・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 19 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      It had been a few days since Yeonjun and Kai were taken, and we had been staying at my parent's place while we got a new security system. My mom seemed to love having us while my dad hadn't come out of his office. I tried not to focus on it too much though, and paid more attention to the kid we saved who seemed to like me. He came to my room almost every night to cuddle with me. I didn't mind it though, it was nice to hug someone right now because Yeonjun hyung had to rest. I was playing with the boy's hair while he laid his head on my chest taking a nap. I didn't know what this feeling was but I just knew that I wanted to keep him safe just like Kai.

      "Hey Soobin, I was wondering what you were doing but I guess you're playing with Jungwon's hair." I looked a bit confused at Yeonjun. I didn't think he had a name.

      "So is Jungwon his name?" Yeonjun sat down beside me on the couch before speaking again.

      "Well he doesn't have a name and I like the name Jungwon, besides I know he isn't much older than 4 or 5. I also wanted to ask you something about him." I looked at him wondering what he could be talking about.

      "I was wondering if you wanted to take Jungwon with us and raise him ourselves." I smiled brightly at the idea and I think he knew the answer because he gave me a quick peck before getting up again.

      "I'm going to check on some things. Will you be fine staying here?" I nodded so he left with a little goodbye wave. I looked down to see that Jungwon was crying so I tried waking him up gently.

      "Hey, sweetie, wake up." I spoke softly while rubbing his back. He lifted his head still half-asleep before speaking up.

      "Eomma, I had a nightmare that someone was trying to get me and take me away from you." I ran my fingers through his hair calming him down a bit.

      "No one is going to take you away from me, sweetie. I do have one question for you though, how old are you?" He started to count on his fingers which I found adorable. Once he finished counting, he showed me how old he was.

      "I'm this many years old." I saw that he was holding up four fingers and realized he was still just a baby. I kissed him on the forehead before he spoke up.

      "Umm, I realized that I called you 'Eomma' and I was just wondering if it's ok for me to call you that." He looked down playing with his shirt, I was surprised that he asked me about it but I already knew the answer.

      "If you want to call me 'Eomma' I'm fine with it. As long as you don't feel uncomfortable." He looked up and smiled brightly before hugging me.

      "Hey sweetie, I know you don't have a name because Yeonjun told me... I was wondering if you like the name Jungwon. Yeonjun thought you might like the name." He jumped up at the name almost falling back, I quickly caught him pulling him into a hug.

      "Eomma does that mean I'm going to stay with you and Appa from now on." I nodded as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

      "Thank you." I smiled at his words knowing just needs love. I started to hum a song as he started to fall back asleep. I started to doze off myself when I heard a knock on the door. I was about to say something when my dad walked in. I didn't know what to do so I quickly just closed my eyes.

      "Soo- ooh... I know you are asleep but I still want to say this. I know I was surprised when I found out that you are gay. I wanted to tell you that I don't care about that, I just want my son to be happy. I also met Yeonjun and I'm proud you found someone who loves you as much as he does. There is just one thing though, I know your mom might not say it but we want some grandchildren that we can spoil. Also, call your mom more often you know she loves you more than she can say. I also hope if you get married I would like to walk you down the aisle." I couldn't fake being asleep anymore especially after he said all that so I spoke up.

      "Appa I promise that we will have kids, also I would love it if you walked me down the aisle when the time comes." He was surprised that I talked so he jumped back a bit before just composing himself.

       "I'm glad that you heard all that, I also wanted to tell you that your mom and Yeonjun have a little something for you downstairs. So come on let's go." I smiled before getting up with Jungwon still in my arms. As we walked downstairs it was dark until I went into the living room. I was lit up by lights all over the ceiling like a starry night sky as the walls were decorated with fairy lights. I looked down to see a blanket on the ground with snacks, sweets, and my favorite bread.

      "Ok, I love this... but why did you do it?" I looked over at Yeonjun who was slightly blushing before speaking up.

      "Well, your mom told me that you used to do this when you were younger to watch movies with your family. So I thought you might enjoy doing it again this time with a few more people." I smiled at him before walking over to give him a peck on the cheek. We all sat down paring off together. My mom and dad were cuddling on the couch, while I was sitting in Yeonjun's lap with Jungwon sitting in mine as Yeonjun put his head on my shoulder to see the movie. Kai had found some of my old plushies and was cuddling with all of them while some were around him. Beomgyu and Taehyun were sitting beside us while Beomgyu was sitting on Taehyun's lap. We all had a blanket around us while eating snacks and watching the movie.

          *1 Hour and 30 minutes later*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      After the movie was over almost everyone was asleep except for Soobin's dad. I was about to get up and take Soobin to his room when his father spoke up.

      "I know that you're almost all healed up, so I think it's ok if you sleep with Soobin and your son. Just don't try anything with my son." I nodded as he picked up Soobin's mom leaving the living room. I picked up Soobin taking him to his room before going back to get Jungwon. After putting them both into bed I went and got Kai knowing he likes to sleep with everyone. I then went back and got Taehyun and Beomgyu to their room before going back to Soobin's room. I crawled into bed trying to find a spot as both Kai and Jungwon were in the bed too. I finally found a spot pulling Soobin closer to me.

      "I know your asleep but one day I will ask you to marry me." I gave him a kiss on the forehead before drifting off into a deep sleep. 

                   ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter nineteen ˚˚ ⋆

                      *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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