・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 17 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      I went down to the kitchen after getting dressed to see Beomgyu and Taehyun having breakfast.

      "Hey, do you guys know where Yeonjun hyung is?" I was waiting for an answer when they both just looked at me.

      "He went with Kai out on a date." I smiled thinking about them spending more time together. I got some coffee and went to Yeonjun's office before making a call. I was nervous as the phone rang until they picked up.

      "Hello?" I froze for a second not knowing what to say before speaking up.

      "Hi Eomma, it's Soobin." After I spoke the other side of the phone went quiet before I heard sniffling. I knew she was crying but I didn't know what to say to calm her down.

      "Hey Eomma I just wanted to call you and tell you that I'm safe, I also have a boyfriend now. I know you're crying which might make it hard for you to speak but just remember you're the leader of the mafia so you shouldn't cry. You don't want people to think that you're weak when I know you're the strongest woman in the world." I heard her laugh which made me smile, knowing I haven't heard it in a long time.

      "My Soobinnie, I'm so happy to hear from you! Ooh, I wish I could hug you and kiss you. I miss you so much. I know your father misses you too. I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy just make sure if they're ever in danger you protect them." It was nice to hear her voice. It was always so sweet and soft when she spoke. It reminded me of a breeze in spring.

     "Hey, Eomma I wanted to tell you that I saw Jin hyung, and let me just say he is still a great person for someone who can kill quite easily. I just wish you could meet my friends and boyfriend, I think you would like him." It was quiet for a moment but I knew she was smiling and listening to every word I said. I felt she was about to speak up when I heard someone say something to her.

      "I'm sorry Soobin I have to go now but please call me again soon. I love to hear from you. I love you my Soobinnie." I knew something would come up but it felt great to hear from her.

      "I love you too, Eomma." She hung up as I heard the call ending on my line. I put my phone away and looked up at the ceiling.

      "I wonder what I should do... I got it." I quickly finished my coffee before going downstairs to find Beomgyu. I looked everywhere and couldn't find him until I found the shooting range. I was going to ask him if they had one but found it was quicker. I went in and set up everything I needed before grabbing a gun.

      "I hope I'm not still good at this." I shot the first one hitting the right arm. I knew I could do better so I aimed for the head. I shot again this time hitting my target. I kept practicing after that to make sure I still had it.

              *2 hours later*

      I looked at the time to see that It was almost dinner time so I cleaned up everything before going to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, the smell of food started to make me drool. I looked to see who was cooking to see Kai and Yeonjun hyung cooking. I walked over to them quietly to see what they were making.

      "So what are you guys making?" Kai just kept cooking while Yeonjun hyung jumped a bit, almost dropping the pan he had in his hands.

      "Ooh hey, Soobin how are you?" He tried to pay off what just happened but I couldn't hold back my giggle as he blushed slightly.

      "Hi hyung, I was just wondering if you wanted some help." Kai quickly turned around and spoke up.

      "No that's ok hyung we got this and it's also a surprise meal so please relax." I frowned wanting to help but I just sat down on the clean counter space watching them cook. Everything was going smoothly and the food was almost ready when the lights turned off.

???'s p.o.v.
      "All of you be ready to go inside and I want their leader alive." This was going to be fun. As soon as the lights shut off we went inside. As I was looking for Yeonjun I ran into a boy so I grabbed him too.

      "Boss I got their leader." As soon as I heard that I told everyone to leave.

      "Hey, thanks, kid for giving us his location we couldn't have done it without you." The kid was trying to say something but he had tape over his mouth. Yeonjun was going to pay for what he did to me at Wooyoung's party and it was going to hurt.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I still couldn't see anything but I knew something was wrong because I couldn't hear Yeonjun or Kai anymore. After a bit, the lights came back on.  I looked around to see blood on the floor along with a note.

      "We have taken your leader if you want him back alive, bring me that tall boy he is always with. Come too xxxx-xxx-xx in two hours or he's dead." As soon as I finished reading, I felt myself starting to panic. I quickly went to the top of the stairs and called all the guards to meet with me.

      I looked around to see that some men were missing and I realized how they had gotten in. I also saw Chan and his men with him but I knew I was going to need more people if I was going to destroy these people.

      "Listen to me, Yeonjun has been taken along with Huening Kai and we are going to get them back. I also want to completely burn them down to the ground so I.N. I need you to hack into their systems and find out everything you can. Chan, I want you and your men to go, take a look at this address, and tell me what you see. The rest of you get all the guns and bullets you'll need, and Taehyun go and get some gasoline." They all looked at me shocked and didn't move except for I.N. and Taehyun. I pulled out the gun I had been firing earlier and shot a shot. They were shocked at who the bullet had hit but I had never met that guard before.

      "I said get to work and be back here in an hour! If you're not, we leave without you." I watched as everyone quickly ran off to do what I had told them to do. I walked off going into Yeonjun's office to make some calls.

        *On the phone*

      "Hey it's me, I need help burning someone, will you help me?"

      "Of course, I will just tell me when and where."

                    ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter seventeen ˚˚ ⋆

                      *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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