・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 25 pt.2 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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   *Sorry for the wait but I've been busy with school and work. I also ran into writer's blocks, so I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!!*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I watched as Soobin started to get out of his dress and my mouth started to water. The outfit under his dress was worth gold. Once his dress was completely off I saw his ass looking so good. I got up throwing Soobin onto the bed, before kissing him and till I got to his underwear. I started to take it off using my teeth to take it off. After it was off I stared at him, wondering just how lucky I was to find him. I wanted to eat every part of him. I saw him start to try and cover himself up when I grabbed his dick hearing him gasp. I wanted to hear his voice, and make him scream my name.

      "Choi Soobin, don't you dare hold back your voice because I'm not going to hold back. I'm going to make you a creampie." I licked his dick from the bottom to the top before locking my lips around his tip. I began to bob my head up and down slowly, as Soobin's voice started to come out. Once his fingers pulled on my hair, I sped up as his moans got higher, until he came in my mouth. Once he did I made sure to get it all before grabbing his hand and letting the cum fall into his hand. He looked confused so I smirked before getting off the bed.

      "That's enough for you to fuck your self so do it." Without a word he spread his legs making sure I could see. He started with two fingers moaning at the feeling, I watched as he said my name using his own fingers. I got up going to grab something I brought with me, just as he got close I grabbed his dick and put in the urethra plug. Soobin tried to stop me but I grabbed his hands and made sure he was tied to the bedpost. I was about to say something when he spoke up.

      "Y- Yeonjun~ fuck me!~ please I want your dick mhmm~ inside. Fuck me!~" I smirked knowing that I had him where I wanted him. I took my close off slowly before grabbing his legs and putting them on my shoulders before kissing him. When we pulled apart to catch our breath and started to kiss down his neck till I got to his nipples and realized they were looking so cute. I licked one before starting to suck on it and play with the other one. I heard Soobin moan along with his whimpering, I swirled my tongue around his nipple before pulling away and leaving hickies down his stomach. I made it down to his thighs making sure to leave bite marks on them and hickies everywhere I could on them. As soon as I made it to his hole I licked it, getting a bit of his cum on my tongue swallowing it. I inserted my tongue inside before using one of my fingers to find his prostate. Soobin's back arched as his whines became louder. I stopped before quickly setting myself up and ramming him. Soobin's moans became loud as his back arched. I loved hearing him and just wanted him to scream even louder just so everyone knew what was happening. I slammed into him again and knew I found it. He pulled hard against the rope screaming.

      "Yeonjun I wanna-" I cut him off by ramming him again and continued till his eyes rolled back as tears streamed down his face and saliva sled down the corner of his mouth. I felt that I was close but kept my pace up.

      "I'm coming, Yeonjun!" He pulled against the rope coming as I came inside him. I rode out my high helping him too. Once I pulled out I untied him but instead of doing what I thought he would he grabbed me . I was shocked and didn't realize what he did till I was tied down.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      Once I came without cumming I realized that he gave me a different level of pleasure. Without thinking too much about it, I switched our positions and quickly tied him to the bed. I wanted to leave marks all over his body like he did mine. I swallowed my saliva just thinking about it. I ran to get a few things I had brought with me. Once I got back I saw that Yeonjun's dick was already back up waiting for me. I slipped a vibrater inside him before putting the other side inside me and turning it on. I tried not to moan as my body was still trying to come back from what we just did.

      "Mhmm-ah~ Soobin hurry up." I bit my lip knowing what I was going to do. I looked at him before getting on top of him and lining myself up with his dick. I went down in one go, I sank my nails into Yeonjun's chest. His dick was hitting parts I didn't even know could be hit. I was trying to contain myself but I felt Yeonjun grow inside me even more, so I came again. I started riding him up and down pulling out the urethra plug feeling the pain mix into the pleasure. I could tell I was starting to get sloppy but I didn't have much more energy in me. I was back up and was going to catch my breath when I felt Yeonjun thrust into me.

     "Ah!~" He didn't stop and kept his insane pace when I felt him come inside me, I quickly came too. I saw all the marks on his chest, I smiled to myself knowing that I made those. I was about to say something when Yeonjun hyung pinned me back down to the bed quickly thrusting into me. I felt my back arch as my nails dug into his back, I didn't know where this energy came from but it was making my mind go blank. Yeonjun sped up even more and I heard a weird noise coming from the bed but didn't give it too much attention. I felt myself getting close and knew that Yeonjun was too because he started to slow down and make stronger thrusts. I suddenly felt my body slant down and came from the new angle Yeonjun had hit. I felt myself being filled with Yeonjun's cum. We both rode out our highs before he pulled out and pulled me up. I looked back to see that the bed had broken, I quickly looked at Yeonjun who was trying not to laugh.

      "Hyung... we broke the bed, do you think they'll be mad?" He just hugged me before giving me a passionate kiss. I melted into it and wrapped my arms around his neck as he got up and we went into the restroom. He sat me down on the counter before running a bath. Once the water was warm he put some bath salts in before we both got in. I felt myself become sleepy as Yeonjun held onto me and placed his head on my shoulder.

      "Soobin, I was thinking and I want to have more kids. I don't know if you want to or maybe I'm just pushing on this too early or-" I had to cut him off before he went on a rant, "I want more kids too Yeonjun, but maybe we should wait till Jungwon gets a little bit older... but that doesn't mean I won't enjoy doing the work to have kids. Maybe we should start doing it everyday." I turned back and gave him a quick kiss before leaning my head against his chest. My eyelids started to feel heavy.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I started to feel sleepy after Soobin and I talked. I moved a bit to see Soobin was already asleep, so I got out carefully putting a towel around me before picking him up and got him into bed after drying him off. I got into bed making sure to hold Soobin close so he wouldn't fall off the side we broke.

                       "I love you, my husband."

              ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty five pt.2˚˚ ⋆

                      *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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