "Well if that's the case then how about you come and take a shower with me?" He wrapped his arms around my neck before pulling me into a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist picking him up and sitting him on my desk. I was about to slip my tongue into his mouth when he pulled back. He got off of my desk going to the door and opening it. He turned back before speaking up.

      "Well aren't you going to come oppa?" I licked my lips before following him as he walked out the door.

            ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter eight ˚˚ ⋆

            *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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