・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 15.5 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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*Sorry for taking so long to update but I've been busy with school and finding out some health issues. Everything is great now so please enjoy.*

Beomgyu's p.o.v.
I got back from my business trip with Yeonjun and quickly went to look for Taehyun. As soon as I got to the door I heard Taehyun talking on the phone. I didn't want to bother him so I waited outside.

"Hi, I would like to order some flowers for my boyfriend." I leaned closer trying to listen to what he was saying but couldn't make it out.

"Could you write on it..." I couldn't hear him so I just went into the room and saw that he was just sitting there without a shirt on. I was trying to control myself and not think too much about it.

"Hey Gyu, welcome back from your business trip, how was it?" I smiled at him before just going over and sitting on his lap.

"It was so boring and all those guys were so annoying trying to hit on me, didn't make it better." His hands quickly grabbed my waist pulling me closer.

"Did you hit on them back?" I could tell that he started to get a bit annoyed so I decided to push him a bit more.

"I don't know, I just spoke to them about work but they might have been thinking more than just that." I felt his grip get tighter around my waist making me let out a low moan. I looked him in the eye after to see the lust in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about Tae?" I looked at him with curiosity as one of his hands found its way to my butt. He got close to my ear before whispering to me.

"I was thinking that maybe you missed me, baby." I quickly felt a chill go down my spine as he slowly started to kiss my neck.

"Ahh~ hyung." I felt him smirk against my neck as I called him 'hyung'. I knew that we hadn't done anything like this in a few weeks now, but I knew that I needed it and he did too. He was starting too slow so I decided to push him a bit. I started to roll my hips over his dick hearing him let out low groans.

"Gyu stop that mhmm~" I knew if I kept going he would do what I wanted him to do.

"What if I don't want to stop, what are you going to do about it?" I was suddenly flipped over onto the bed and felt my breath leave for a second. I looked up to see Taehyun over me with a smirk on his face.

"Is this what you wanted Gyu?" I bit my bottom lip smiling while making eye contact with him. We just looked at each other for a while before Tae kissed me softly. I loved when he kissed me, it felt like we were the only two people on this planet. The kiss quickly started to get heated as I felt one of Taehyun's arms go around my waist. Then I felt him pulling on my shirt and knew he was trying to take it off of me. He quickly managed to take it off, breaking the kiss for a quick second before going straight for my neck.

Taehyun's p.o.v.
"Mhmm~" I knew that he liked it when I did that but I also knew if I started to slow down Beomgyu would start to act up again. I would never say it but I liked when he started to act up.

"Hyung, can you please go faster? I want you." I was shocked to hear him asking for what he wanted so quickly.

"I'm surprised you're asking for it so directly when you normally just wait till I do something." He just looked at me with hunger in his eyes.

"We haven't had sex in weeks and I need it, hyung~" I blushed at his answer knowing he was right. I quickly went to take off his pants as his hands roamed around my body. As soon as I got his pants off I started to palm him, getting a moan.

"Ahm~" I knew that he was going to want more soon so I quickly took off his underwear which made him quickly cover himself up.

"Hey Gyu, you don't have to be shy." I moved his hands out of the way before kissing him. As soon as he started to focus on the kiss I started to jerk him off, getting muffled moans during the kiss. I knew he was close so I moved away from the kiss. He whined until I took him into my mouth, his hand quickly found its way to my hair.

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