・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 34 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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  *Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating in the longest time but I had some trouble writing this chapter. I hope you enjoy it!*

3rd person's p.o.v.
      9 months had gone and passed, as Yeonjun and Soobin waited to hear about whether their babies had been born already or not. They had been so excited and had even set up the babies' room. While they were busy waiting for the call, Beomgyu and Taehyun were still trying to figure out a date for their wedding. Beomgyu wanted a winter wedding while Taehyun wanted a summer wedding.

Soobin's p.o.v.
      I was putting stars on the ceiling for the babies' when I felt someone tap my leg. I looked down to see it was Jungwon and could see he was holding something. I quickly got down and he spoke up.

      "Eomma, do you know if I'm getting a baby brother and baby brother, or baby sister and baby sister, or baby sister and baby brother. I want to know so I know what to give them." I was surprised he wanted to know but also curious as to what these gifts could be.

      "You're going to have two baby brothers. So if you don't mind me asking, what are you going to give them?" He swiftly hid his hands behind his back before slowly trying to leave the room. I was about to try and stop him when Yeonjun walked in.

      "Hey Soobin, do you know where we put the baby seats?" I was about to answer him when Jungwon dashed out of the room. I sighed hoping it was just my mind worrying and gave Yeonjun my attention.

      "I already set them up in the minivan, also can you please find out what Jungwon is hiding from me. I want to know and also make sure he isn't going to hurt himself. Please Yeonjun." I gave him puppy eyes that I knew he couldn't do anything about. He nodded and was about to go and look for Jungwon when he ran back in, holding a little bag.

      "Eomma, I would like you to give these to the babies. No peeking, it's for the babies." I tried to hold back my laugh as he wiggled his finger in front of my face, when Yeonjun's phone rang. I quickly turned to him and waited for him to say who called but instead he started to run around. I saw he was picking up the baby bag we made and everything. I watched for a few seconds before realizing the babies were born. I quickly started to run around too and picked up Jungwon too before running downstairs.

      "The babies have been born! Someone take my Jungwonnie. I forgot Yeonjun!" I quickly ran upstairs again while my Eomma took Jungwon to the living room. I found Yeonjun trying to carry a bag we didn't even need. I walked over cupping his face and making him look at me.

      "Yeonjun, we have everything we need in the van and my parents are going to take care of Jungwon and Niki. We got this and we are going to be amazing dads. So take a breath give me a kiss and let's go." I watched as he took a breath before giving me a quick peck. I smiled at him before we both ran outside to the van. We both quickly got in before going to the hospital.

Jungwon's p.o.v.
      I was sitting beside my grandpa watching a movie but I was already bored. I quietly got up before going upstairs into Kai hyung's room. I looked around trying to find something to do when I found a book. I opened it to see it had lots of writing in it, I quickly realized it might not be something I should read and was about to put it back when Kai hyung came in. I quickly tried to hide it behind my back.

      "Jungwon, what do you have behind your back?" I just gave him the book and looked down.

      "I'm sorry hyung, I didn't mean to look at it but I just thought it was a book." I thought he would get mad but instead he sat down on his bed and patted next to him. I jumped on his bed sitting by his side.

      "This isn't a book but a notebook, I like to write in it when I'm bored sometimes. I mostly write about random things. Do you wanna know what else is in this book?" I nodded quickly wondering what else the book could have.

      "Well it has some pictures of everyone, even pictures of you and Niki."He gave me the picture and I saw how tiny Niki was and knew he was already so big. I smiled to myself before looking up at Kai hyung.

      "Hyung do you have any more pictures like this? I want to put some in the babies' room so they know we are their family!" I watched as he got up and pulled out a box full of pictures. I quickly grabbed it and raced over to the babies' room. I looked around trying to figure out where to put them when I saw Beomgyu hyung and Taehyun hyung come in.

      "Jungwon, what are you doing here? I think your grandma is looking for you." I looked back and saw the door had nothing on it. I quickly put the box down and spoke up.

      "Could you help me make something for my baby brothers? I want to put pictures of us up so they know we're their family." I looked up at them with the biggest eyes I could make when Kai hyung came in too.

      "Come on hyung let's help him! I got the tape so please?" They both just smiled and nodded before closing the door and we got to work.

               *3 hours later*

Yeonjun's p.o.v.
      We had come back with the babies only to see Soobin's parents both asleep with Niki on the couch. We didn't want to bother them and were about to make our way upstairs when Soobin's mom suddenly woke up.

      "OOH! Your back where are the babies? I want to see their cute little faces!" With all her yelling everyone walked into the living room. I looked over at Soobin who was laughing and showing off Chanyeol. I sighed but started to show off Seojoon too. Everyone was trying to cuddle them while they slept.

      "Ok yes they are very very very cute but can someone tell me where the rest of our kids are? I am missing four." Everyone quickly looked around and then Felix spoke up.

      "I think I saw them run into the babies' room. Jungwon ran in really excited. Maybe you guys should go and leave the cute babies with us?" I looked over at Soobin who just laughed before answering Felix.

      "Idk about leaving the babies but I am going to take them upstairs and look for the rest of our kids." We both made our way past everyone before going up stairs and going into the baby's room. As soon as we opened the door we found everyone sleeping together on the floor. I couldn't help but lightly chuckle while looking at them. I thought Soobin and I would be the only one's sleeping with the babies tonight but I guess all the kids were going to be here too. I got Seojoon out of his carrier and put him in his bed before going to get some blankets. I got back only to see Niki had come in too and was now sleeping on Beomgyu's chest. I quickly put a blanket on everyone while Soobin sat in the rocking chair holding Chanyeol, and softly singing to him.

      "Soobin if this is how it's going to be everytime we have a kid. I think we should have a lot of them. I love you so much." I watched Soobin as he blushed before speaking up.

                       "I love you too, Yeonjun."

                              ⋆ ˚˚ End of book ˚˚ ⋆

                *.・° Hope you enjoyed the story °・.*

             ✧ This is the end of 'His Criminal Love' I hope you enjoyed it and please look forward to something tomorrow!!!!✧


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