・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 28 pt. 2 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      It was 3 a.m. and after Yeonjun told me everything we spent the rest of the night cuddling and fell asleep early. I saw that it was still dark out which meant not many people were up and not many people would be by the hottub. I got up and changed quietly before going upstairs and sat down on one of the chairs by the hottub. I looked up seeing the stars wondering how Chan hyung was trying to keep everyone in line. I giggled to myself before scrolling through my photos and videos I had when I saw I had a long video saved. I was about to delete it when something told me to watch it. As soon as it started to play, I almost threw my phone. Even though part of me wanted to stop watching, the other part of me wanted to edit this video to make it a bit short and send it to Yeonjun. I smiled to myself before editing it so Yeonjun only got the part with me doing it solo. I wondered when he would see it but sent it anyway, with where I was before closing my phone. I listened to the city as I looked down to see I had a tiny problem. I wanted to help myself but I knew there was only so much I could do without Yeonjun here.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see Soobin wasn't in bed, I went to check the restroom only to see that he wasn't there. I started to panic so I quickly grabbed my phone to see if he had sent me a message. I saw I had a message for him and calmed down a bit. I played the video to see Soobin in a skirt moaning my name. I felt myself quickly start to get hard as he moved onto the bed. I felt like I was about to come from watching the video alone but then it ended. I bit my lower lip in frustration knowing Soobin had done it on purpose. I saw that he sent me another message of where he was and quickly made my way up there without changing. Once I got to the hottub I saw Soobin was already in there. I quickly took off all of my clothes before getting in and pulling him against me. I heard him let out a moan before quickly turning around to face me pulling me into a kiss.

3rd person's p.o.v.
      Soobin began to try and create friction between him and Yeonjun gridding on his thigh, making sure to moan into Yeonjun's ear. Yeonjun smirked in the kiss before biting down on Soobin's lower lip and pulling on it. Soobin whined as Yeonjun released his lower lip.

      "I remember making a promise to fuck you, and I don't want to make myself a liar." With that Yeonjun slipped his finger into Soobin. Soobin's arms quickly made their way around Yeonjun's neck as his head fell back from the pain and pleasure. It had been too long for both of them and they were starving for each other's touch. Yeonjun slowly moved his finger as Soobin squirmed trying to feel more. Yeonjun could feel water go into Soobin making him a bit annoyed that he wasn't the only thing inside of Soobin.

      "Fuck this, turn your ass around I'm to horny to wait." Soobin quickly did as he was told and waited eagerly for Yeonjun to be inside of him. WIthout warning Yeonjun slid his dick into Soobin, Soobin quickly grabbed onto the ground in front of him, letting out a moan.

      "Nghhh~ Yeonjun I need more~" Yeonjun quickly grabbed Soobin's waist before thrusting hard into Soobin. He continued to thrust with the same force causing Soobin's moans and whine to be broken and breathy. Soobin's eyes rolled back with every thrust as Yeonjun dug his nails into Soobin's soft white skin.  Yeonjun felt himself getting close and he knew that Soobin was close too. He sped up and Soobin's voice started to break even more and even let out whines, being unable to moan because of the speed. Yeonjun could still feel the water that had gotten into Soobin, and he wanted to make sure that the only thing inside of Soobin was his sperm. Yeonjun gave one last thrust coming inside Soobin filling him up. Yeonjun continued without stopping, leaving Soobin a complete mess.

      "Aaah! Haah~ haa- '' Tears of pleasure began to stream down Soobin's face as felt himself getting close again.

      "Is anybody up here?!" A security guard came to check the hottub. Soobin quickly covered his mouth with one hand as he lowered himself so he wouldn't be seen. Yeonjun however continued doing what he was doing even starting to go faster.

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