・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 20.5 ・゚⋆✿⋆・

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*Soory for the long wait but things just got crazy busy and today I finally had a day to breathe and update. Also I got a kitten.


   Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter

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Anyway hope you enjoy the chapter.*

Wooyoung's p.o.v.
I woke up and looked around trying to find San but didn't see him. I was about to go and look for him when the door to the restroom opened. I hadn't seen San without a shirt before but when I saw him only one thought came to mind. I got up and went over to him, putting my arms around his neck.

"Will you help me with something?" I got closer to his ear before whispering to him.

"Master, make me yours." I suddenly felt him pull me closer, I looked into his eyes to see lust and hunger making a chill go down my spine. I was about to say something when he kissed me, making me quickly melt into his arms. My lips were already slightly parted giving San easy access. I didn't have time to react when he put me on the bed. We pulled back from the kiss to catch our breaths. He was now hovering over me as I looked up at him with hunger.

"I'm going to make you forget anyone who came before me... got that brat?" I felt my pants get tighter as he said the last part. I nodded still keeping eye contact, I was about to say something when San grabbed my face.

"Take everything off and get on all fours." He got up, watching me as I began to take my clothes off. I hissed as the cold air hit my dick, before getting on all fours. I couldn't see San until I felt a hand rubbing my ass.

"AH~!" I couldn't hold back my moan as he smacked my ass. I heard him chuckle before his finger entered me. I let out a moan from the pain and pleasure. He thrusted his finger in and out before adding a second finger and started scissoring me. I was a moaning mess and about to come when San grabbed my dock not letting me. I whined and quickly got my ass smack for whining.

"M- master~ please ngh-ah let me come mhmm~" I waited to get an answer but just felt him thrust his dick into me. I let out a yelp as I was fully stretched out yet, but I liked the feeling of pain. I quickly became a mess and forgot to call him master.

San's p.o.v.
"San~ please let me cum~!" I smirked before pulling him up by his hair so his back was against my chest.

"What did you just call me brat?" He let a high-pitched moan as his back arched. I laughed before speaking up.

"Well it looks like you just dry came, how does it feel?" I grabbed his face making him look at me. Once I saw his face I felt myself get even harder.

"Master I- I'm sorry for calling you that... and it felt painful. I can feel that you grew bigger can we continue please master~" I let go of him watching him fall onto the bed, I pulled out, flipping him over. I grabbed his legs putting them on my shoulders before thrusting back into him. He came again this time letting everything come out. I chuckled before continuing to pound into him, I looked down to see his cum on his stomach so I took some with my finger, licking it. I looked up at him to see his face turning even more flushed then before.

"You taste good brat." I said staring into his eyes before feeling a knot in my lower stomach, I knew I was close but I wanted to hear him beg for it.

"Well since you already came maybe I should stop." I began to slow down when Wooyoung quickly spoke up.

"No! I want master cum inside of me Mngh-ph~ I want your cum inside of my bratty hole ugh~ I what it filled with master cum!" Tears were streaming down his face as he begged, so I started to thrust harder before coming deep inside of him as he came again. I grabbed his face kissing him passionately before pulling out. I grabbed my towel from earlier using it to clean up Wooyoung. I was about to pick him up so I could change the sheets but he pulled me down. He quickly positioned us so he was on top. I looked up to see lust in his eyes.

"Master I want more cum inside of me... please let me ride you." I licked my lips before speaking up.

"Ok just don't make me regret it brat." He smiled happily before lining himself up before going down. He was going down too slowly so I grabbed his hips and made him go down in one go. He left a moan before placing his hands on my chest for support. He quickly became a mess but kept going strong.

Wooyoung's p.o.v.
"Ok just don't make me regret it brat." I was happy to hear that and got in position quickly before realizing I had never ridden someone before so I started to go down slowly. I quickly felt San's hand grab my hips before pushing down completely. I could feel his dick so deep inside of me that it made me dizzy and I wanted to know if it could go deeper. I put my hands on his chest before moving my hips up and down. I could hear San letting out low groans so I knew I was doing a good job. I felt a flush of pride go over me knowing I was making him feel good. I started to feel tired so I slowed down but I want to keep going at the pace I was going at. I poured a bit and I think San saw that because he quickly grabbed my hips and rammed into me. Everything started to go dizzy again, he was so deep I couldn't think straight.

"Master I- Nngh-ah~! I- fuck~! San I belong to you please! I want to be your brat forever!" I just felt come deep inside before everything went blank.

*Once Wooyoung came back to reality*

I opened my eyes to San's chest while he played with my hair. I looked up at him and gave him a smile before speaking up.

"Umm I know what happened but what happened?" I watched as he chuckled before telling me.

"Well when I came again you also came but then you kind of completely went blank and kept asking me to not pull out because you wanted my sperm to stay inside of you. You also started crying once I pulled out saying 'I want it to say inside' you plugged yourself with your finger not wanting to let any get out. In that I got up and looked in the closet to find an unopened plug box. I took it out and showed it to you which you replied with 'yes use it so I get to keep it all inside'. That's all really but I had no idea you liked the idea of keeping it inside of you... so I guess you did that with others too." I know he tried to whisper that last part under his breath but I heard it.

"San did you know that even when I slept with other people I called out your name. It would make them angry so they would stop and just leave. So I never really felt anyone come inside of me until you did... and it felt so good that I wanted more. I guess me wanting to keep it inside of me is just my way of showing it." I could feel my face turning red before San kissed me. It was soft and sweet which made me melt.

"Sorry about saying that Wooyoung." I nuzzled into his chest wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you San." I didn't know if he heard me but I started to feel my eyes close as they got heavier to keep open.

A/n's p.o.v.
"I love you too Wooyoung." San gave Wooyoung a kiss on the top of his head before going to sleep himself.

⋆ ˚˚ End of chapter twenty.5 ˚˚ ⋆

*.・° Hope you enjoyed °・.*

A/n's note: if anyone is going to the TXT concert in L.A. I would love to meet you ^.^ just send me a message if you would like to meet and chat. ☺️

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