・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 29 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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3rd person's p.o.v.
      A week had passed since Yeonjun and Soobin's weekend getaway, and they had been busy planning some things out, but had finally gotten a moment to themselves. They were in their room trying to get a quickie in when they heard Jungwon scream.

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      Soobin and I were in the middle of making out when I heard Jungwon scream.

      "APPA!" I had never heard him scream like that before so I quickly jumped up from the bed and ran downstairs.  Once I got down I saw Jungwon was being held by my hyung. I sighed knowing that this was about to be a huge pain.

      "- hyung could you please put my son down, he doesn't like strangers touching him." He pouted at me before putting down Jungwon and speaking up.

      "Well, I can see that your body has gone under quite a change from when I last saw it, but that's not why I'm here today Yeonjun. I mean you know why I am here, so will you tell you men to put their weapons down or do I have to shoot them to get in?" Before I could say anything I heard Soobin's voice from the top of the stairs. A chill went down my back as his cold deep voice cut threw the room.

      "First you touch my son now you want to kill my men? I don't have time to deal with people like you, I have a clean shot and can take it before you even start to aim. Try me." PArt of me felt turned on by this side of Soobin while the other side of my was terrified if I were to ever get him that mad. Soobin calmly walked down the stairs until he was face-to-face with my hyung before pistol whipping him across the face. I winced a bit at the sound and saw I wasn't the only one. I watched as Jungwon ran over to Soobin and nuzzled his face into Soobin's leg getting him to calm down. Soobin softly smiled before picking up JUngwon and speaking up.

      "Clean this place up please and Chan hyung please take our 'guest' to a room to have him looked over by Han hyung. I'm going to go make some cupcakes with Jungwon. Also Yeonjun we will be talking about this later." I couldn't help but sulk a bit knowing I was about to be in a lot of trouble. I sighed and went with Chan hyung and - hyung to a guest room. I sat down on the desk chair while - hyung sat down on the bed waiting for Han.

      "Hey, why is some Han kid fixing me up? I thought that Jin hyung was your in house doctor?" I looked over at him and just rubbed the back of my neck before speaking up.

      "He is currently out on a date with someone and ... umm well I gave him the green light to go for it." I could feel - hyung's angry as Jin hyung walked in with Han behind him. I quickly looked at JIn hyung who almost began to cry but I could see him hold it in as he calmly approached - hyung.

      "Well, it's nice to see you again Namjoon, how have you been?" I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke. I could feel that it wasn't the best idea for me or Han to be in the room. I quickly got up and lightly tapped Han who seemed to understand what I was trying to do and followed me out, closing the door behind us.

Namjoon's p.o.v.
      "I- umm hello hyung, I know it's been a while but-" Before I could even finish my sentence he dabbed an alcohol cotton ball against the cut I had just gotten. I winced while pulling back from it, the room was so quiet and I heard a light sniffle come out of Jin hyung.

      "Just let me fix you up quickly so you can leave. I don't really want to talk to you after all this time, I was just trying to be nice because of your past relationship with Yeonjun." I moved back and let him finish trying to figure out what I could say or should say next. He quickly finished as was about to walk away from me so I grabbed his wrist.

      "Hyung please I just want to talk to you before I lose the will I built up to do this." I felt him stop walking and took the chance, " I'm in love with you and I know you knew back when I left. No matter how much time has passed I'm still in love with you. Please-" I didn't get to finish when I felt his hand go across my face. I looked at him to see he was fully crying and breathing heavily. I loosened my grip and he pulled his arm free before running out of the room. I quickly ran after him, I looked to the side to see someone about to run him over. I push myself a bit, managing to pull him back. I held him close as the person quickly got out of their car. They quickly went into the normal things but I told him everything was fine. After a bit the guy drove off leaving me and Jin hyung sitting on the sidewalk. I was about to say something when I heard Jin hyung speak up.

      "I'm sorry... you almost lost someone else just like you lost her." I sighed, knowing that he was right but for some reason that hadn't come to mind only saving him. I held him closer before speaking up.

      "I loved her for the longest time and yet I never told her, I don't really know why but I never found the right words to tell her. I- I went to her grave and her sister was there at first I was just going to leave and come back later but her sister somehow knew I was there. She turned so fast and ran to me before I could leave and pulled me along with her. I thought she would be mad at me or hate me but I felt nothing but kindness and love come from her. We got to talking and she told me something." I was about to continue when JIn hyung finally peaked his head up and looked at me.

      "What did she tell you?" I smiled a bit at him before telling him.

      "She told me her sister knew and that she never wanted to tell me she knew because she didn't want to break my heart. Then she started to explain that her sister had already been after someone's heart, and that deep down both of them knew about the kind of love the other had for them. Do you remember the soft-spoken girl with those big doe eyes?" Jin hyung nodded so I continued, "That's who she was in love with. I guess now that I look back I can see it but back then, I would have missed it for sure. Her sister also told me something else that surprised me quite a lot. She told me that both her and her sister could see the feelings I had for you before I knew I had them." JIn hyung spoke up.

      "Namjoon... I can't not right now. I just made it to a place in my life where I feel confident and happy. I know it might not be what you want to hear but I just can't-" I couldn't bear to hear the rest so I kissed him. It wasn't an intense or powerful kiss but a softly and simple kiss. I pulled back and spoke up.

      "I know Yeonjun told me but I'm going to be around more so could you give me a chance to try and win your heart?" I looked at him to see a blank face before he got up and helped me. I thought he wasn't going to give me when I saw a soft blush go across his face.

      "We have a lot to work through but I'll give you that chance."I smiled like an idiot as we both walked back to the house as the wind made the trees dance to a melody only they could hear and for a moment I heard it too. 

   ⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty nine ˚˚ ⋆

              *.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*      

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