・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 9 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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  *Sorry for the late update, I got sick but I hope you enjoy and sorry for grammar mistakes.*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      We were getting ready to go to the party when I turned around to see Soobin only in boxers. I licked my lips sitting down on the bed to enjoy the view. It didn't take long for him to notice that I was staring at him.

      "Hyung stop staring at me and get ready." I got up before going to grab him. Once I did I pulled him down with me so we both ended up in bed.

      "Baby, how about we just stay and have a party here?" I could tell that he thought about it for a moment but then he just gave me a kiss. I quickly kissed him back, letting my hands roam his body. I could feel Soobin starting to slowly roll his hips. I was about to pull his hair when we heard the door open.

      "Hyung, do you want to watch a movie with-" We both looked back to see a shocked Kai. Soobin quickly got off of me but Kai quickly spoke up.

      "Never mind, I can see that you're busy so I'll just leave." He quickly left, leaving us both in shock and silence. Soobin just started getting ready again before he turned around towards me.

      "Get ready and no sex or anything for 2 weeks. If Kai gets traumatized I'm going to come after you Yeonjun." Soobin turned back around, walking out the door without giving me time to answer him.

      "I didn't do anything wrong though." I quickly shut up, getting the same feeling from Soobin that Jin hyung gave off when he was mad or a mom being overprotective of their kid.

      "I guess it's a 'mom' thing." I got up and finished getting ready before going out to see Soobin waiting.

      "I'm ready, let's go." Soobin got up without a word, walking towards the door. I bit my bottom lip hoping this would stop before we got to the party.

                       *At the party*

      "Baby can you please not be mad at me anymore?" Soobin turned away annoyed but as soon as we heard the door open he grabbed my hand.

      "Welcome to the party, please come in." We walked in to see lots of people talking and drinking. I looked around until I saw Wooyoung so I walked towards him.

      "Hey Wooyoung, so where's your bodyguard?" He turned around giving me a smile before pulling me away with him to the couch.

      "San is getting me some drinks and I see that you brought your bunny with you." He smirked as he said that, making me sigh. I looked over to where we were standing to see that Soobin wasn't there anymore. I was about to get up when I saw that he was at the bar ordering a drink.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I watched as Yeonjun hyung was pulled away from me. I wasn't even mad anymore I just wanted to say that but Wooyoung hyung pulled Yeonjun hyung away before I could tell him. I shaked off the feeling, going to the bar to drink the night away. I was about to order a drink when I saw a familiar face at the bar. I tapped his shoulder to see him better and remembered he was there the day of the invitation to the party. He seemed to recognize me too before he spoke up.

      "You're the one Wooyoung keeps calling 'Yeonjun's bunny', well it's nice to meet you. I'm San Wooyoung's bodyguard." He gave me a calm smile making me feel nice so I smiled back.

      "Well it's nice to meet you too but my name is actually Soobin, hyung?" He nodded, smiling before he spoke up.

      "Soobin it is so why are you here and not with Yeonjun hyung?" I didn't know how to answer him but I answered him honestly.

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