・゚⋆✿⋆・゚ Chapter 7 ・゚⋆✿⋆・゚

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Soobin's p.o.v.
      It's been a month since I got hurt and I'm all healed up and everything but Yeonjun hyung is still really careful with me. He's only been giving me soft kisses and pecks here and there but I want more. I made a plan and just hoped it would all go well. I was walking towards his office in one of his hoodies with nothing but underwear and thigh-high socks under it. It was already late at night and no one was up at this point except for his men, but they were outside right now doing a walkthrough of the area. I knocked on the door waiting to hear Yeonjun hyung's voice.

      "Come in." I opened the door to see he was looking at his work and didn't even look up at me.

      "Hey hyung, are you almost done with your work?" I was hoping he would look up but he was focusing on his work.

      "No baby I'm probably going to be here all night, why is there something that you need?" I bit my bottom lip a bit annoyed but I just went to the couch and sat down.

      "No I just can't sleep so I hope you don't mind me staying here until I get sleepy?" I looked at him as he just nodded. I laid down on the couch hoping he would look over but nothing. I looked at the ceiling wondering what I could do when I heard his phone go off.

      "Ok, are you ready to start the meeting?" I looked over to see him talking for a while before he got off the call and started a meeting on his computer. I didn't focus on what they were talking about but then I got an idea. I went over to his desk before getting on my knees to crawl under his desk. I sat down in front of his chair,  in-between his legs, but he just focused on his meeting. I then put my finger on his knee and looked up to see if he would do something but nothing. I started drawing random things on his knee but still nothing. I inched up farther with my finger and looked up to see him unfazed. I was frustrated at this point not paying attention to how faster I was going as I kept my gaze on him. I was starting to wonder if he would do anything not realizing how high up I was already when I heard his breath hitch. I looked down to see my finger was on his crotch. I smirked as I spread my hand out starting to palm his length through his jeans, I slowly started rubbing it.

      "Baby, if I were you I would stop now." I ignored what he said and started to go faster until the tent in his pants started to grow quickly. He let out a low groan so I looked up at him before speaking up.

      "Oppa, is something wrong?" I looked at him innocently, wanting him to do something.

      "I'm telling you one more time baby and if you don't stop you're going to regret this." He said it in a deeper tone, making me feel a chill down my spine. I thought about it but what's the worst that could happen at this point? I shook off the feeling and kept going until I gave his hard bulge a good squeeze. He then looked directly into my eyes, making me freeze. He looked back up before speaking up.

      "Sorry, I have to leave the meeting, something has come up." I watched as he closed his computer, looking back down at me. I could see nothing but lust and anger in his eyes. He got up before grabbing my wrists pulling me up. I was about to say something but he just started walking, pulling me with his hand. We were walking to his room when we walked by the stairs. He stopped at the stairs before speaking up.

      "Hey listen up men!" I looked down to see all his men were back from their walkthrough. I tried to get one of my wrists out of his grip so I could cover myself with the hoodie but I couldn't.

      "I don't want anyone to bother me until tomorrow afternoon, I've got things to do." They all just nodded before bowing as he started walking again. I almost lost my balance but I managed to keep up with how fast he was going. Once we reached his room he threw me onto the bed. I sat up to see him getting something from the closet. I tried to see what he was getting but I couldn't see anything until he turned around. He had a black box with a red bow on top. I looked at his face and saw a smirk on it.

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