・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 14 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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*Sorry for the late update, I ended changing a few things last Friday and forgot to update. Sorry again and hope you enjoy ☺️*

Soobin's p.o.v.
I was shocked to see Arin and before I even realized what I was doing I grabbed her hand and took her inside with me. One we got inside I turned around to Arin who looked really sad and worried at the same time.

"Arin, why are you going to marry someone you've never met before?" She bit down on her bottom lip before speaking up.

"My parents... they sold me to Mr. Choi so that they could make some money without having to worry about whether they would have enough money for the month. I mean I understand that they needed the money-" Before she could say more I cut her off.

"No! Arin they shouldn't have sold you just for some money. I could have helped you and your family if they needed the money." I could see she was trying hard not to cry so I gave her a hug before she spoke up again.

"Soobin, please help me get out of this... I just don't know what to do anymore." I looked into her eyes and could see she was scared and tired so I nodded.

"I'll help you but trust me and give me this week to get the engagement called off." She nodded before giving me a smile as we went back outside a guard came and took Arin back to Mr. Choi. I watched as they both went to the stairs where Mr. Choi was already standing.

"Hello everyone thank you for coming to this very important day. I would like to announce that my son, Choi Yeonjun, will be getting married one week from today and would love it if you could all join us on that day." After he said that I stopped listening and tried to look for Yeonjun or Kai but I couldn't find anyone so I tried to calm down. I couldn't really focus on what was going on around me and things started to go blurry a bit. I realized what was happening but I couldn't seem to control myself.

"Sir, come with me please." I couldn't really see who was taking me away but I had a feeling that I could trust them. I couldn't really tell where we were going but I started to feel better.

"Please sit down and let Dr. Kim, have a look at you." I nodded, still feeling a bit dizzy. As the doctor looked me over I started to feel better and could see things a lot better. I felt like I could speak again so I spoke up.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me." I looked up at Dr. Kim, and saw a slight smile on his face.

"You'll be fine, it seems like you just got overwhelmed... is it because of something happening here or does it have to do with something else?" I really didn't know how to answer him but then I heard someone else speak up.

"I think it had to do with the wedding date of the young master." As soon as Mr. Saito said that, I felt my heart break a little.

"I think so too... I know that Yeonjun hyung doesn't want to get married because he's-" I was about to say something when Dr. Kim cut me off.

"He loves you and that girl was just sold to Mr. Choi for money but you still want to find a way to help her too." I was shocked that he got it right so I just nodded.

"Well then go fight for him Soobin, after all his family isn't the only power house family here isn't that right son of Diavolo and Queen Dia." As soon as I heard that I looked at him and spoke up.

"How the hell do you know about my family?" He just smirked before walking over to the door but before he opened it he spoke one last time.

"Your mom misses you but is happy that you're safe, so fight for Yeonjun or he'll lose who he is and this time he won't come back from it." I was confused by the last part but I knew that he had a point so I got up and put my plan into action.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
Once my father was done announcing his plan I quickly started to look for Soobin but couldn't see him anywhere. I was about to go into the crowd when I felt someone grab my arm. I looked back to see the girl I was 'going' to marry.

"If you're looking for Soobin, I saw him get taken away by two guys and it looked like he wasn't doing so well." I was shocked that she knew who I was looking for and was about to speak up when Mr. Saito spoke up.

"Mr. Choi and young master there is someone here to speak with you both and they told me it was important." I nodded and followed Mr. Saito as my father followed behind us. We made it to my father's office with the chair turned so that the back was facing us.

"Hello Mr. Choi, I have an offer that you might like." I knew I shouldn't say anything, this was between the random guy and my father.

"And what kind of deal is that?" I didn't know why but I suddenly felt my guard go up as if someone was watching their prey.

"I'll give you the contact information to Diavolo and all you have to do is give me your son. After all, my son has taken a liking to him, even if from afar." I was about to speak up for myself when I heard my father raise his voice for the second time in my life.

"Like hell I'll give you my son!" I don't know why but at that moment I felt tears start to build up before coming down with what seemed like no stop. I tried to hold my tears but they wouldn't stop. I suddenly felt arms around me which took any chance of me stopping.

"No matter how much older you get you still cry like that baby I used to carry in my arms... I'm sorry Yeonjun for not being the best father. I want you to know that you're 'our little prince' and the proof of love between two people." I knew my father was talking about him and my mom and couldn't help but smile.

"You don't have to marry that girl but once you meet someone that makes you happy just as happy as your mother made me... hold onto them and never let them go." I felt my dad pull back from the hug showing me his smile before patting my head. I smiled as the tears still came down but it felt safe to cry.

"Sorry but I'm going to have to decline that offer of yours." I looked up to see that the guy sitting in the chair stood up before coming towards us. I tried to look at his face but he had a mask covering his face.

"That's fine I'll just go back and enjoy the party and you should too... stupid Yeonjun." As soon as I heard that last part I knew who it was and couldn't help but laugh. I looked back at my dad who was confused.

"Yeonjun are you ok?" I just wiped my tears before giving him a big smile.

"I'm fine, dad and I think I might have found someone that I want to keep close to me." He nodded at me before I went back to the party looking for Soobin and couldn't find him until.

"Hyung, are you looking for me?" I heard someone say behind me and before he could react I jumped on him. He tried to keep his balance but we both ended up falling. I looked at him as he just laughed and knew at that moment that my dad was right... I have to hold on to him no matter what.

"I love you Soobin." I gave him a kiss before running off to see a flustered Soobin left sitting on the ground blushing like crazy.

⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter fourteen ˚˚ ⋆

*.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

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