・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 28 pt. 1 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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3rd Person's p.o.v.
3 weeks had passed and Soobin and Yeonjun were on their way to a hotel for the weekend. Yeonjun had wanted to take Soobin to his other place, but without regular teach ups it had some mold that wasnt great for humans. So he took the hotel route and made sure it was the best money could buy, nothing but the best for his husband. While on their way Soobin slept as Yeonjun drove. Soobin knew that neither he nor Yeonjun would be sleeping.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
We had gotten to the hotel and I helped the bell boy take things out of the car before waking Soobin up.

Baby, wake up were here and I need to give the valet the keys and if you dont wake up Ill fuck you right here and now. I could hear the people behind us cough at what I said while Soobin just just wiggled not waking up. I grabbed his face and started kissing him after a while I heard Soobin moan. I smirked before pulling away hearing him whine and pout, but he got out of the car. I turned back to move past them seeing they had gotten turned on by what they saw and heard. I held Soobins hand as we walked in and to check-in.

Hello, Im here to check-in the room under Choi Yeonjun maam. I watched as the lady checked us in before handing me the key card to our room. As we got into the elevator no one was in there so I pulled Soobin in for a make out session. I thought Soobin would pull away but instead he wrapped his arms around my neck making the kiss deeper. I heard the door open but didnt care as my hands found their way down to Soobins ass. I gave his butt a good squeeze before hearing someone coughing loudly. I felt Soobin start to pull away but I wasnt going to let him get away that easily as my hand quickly made its way to his hair and pulled on it. He quickly let out a moan and the person got off. After that Soobins face turned red and lightly slapped me until we got to our floor, pulling me out of the elevator as we made our way to our room. Once we got in the room I quickly ran in making sure I pulled Soobin with me. Once I saw the bed I flopped on it with Soobin. I felt myself melting into the bed when Soobin got on top of me. I looked at him smirking wondering what he was going to do. He started grinding on me and making whining noises as I tried not to thrust up and give him what he wanted. I was about to speak up when we heard a knock on the door. Soobin quickly let out an annoyed sigh before walking over to the door. I sat up waiting to see what he was going to do.

Hello, how may I help you? I could hear the angry in his voice turning me on just a bit more.

Well it seems that one of our guests would like to speaking with your husband, they told us to say you owe me one Daniel., it seemed urgent so the sent me. Once I heard that I knew I was about to punch someone. I coughed so Soobin would come back in for a second. He seemed to understand and closed the door for a moment. He came up to me and sat on my lap before speaking.

Does that mean you have to go out for a bit? I sighed and nodded, I thought Soobin was going to be mad but instead he pulled me into a kiss. I quickly returned the action and pulled his hair, making pull away from the kiss out of breath and a string of saliva still connecting our mouths.

Ill be back in a bit to fuck you. He just whined before getting off of me and sitting on the bed. I get up going to the door before opening it again. I looked to see a young girl blushing.

Ok that me to this person and get that look off your face before my husband makes you pay for it. The girl jumped a bit before looking down and nodding, I closed the door as she led me away. I sighed, rubbing my neck knowing the last thing I had on my mind today taking care of business. We made it to the 20th floor before getting off as the girl stayed on the elevator. I looked back confused but she spoke softly before the doors closed.

Hes in suite 1. I scoffed knowing this was about to be a huge pain. I knocked on the door hearing someone inside say come in, I thought to myself thats what Soobin should be saying to me. As I walked in some guy tried punching me but I punched him first just hearing his body hit the floor behind me. I looked over to the chair in the middle of the room waiting to hear him speak first.

Its been a long time, Yeonjun, how about we have a drink and make up for lost time? I was about to be rude, but remembered everything he had done for me.

Of course Hyung, I cant think of anything better, but before I do that I need you to know I have someone I love already. He just chuckled before speaking again.

I know that Yeonjun, what we had is in the past and you know what we were was never really about us. Im still in love with my own person even if he never gave me a chance. Now just sit. I sighed before grabbing a seat and sitting down trying not to touch any of the girls he had around him. I watched as he poured me a glass before speaking up.

Hyung, what did you want to talk about? He was silent for a moment before handing me my drink and speaking up.

I want to cash in that favor you owe me, I want to be back in his life. I dont care what you have to make up but I want the chance to get to know him again without the pain this time.

Hyung I umm, Im going to be honest, I know you lost her and you never thought you would fall in love again but he has gone through his own things. I know in the past our relationship was purely to make your parents mad but from his point of view it was real on some level. I think he realized now that our relationship was nothing but he knew about her and he could see the love you had for her. I cant- He didnt let me get out the rest of my sentence before throwing his glass at the wall behind me. I could see the pain and sadness in his eyes but I couldnt do anything about it. I got up and stood right in front of him and put my hands on his chair.

Hyung Im going to do something I never did when we were together, so close your eyes. I watched as he closed his eyes. I leaned in closer before kissing his forehead. As I pulled back, seeing tears flow down his face. I cupped his face and waited for him to open his eyes. It took him a moment but once he did I spoke again.

I know I was in love with a criminal and I couldnt help but love you even if you were broken when you noticed me. I should have let go of those feelings but I didnt until I met my husband. I could hear people talk when they saw us together but I never cared as long as you were sane. I never wanted to see you hurt or crying, so hyung I cant do that to him until you realize that you loved her. Its not your fault that she died, no one could have seen that day coming. I dont know what she would want for you but she wasnt the only kind person, you were too. Let yourself feel the pain and anger then let it go and then give him a chance to fix those broken parts. Ill take my leave now, if you want to ever talk just come by the house, bye hyung. I was about to leave when he pulled back, I almost fell but he caught me and pulled me into a hug.

I- Im sorry Yeonjun, I never gave you those special moments everyone deserves from their first relationship. I started to cry in his arms letting myself feel, for the last time, the love I once had for him. After a while we both pulled away from the hug and I gave him a soft smile before leaving the room.

Soobin's p.o.v.
20 minutes had passed and Yeonjun still wasnt back yet. I began to feel hungry and nervous about what Yeonjun was doing. I quickly grabbed my room key and phone before going to find the girl who can come to get Yeonjun. While I was looking for her I noticed that the hotel we were staying at had a hot tub on the rooftop. I knew I would have to go there later with Yeonjun but first I needed to find him. I was about to give up on finding the girl when I saw her talking to the busboy outside. I quickly walked over and tapped her shoulder. She jumped a bit before turning back to face me.

Do you know the floor and room number you told my husband to go to? He quickly looked at the floor before answering me.

I um, it was the 20th floor and suite 1 sir. I- Im sorry please dont hurt me. I was confused at what she meant but then I remembered what Yeonjun said before closing the door and laughed.

Sweetie, I would never hurt anyone without good reason and thank you for telling me, Ill take my leave now. She seemed to calm down a bit as I walked back into the hotel to go to the 20th floor. 10 minutes had passed looking for her and once I got to the floor I saw Yeonjun walk out of the suite with a few tears streaming down his face. I quickly ran over to him confused and scared. I was about to say something when he pulled me into a hug. I quickly hugged him back as he lightly sniffled. Once he calmed down he pulled away from the hug drying his own tears.

Hey baby, how about we go get a bite to eat downstairs and I'll tell you what happened? I nodded hoping he would cheer up a bit. He gave me a smile before we walked over to the elevator and went downstairs.

⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty eight pt. 1 ˚˚ ⋆

*.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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