・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 13 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see Yeonjun hyung on the phone and he looked annoyed and looked beside me to see that Kai was still asleep. I started to play with his hair as Yeonjun hyung continued with his call. I was making a braid in Kai's hair when Yeonjun hyung yelled.

      "I WON'T DO THAT!" I was shocked because I've never heard him raise his voice before. I got out of the fort to see him pissed off sitting on the bed.

      "Hyung, is everything ok?" I sat down next to him putting my hand on his shoulder but he just moved away.

      "Sorry Soobin, I'm just annoyed with someone right now." He didn't even bother to look at me while he spoke so I got up and stood right in front of him before sitting on his lap making sure to wrap my arms around his neck.

      "Hyung, please tell me I want to be able to help you." He looked at me before just sighing and pulling me into a kiss. I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him again and he just nodded before speaking up.

      "The person I was on a call with was my father and he wants to know if I finally found a wife. I told him ' I'm gay and have a boyfriend but you already knew the first part so what do you need?' He called to tell me he wants me to meet this girl and that's when I snapped." He hasn't told me much about his parents but I tried my best to think of a plan.

      "Hyung, what if you go and meet this girl? And before you get mad at me too just listen to me first." He nodded before I spoke again.

      "You go meet this girl but you don't go alone, we all go with you and if he asks you about us you just tell him that you brought your friends with you." I could tell he was thinking about it, but then I saw him smirk and knew he was going to go along with the plan with a condition.

      "Ok I agree with this deal but you have to wear something of my choice." I knew what I was getting into but it was going to be fun.

                               *Two weeks later*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I was getting everything out of the car once we got to my parents' beach house in Japan. I looked over at Soobin who was looking out at the ocean with Kai. I smiled before going to the front door with all the luggage.

      "Master Yeonjun, please let us get the luggage for you." I looked up to see Mr. Saito with a smile. I quickly got out the luggage I was carrying down and gave him a hug.

      "I've missed you Mr. Saito, how have you and the kids been?" I didn't realize that Soobin and Kai had came behind me while I was talking with Mr. Saito.

      "I've been good and the kids are off at college except for one she went off to South Korea to try and make her dreams happen." I was going to answer when I heard a voice from inside calling for me.

      "Yeonjun, come inside at once." I knew whose voice it was and could already feel myself start to get annoyed.

      "I think it's best if you go in, master." I sighed before nodding and going inside. Once I got inside I saw Beomgyu standing beside my dad with Taehyun behind him.

      "I see you still like to dye your hair and if you don't mind me asking who are those two behind you?" I wanted to grab Soobin and kiss him in front of my dad but I controlled myself and spoke up.

      "They are my friends and if I'm going to be staying here for the week to meet that girl I'm going to need them." He raised his eyebrow before speaking up.

      "If that's what you want, so be it, I'll have the maids get a room ready for them. As for you, go freshen up. My guest will be here in an hour." I just nodded before going up stairs with everyone following behind me. Once I got inside my room I threw myself on the bed not even looking back to see if the boys had come in or not. I just laid there until I felt someone sit at the end of the bed.

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