・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 31 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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   *Sorry for not updating, I had family in town and I didn't need them seeing what I write. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you for waiting! <3 😊❤️❤️🤗*

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I woke up to see that Yeonjun had already gotten back to work. I felt a bit sad that he left without saying anything but he was busy. I sighed before getting up only to fall to the ground. I was a bit shocked but couldn't help but giggle to myself knowing the reason for this. I started going through everything that happened last night and looked down at myself to see that I was just wearing Yeonjun's hoodie. I smiled softly before taking in Yeonjun's scent, and then remembered something I said.

      "I told him I wanted his babies..." I looked down this time rubbing my stomach a bit, "I wonder what he would do if I told him I wanted to have another kid. I mean I can't have them but we could..." My mind began to wander off when I heard the door open. I looked over to see Yeonjun and felt myself tear up a bit before speaking up.

      "You didn't go to work?" Yeonjun gave me a confused look before putting the tray he was holding down and coming over to me.

      "Of course I didn't go to work, my husband is back home and I want to spend the day with him." Before I could even say anything he pulled me into a passionate kiss. I felt myself melt into the kiss as a few tears streamed down my face. He finally pulled back to breathe and I could see our mouths were still connected by a string of saliva. I blushed a bit before looking off somewhere else. How come I was getting embarrassed by a kiss but what happened last night didn't? I could feel my face was hot and tried to hide it, but Yeonjun grabbed my arms before kissing me again. I felt my face get even hotter, but I couldn't help but kiss him back with the same amount of passion and love he was putting into it. I could feel myself start to get light headed from the lack of breath but I didn't want to pull away. When Yeonjun softly pulled away, putting his forehead on mine as we both tried to catch our breaths. I felt so happy and loved, I didn't want to leave this moment when we heard a little voice call us.

      "Eomma! Appa!" Jungwon ran over and jumped into our arms as Niki walked over with the help of Kai. I gave Jungwon a peck on his forehead before Niki finished making his way to us and doing the same. I looked up at Kai who seemed to be a little sad, I opened my arms and he quickly jumped into my arms giving me a hug.

      "Welcome back Eomma, so how was the trip?" Kai knew the truth behind the trip but we had been trying to keep Jungwon away from certain topics. I smiled and spoke up.

      "It went well and I got a lot of things done, so is there anything you have going on?"

      "Well Beomgyu and Taehyun were wondering if I would like to go with them out today but I don't know. I haven't been away from Jungwon or Niki longer than an hour. I kind of don't want to go for that reason." I sighed before patting his head.

      "Sweetie, you can go. Yeonjun and I will take care of the kids today. Besides, I also need to go out and buy a few things for Jungwon." I did have things to do but it would also be a great time to tell Yeonjun, I wanted to have another kid or two or three. Yeonjun quickly looked over at me, a bit shocked and he was about to say something when his phone went off. I watched as he got up and left the room to answer the call. I just took a breath before picking up Niki.

      "Ok well I'll go and dress these two and you can go out with Taehyun and Beomgyu." Kai nodded before leaving the room. I went to the boys room to change them before going to look for Yeonjun. I was looking around for a while when a maid walked over to me.

      "Master Soobin, Master Yeonjun is waiting for you and the children in the car. Now if you don't mind, I'll excuse myself." I gave her a smile before going out to see that Yeonjun was in the minivan, waiting. I quickly got Niki in his seat while Yeonjun helped Jungwon into his.

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