・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 18 ・゚⋆✿⋆•

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see the kid from earlier and Kai still unconscious. I tried to get up but I couldn't so I looked down to see I was tied to a chair.

      "Well, it looks like you're up." I tried to look at who was speaking but I couldn't see him. I suddenly felt a gun against my head. I knew whoever this is,  wasn't going to let us go so easily.

      "What do you want from me, money? Guns? Drugs?" They didn't answer, instead, they just laughed.

      "I don't want any of that. I want that tall boy you are always with. I also know he has a soft spot for Kai so maybe I'll hurt him a bit." I bit my bottom lip causing blood to come out but I didn't care.

      "Don't you dare get close to him, do whatever you want to me but don't touch Kai or the kid." I knew it wasn't a good idea to say that but I couldn't let him hurt them. I was also hoping that Soobin wouldn't come, I didn't want him to get hurt or be in danger.

      "If you say so." I felt a sharp pain as he hit me with the gun across the face. I tasted blood in my mouth so I spit it out onto his shoes. He just looked at me before kicking me in the stomach and knocking me down to the ground.

      "Hyung!" Everything looked fuzzy but I knew that it was Kai's voice.

      "I'm ok Kai, this guy is just trying to prove something but he isn't going to." After I said that he kicked me again, this time harder. I coughed and saw blood on the ground, I started to feel lightheaded and knew I was going to pass out soon.

      "Kai make sure he doesn't do anything to you or the kid." After that everything went black as I just heard Kai's voice but not what he was saying.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      It had already been an hour and everyone was ready to go but I needed to get one last thing.

      "Ok everyone get in cars and start going to the location, I have one last thing to get." I walked away as they all said 'Yes sir'. I went to the room I shared with Yeonjun and got my suitcase.

      "I didn't think I would be wearing this again but here goes nothing." I put on my family necklace so they knew who I was. I also pulled out the gun and knife my dad gave me after I learned how to use them.

      "Looks like it's time for me to go." I left the room before going downstairs to see Taehyun and I.N. waiting for me.

      "Looks like The Fallen Angel is ready to come out of hiding." I laughed knowing it had been years since I heard that name.

      "You know no one ever really knew The Fallen Angel's face right?" Taehyun and I.N. both nodded.

      "Let's keep it that way."

              *At the location*

      I walked up to the front door as some of the guards looked at me before letting me inside. As soon as I went inside I saw the man from the party who drugged me.

      "Ok, you wanted me and I'm here now so where are they?" He grabbed my waist before trying to kiss me but I leaned back pissing him off.

      "I'll take you to them but you better give me a kiss first or I'll have them killed." I just stood there as he kissed me. After I wiped my lips before following him. We were downstairs in a basement but I already knew about this place and its secret way to get out. As soon as he opened the door I saw Yeonjun hyung on the ground unconscious while Kai and a boy were tied up. I looked at Kai who was crying and quickly punch the guy without thinking and went to Yeonjun.

      "Hey Yeonjun hyung I know you can hear me so please get up." I past my wrist by his nose having alcohol down my sleeve waking him up quickly. He looked up at me confused so I leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek.

       "Don't worry I'll get you out of here." I stood back up to see the guy with blood on his lip. He just licked it off before giving his men a sign. They quickly grabbed Kai and the kid so I took my gun out and shot them. As their bodies fell to the ground Kai and the kid hid behind me.

      "Hey, kid there is a knife around in my pocket get it and cut the rope around Yeonjun's wrists." I whispered quickly, he grabbed the knife cutting the ropes off of Kai before cutting Yeonjun free. I looked over to see that his men had guns pointed at us. I couldn't hold it anymore and let out a slight laugh.

      "What's so funny? You and your friends are about to die." If only he knew the truth about that.

      "Hey don't be so mean, I'm a fallen angel after all." As soon as I said that everything went dark. I took this opportunity to shoot the rest of his men leaving him standing alone.

      "Ok light it up." Then part 2 began as they blew a hole in the wall. Beomgyu and Chan came in taking everyone out except for the guy. I walked up to him as the lights turned on.

      "You- your him, but I thought he was just a story." He was completely frozen as his hands trembled while he held a gun in his hands.

      "Remember to tell everyone in hell that I sent you." I shot him point-blank range in the head as some of his blood landed on my face. I cleaned it off with my sleeve before walking out.

      "Burn it down." I looked a Taehyun who nodded before lighting the fire. I looked around to see Yeonjun hyung just staring at me shocked along with Kai.

      "Baby I didn't know you were the fallen angel." I laughed before just smiling at him.

      "That's the point every time I took out a target, I made sure anyone who saw me never spoke again."

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      "I don't know whether to be scared or turned on right now." Soobin was about to speak up when someone came up to him hugging him.

      "My Soobinnie! Look how much you have grown up , you're so big." I was confused as to who she was but she quickly came to me before hugging me too. I winced at the pain knowing that I probably had a bruised rib. She quickly let go looking at me worried.

      "Ooh, I'm so sorry dear I forgot that you might be hurt. However, it is nice to meet you I'm Soobin's mom." I looked at her closer and realized that Soobin did look a lot like her. I was also surprised by her voice sounding so soft and warm like tea on a cold winter day. It reminded me of my mom's voice and how she would so softly and warm to me.

      "Ok for now let's go home and Soobin please come with us. I won't let you say different especially since your boyfriend is hurt right now." She spoke in a stern tone as Soobin just giggled nodding.

      "Ok, Eomma let's go." We all left as the mansion was left burning behind us.

                 ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter eighteen ˚˚ ⋆

                      *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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