・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 5 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      "Baby are you not going to say bye to me? I also feel like I should go with you so I can talk to your manager." It didn't feel right letting him go to work alone knowing his manager might do something to him.

      "I don't think that's a good idea even if I would feel safer with you there but I think I have enough strength to face him after talking to you about it." I still didn't feel good about it but I needed to trust him. He walked closer to me before giving me a peck before leaving.

                    *10 minutes later*

      I still had a bad feeling and couldn't focus on my work thinking about this. I got up going to my car hoping it was just me being paranoid about this.

                        *At the club*

      Once I got to the club I saw that Soobin wasn't behind the bar so I walked up to the bar.

      "Hey can you tell me where my- I mean Soobin is?" He gave me a weird look before just pointing to the back. I quickly went to the back not wanting to waste any time. I heard crying and quickly threw the door open.

      "Get the HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" I saw Soobin on the ground crying while his manager was pulling his hair and was forcing Soobin to look at him.

      "Yeonjun h- help." Once I heard that all my rage kicked in. I quickly got closer to them and punched his manager, making him fall to the ground. I got on top of him swiftly and started to beat his face in. I kept punching him, forgetting about Soobin for a moment until I heard his voice.

      "Yeonjun! Stop he's out already, s- stop I- I need you… please." After he said that I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were already closed. I quickly got up going to him and used my hand to hold his face up.

      "Hey baby don't fall asleep, I know you want to but don't do it, stay awake for me." I felt my heart start to race not wanting to lose him. He opened his eyes slowly before he lifted his arms slowly wrapping them around my neck.

      "Hyung, I need you to hold me." His voice sounded so weak and tired, making my heart drop. I picked him up bridal style before speaking up.

      "Don't leave me, I don't want to lose you." I saw him pass out in my arms not knowing if he heard me or not. I quickly ran out of the room with Soobin in my arms. Everyone looked at me as I came out with Soobin in my arms and blood on my face. They looked scared not knowing what was happening. I scanned the area till I saw Beomgyu.

      "Beomgyu!" I screamed loud enough for everyone to hear me over the music causing the DJ to lower the music. Beomgyu turned around to see me and quickly came to my side.

      "Hyung, what the hell happened?!" I didn't have time to explain and quickly told him what I needed him to do.

      "Call the damn family doctor and tell him to meet me at the house." He nodded quickly, getting out his phone as I ran out, putting Soobin in the car. I started the car and quickly raced home.

                        *At the house*

      Once I got home I got out of the car quickly picking up Soobin before taking him inside. I heard Beomgyu's car pull up as I got inside.

      "Where is the doctor?!" I yelled at one of my men and he quickly spoke up not wanting to piss me off.

      "In your room boss." I raced up the stairs going to my room and kicked the door open. I saw the doctor ready and just waiting for me. I went to the bed, laying Soobin down gently, not wanting to hurt him more. The doctor moved me out of the way to examine Soobin. I felt dizzy being in the room so I stepped out and closed the door. I leaned back, hitting the wall before falling down slowly to the ground. I looked at my hand to see they were shaking as suddenly Beomgyu came into my view.

      "Hyung, what happened to Soobin!" I looked him in the eyes not knowing what to say as my mind went blank.

      "Gyu, my hands are shaking… this is the first time I've ever felt like this, what's this feeling called?" I felt tears start to stream down my face as Beomgyu's look softened.

      "Hyung that feeling is love and… it can make people feel like this and worse." He said that before hugging me and I quickly hugged him back feeling so useless in the moment. We were both hugging till we heard the door open. We both quickly got up looking at the doctor worried.

      "There is nothing to worry about. He is fine except he does have bruises and a fever from the shock. I recommend he rest and not overwork himself. If that's it boss I'll be leaving and make sure to take good care of your husband." With that he bowed slightly before leaving. I went into the room to see Soobin sound asleep so I kissed his forehead before turning around to leave and go do some unfinished work.

      "I'll be back in an hour or two Beomgyu, make sure you look after him while I'm gone." He nodded, going to sit on the couch as Taehyun joined him.

                 *The next morning*

      I came back from work to see Beomgyu and Taehyun asleep on the couch and Kai just looking at Soobin. I walked closer tapping his shoulder as he slowly looked up at me with puffy eyes.

      "Hey Kai are you ok?" He nodded no before placing his plushie right beside Soobin.

      "What happened to him? I mean I know he never told me what he did for work but did he have to get hurt this bad." It sounded like he was about to start crying again so I grabbed his hand holding it to comfort him. He gave me a quick smile before speaking up again.

      "I guess you're the guy he was talking about." I looked at him confused, not having any idea about what he was talking about but then he continued.

      "He told me about a guy that he saw at work everyday and how he started to have a crush on him. He said that the guy was 'tall with long legs and a mysterious vibe'. He also told me about the time he first really met the guy and how he took a kiss from him." I felt myself starting to blush at his words.

      "Is there anything else that he said about me or something you wanna say?" I waited for him to answer.

      "Hyung, did you know that Soobin is the one that takes care of me?" He looked at me with a curious look.

      "No I did and why is he the one that takes care of you?" He looked back down at Soobin before answering me.

      "My parents are very busy people and they also have my sister to take care of too. I moved to Korea on my own and didn't know anyone until I met Soobin hyung by accident one day and boom. He took me in, fed me, and gave me a place to stay. The only reason he had to get a full-time job was because my parents started to forget to send money to pay for my university. I didn't ask him to, but he offered to pay since he didn't like school and dropped out. After that he also took responsibility for me like a parent. Hyung, I love him very much like an older brother and I don't want to lose him." He turned to me, giving me a weak smile. I ruffled his hair, giving him a smile before speaking.

      "Don't worry I'll make sure to always protect him and you because you also mean a lot to him too." He smiled brightly before trying to hug me but he fell so I just fell with him and kept talking with him.

A/n's p.o.v.
      Yeonjun and Kai kept talking about random things till they both fell asleep, not having slept the night before.

             ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter five ˚˚ ⋆

            *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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