・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 6 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      It's been two day since Soobin got hurt and he still hasn't woken up once. I started to get worried so I called the doctor to come to the house.

                     *30 minutes later*

      "I was sitting on the bed when I heard a knock on the door so I quickly went to open it.
      "Dr. Kim, I'll leave the room so you can check on him." I was about to leave the room when Dr. Kim spoke up.

      "There's no need for that. I'm not going to do much, and as I said two days ago his body was bruised. Not only that but he was probably exhausted from what happened to him. It's likely that he's just sleeping so that his body can heal. This is normal for people who have been hurt like him." I nodded knowing he was probably right but I still wanted him to check on Soobin. I looked up to see him looking at Soobin's bruises. I slowly walked over till I was beside him, watching what he was doing.

                    *10 minutes later*

      It only took him ten minutes before he just turned to me, staring at me, before speaking up.

      "You need to sleep. I can tell that you haven't slept in two days and your husband again is just healing up by sleeping." I blinked a few times not being able to think of anything to say to him.

      "Hyung, why are you so mean?" He flicked me on my forehead before answering me.

      "Because you're a dummy, someone has to look out for your annoying ass too and it's doctor to you, one of us went to school." I was about to say something but he just walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

      "Jin hyung can be scary and I did go to school. I just went a different path." I stuck my tongue out at the door after I said my piece, hoping that he wouldn't come back. I started to think about him telling me to sleep so I laid down on the other side of the bed. I got up slightly to look at Soobin.

      "He looks so peaceful sleeping and I'm here worrying about him like crazy. Hey baby, wake up soon so we can cuddle and do whatever you want." I kissed his forehead before laying back down, starting to feel my eyes close.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I woke up slowly sitting up because of the pain and saw Yeonjun hyung asleep beside me. He looked peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up so I tried to get out of bed slowly. I finally got out quietly but then I felt my legs go numb. I fell to the ground with a loud thud, I sighed and looked back to see Yeonjun hyung waking up. I watched as he quickly looked around looking for something, till he saw me.

      "Baby, are you really awake!?" He quickly crawled towards me, forgetting he was on the bed, and fell to the ground. He touched my face gently, so I grabbed his hand and placed a quick kiss on it. After I did that he picked me up and placed me down on the bed. I saw that he didn't sit down so I pouted before speaking up.

      "Hyung sit on the other side please." He quickly did as I told him.

      "Ok now lay down and put your head on my lap." He gave me a smile before doing it and once he did I started playing with his hair.

      "I'm sorry that I made you worry hyung." He looked me in my eyes before speaking up.

      "You didn't mean to do it, not only that but I liked being by your side every second. I even got closer to Kai too." He smiled brightly, making my heart skip a beat.

      "So what did you and Kai talk about?" I could see his face get a bit red, so I was about to say something when we heard the door open.

      "Yeonjun hyung have you eaten yet?" I looked over to see Kai and I watched as he looked up to see me. Once he saw me he quickly ran to the bed forgetting about Yeonjun hyung and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back even if it hurt. It felt nice.

      "Soobin hyung when did you wake up?" At this point he somehow managed to lay on the other side and had his head laying on my chest.

      "I woke up a while ago but I've just been talking with Yeonjun hyung." I waited for someone to answer but no one did so I looked down to see Yeonjun hyung and Kai asleep. I thought about it for a moment and remembered that Kai used to always fall asleep like this with me when we first met.

      "Now that I think about it he said he liked hearing my heartbeat and that it made him feel safe. I just have one problem now, how am I going to get up?" I looked around trying to figure out if there was a way for me to get up. There was no way for me to get up so I just went back to playing with Yeonjun hyung's hair.

                      *One hour later*

      I was just looking around the room bored when I heard the door open and saw Taehyun and Beomgyu. They both looked at me surprised but confused at the same time not knowing what was happening.

      "Hyung it's great to see you up but what happened to those two?" I sighed not really knowing how to explain it.

      "Well they saw me and were happy, then they laid down and just fell asleep. I didn't want to move because they look so peaceful sleeping. Also I'm enjoying playing with Yeonjun hyung's hair." They both looked at each other before slowly coming closer and laying down on the bed.

      "Wait, please don't go to sleep." They were quiet for a moment before Taehyun spoke up.

      "Hyung we've been worried about you and have had a hard time sleeping so can we please sleep here?" I sighed knowing this was something I wasn't going to win so I nodded. I watched them as they slowly started to fall asleep.

             ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter six ˚˚ ⋆

            *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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