53. Fragrance Of Tenderness

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"Yeah so after that, how about we go... Everyone wants a piece of the action?" I looked up from the notebook for my band mates to nit pick, usually, I don't do this shit. I have a hundred better things to do rather than sit with my bandmates and go over the lyrics line by line. Normally, I would just write this shit and hand it over to the rest of them and then we would start working on the music unlike this. But everyone seems to think I am a control freak. I didn't wanna throw anymore bones at them.

"How about we use everybody instead of everyone... like everybody wants a piece of the action?" Bob Rock suggested, "That sounds better right?"

I nodded realizing that was actually a good suggestion, since it would allow more of a vocal flow to the song. Vince always used to say that my lyrics always held a form of awkwardness in the flow of the words and makes it difficult to sing. Well, if you had a problem then you should've fucking helped me write'em, dick! I am not a fucking singer.

"So.. Everybody wants a piece of the action?" I confirmed once again as Mick said something that sounded like a, 'Yes they do'.

"Everybody wants a piece of the action. Everybody wants a piece of the pie." John hummed along slowly in the backdrop of a few chords he strummed on the acoustic he held. Why is John singing? Because we don't know where the fuck Vince is. Angela did leave a message to his assistant about the change of plan, and how he should bring his ass here last night. But I think he has somewhere important to be in.

"Isn't that by the Sweet?" Tommy grinned at us making me roll my eyes as John let out a cackle. It is but.. it's just a quote.

"Well it's all music man." I shrugged, "Not a direct rip off."

"Dude I swear, one day you are gonna get all our asses sued over copyright issues." He said causing an eruption of laughter. Well I wear my influences on my sleeve, so.

"Mick, remember that fill you showed me last night. Can you play that once?" John turned to Mick before they went at a discussion over one of the fills to use in the intro. It kind of amuses me how involved John was with the band unlike Vince. He was not only just sticking to singing, he was even helping with the music whereas Vince would wait out on Mick, Tommy and I to spoon feed him. He was here on time, helping me with lyrics, helping Mick with the guitar parts and definetly didn't have his head way up his ass.

It is like, either you get the pillow princess chic or you get the freak bitch, nothing in between. Either you usually end up with a singer like Axl who is way too fucking involved that it would drive everyone else nuts or you get someone like Vince who barely shows up, so this was a pretty rare citing. A singer who could play more than one instrument, a pretty good range and capabilities, pretty good at songwriting and definetly not an asshole.

I nodded my head along with the rhythm of his voice as he sang the lyrics I wrote even improvising in some parts and making them sound better, all the while he played the rhythm parts on his acoustic and tried to keep up with Mick. My eyes locked with Tommy as he sat across from me. He felt it. He felt exactly what I felt as I noticed his eyes move towards his drum kit as an itch to actually jam with John churned in him just like it did for me.

It almost felt similar to the kind of musical orgasm I had when we jammed with Vince for the first time way back in our shitty apartment in the strip about ten years back. But that orgasm ended. It's a miracle that it even lasted for as long as it did. But now it's over so what do you do after an orgy? A few years back, I would've answered get high but now I guess my answer is chase another orgy.

That was until the door to the control room slammed open and I saw Vince marching towards us. John stopped singing as the music stopped and sat between us as sounds produced by Mick's guitar came through his tiny amp, resonating through out the room as we patiently stared at Vince waiting for the storm to unfold and it began once Vince stomped the ground beneath and marched towards the amp and unplugged it making the room go dead silent.

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