・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 23 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      It had been 3 days and it was time to set this plan into motion. Taehyun had gotten everything that we needed and Dr. Jin had finished what I needed.

      "Arin, are you sure you're ready to see you parents again?" This plan weighed heavily on Arin and I couldn't help but worry about her.

      "Yeah, I'm not letting them get away with this. They might be my parents but they aren't the people I would mom and dad. I realized that sometimes all you can do is let them go and hope they change for the better." I knew she was trying to be strong but she still cared for them. I gave her a nod.

      "Ok start the makeup and cuts. I need this to go perfectly or else we lose both Arin and Yeonjun's mom." Everyone said 'Yes sir!' before going off to do what they needed to do. While the boys were getting Arin ready I decided to check something. I went outside to see an unknown person so I quickly pulled my gun out and walked behind them. I quietly got close before grabbing their neck and putting my gun to their back.

      "Listen I'm going to give you 30 seconds to explain why you're here before I torture it out of you." They didn't talk and even just laughed before speaking up.

      "Let you have the balls to try pretty boy." I knocked him out before taking him into another room my parents had given me to use. I tied him to a chair and went back to check on everyone.

      "I'm going to need you all to go into a different room now. There was some guy spying on us. I'll find out who sent him. For now just go to the front and tell them 'death is quite fun' I'm going to have a chat and send some guards to room 124." They all walked out as I went back into the room to get some answers. I smacked him a couple times before he woke up.

      "If it isn't the pretty boy bitch, what do you want now? Oh kinky, tying me up like this, but sorry you're not my type." He spit at my feet before laughing it off. I rolled my eyes before going off to get some tools.

      "I. N. I need you to look this person up for me and find out everything you can on him and give it to me in 5." I hung up and not even 2 minutes later I.N. got back to me and gave me all I needed. I went back into the room and said one word.

      "Mark." With that he looked up at me so fast before begging me.

      "No please I love him and he's all I have left in this shit of a world." I thought about it for a moment before speaking up again.

      "I'll have Mark killed if you don't tell me who sent you." I knew I could be kind but this was something I just couldn't be right now.

      "I'll tell you... I was sent by the laughing clowns... more like forced but if they don't hear back for me they'll... they'll kill him." As soon as he said that I knew I had another man inside.

      "Ok listen here Yuta, I'm going to let you call them but you're going to tell them you didn't find anything but their daughter is cut up and bruised. After that I'm going to need someone on the inside helping Arin so you help us and we'll get him back for you. Once the mission is done you can work for me, being a guard for someone. Do we have a deal?" I could see he was thinking about it before confidentiality speaking up.

      "Ok I'll do it but please get him back safely... I can't lose him." After that I untied him and gave him the phone. Once he was done with the call we went to the new room to get Arin.

      "Ok everything is ready so Arin is going to go back with Yuta and find out where they have Yeonjun's mom and Yuta's boo. I want to hear back within 2 days if I don't we're going to go in. Ok now everyone to their places, I'll be going home to Yeonjun so I'll see you all tomorrow." After that everyone got to work as Yuta and Arin went off back to her house.

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