・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 25 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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   *I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but I've been busy with school and work. I'm in a good place now and have time to write again so I hope you enjoy (:*

Soobin's p.o.v.
      "I cant anymore! Ahh~ Yeonjun please I- mhmm~ let me cum~"

      "You arent going to come until I say so bunny~"

                               *22 hours earlier*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      It had been 6 months since Soobin had brought Ni-ki home and it was already time for the wedding. I had built up so much sexual frustration that I could run a house with the energy. As I was getting ready Jungwon was quietly watching me with a sad expression. I never liked seeing him like this so I picked him up and hugged him.

      "What's wrong sweetie?" He nuzzled into my chest  before whispering, "Appa what if people make fun of me for wearing a dress and being the flower girl?" I was shocked by him saying this and couldnt believe what I was hearing.

      "Sweetie, do you like that dress and the role you're playing in the wedding?" He looked up at me and I saw the sparkle in his eyes, "I do Appa!", "Well then enough said you are going to wear that dress and be who you want, and if someone has something to say about it, just tell them your Appa is the sandman, got it?" He nodded before hugging me tightly, I kissed the top of his head before he ran out of the room to go and get dressed. I finished getting ready and couldn't wait to see Soobin.

Soobin's p.o.v.
    I was getting ready and wondering if Yeonjun would like what I was wearing. I hoped that once he undressed me everything would go rough and hard. Just thinking about it made me go crazy. I shook my head and turned my attention back to Jungwon who was getting ready with the help of Kai. As soon as he was done getting dressed, he ran out looking so cute, I thought I would die from cuteness.

Jungwons Outfit:

Soobin's outfit:

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Soobin's outfit:

Soobin's outfit:

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Soobin's veil:

Soobin's veil:

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      Once, I realized it was almost time I started to get extremely nervous and felt like my heart was going to leave my chest. I looked over to Jungwon again and saw how calm he was playing with Ni-ki and knew I could do this. I took a deep breath, and grabbed my lucky item before hearing my dad come in.

      Soobin, its time. I can't believe this moment has finally come. I still remember changing you and taking turns with your mom to go and get you when you cried. Ooh I miss those days. Well come on lets go and well Kai, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind walking Soobin down the aisle. I happened to hurt my back the other day playing with Jungwon and Ni-ki. I know just how much Soobin loves you and I think it will be for the best. Kai had a tint of red go across his face but he was smiling so brightly that sunglasses were needed. My dad hugged me before taking Ni-ki and Jungwon with him. I took a deep breath again and grabbed Kai as we both went to the wedding area. Everyone took their place as The best men walked down the aisle. My time finally came after Jungwon let the white rose petals fall. I walked down and felt my heart race once I saw Yeonjun. Once we got to Yeonjun he was crying and smiling all at the same time. I giggled to myself but also felt the happy tears coming down my face. Once everything was almost done we were asked for our vows.

      "Soobin, your vows." I took a deep breath and looked into Yeonjuns eyes. "I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. I will do anything for you, even give up my life. I love you, Choi Yeonjun." Yeonjun was about to kiss me but he remembered his vows.

      "Soobin, I dont think I have ever felt this way about anyone. I want to take care of you forever and hold you till we are old and wrinkly. I will do everything for you and our family, I love you Choi Soobin."

Yeonjuns p.o.v.
      Soobin was so beautiful, I never could have imagined marrying someone as kind and loving as him. After I was done saying my vows, I pulled Soobin into a kiss. Everyone clapped as we continued and felt butterflies. I pulled back to see sparkles in his eyes and thought about just how truly lucky I am. As we walked down the aisle everyone threw petals over us. I held Soobins hand never wanting to let go. We got the party started quickly after as Soobin was grinding his ass against me, I grabbed his waist pulling him closer as he let out a soft moan in my ear. I started grinding against him when he suddenly pulled away. He pushed me down and I fell down onto a chair and that's when a naughty song started to play as Soobin came out in a crop top along with skin tight shorts. He started to give me a lapdance and I tried to control myself, it was a bad idea. Soobins face came inches away from my dick and I could feel his breath. I wanted to grab his waist and push him down on my dick. I wanted to hear his moans, whimpers, screams, and him begging. I felt some start to grow down there as his hips moved right above me dick. I kept my cool though and my hands behind my head. I bit my lower lip, and grinded up against him causing Soobin to drop on top of me. He moaned in my ear before kissing me. As everyone around us seemed to disappear, I picked up Soobin and went back to the backroom of the place. Soobin had nothing but pure lust in his eyes but he changed back into his dress. Before walking back to the party area, and leaving me with a very hard problem. I was going to devour him later and not stop till he forgets where he is.

      "Baby im going to make you forget everything but me, just you wait till we get to our hotel." I waited for my problem to calm down before going back out and thanking everyone for coming, but we would be heading to our honeymoon. I picked up Soobin and put him in the car with everything and said a quick goodbye before driving off. It didn't take us long to get to the hotel and I carried Soobin to the hotel house we had rented, for a week. I was going to make up for lost time with Soobin. As soon as we got into the house, I took Soobin to the bedroom. Once we got there I threw Soobin onto the bed and was about to eat him when he stopped me.

      "Wait! I have something for you so sit and watch." He got up sitting me down on the bed and I waited to see what was going to happen.

⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty five pt.1 ˚˚ ⋆

*.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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