17. Home Sweet Home

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"No! I am done with this... All these years I have never spoken a word against you and I always put up with your bullshit.. I... I can't take this anymore." My voice cracked

Please. Please do not end up crying in front of him. Just hold a little longer, because if I cry he will think I am weak. He will win, I can't let him have that pleasure.

"Oh, you are a lucky bastard that I even raised you all these years, when I should have probably thrown you in some dumpster as you were born and leave you for dead. What have you done for this family, other than destroying my reputation?!?" He yelled at me as I continued to pack my things.

"Well, then you should have. You should have killed me at the first chance you got. Now, you are too late and I don't need you." I yelled back as I felt a lump forming in my throat.

My mother stood and watched, silently as usual. Stewart and Amy pleaded for me, but it was no use, well I am done with this bullshit anyway.

"Oh, you don't need me? Well then, you don't need my money too, so how about you leave all of those clothes you are taking, I bought them for you with MY money. If there is anything in this house that you use and you paid for, you can take those with you." He said

Was I even his son? How could he even say this to me? Is that what he was doing all these years? Keep a track of how much money he spends on my food and clothes? I didn't want to admit it, but that just breaks my heart because deep down I cared for him somewhere, since he was my father.

I took out all the clothes from my bag and only took out my school books, a few letters, some photos, records, and the record player Jeff gave me.

We heard the doorbell ring, I walked down hanging my bag over my shoulder as the rest of them followed behind me.

I opened the door to reveal.... Nadia? What was she doing here? She looked shocked maybe because of my broken lips.

"Oh... this whore was there all along?" He mocked

I clenched my jaw. She was only old enough to be his daughter, and he barely knew her, how was he able to spit venom out like this?

"Dear, if you tell him not to leave he wouldn't. Where would he go all alone?" My mother decided to break her silence

"If he goes alone, the maximum that can happen is he might die, and I am absolutely fine with that than having him live under my roof disobeying me."

Tears were starting to well up in my eyes, if I turned around he would be able to see it, I won't give him that satisfaction, I continued to stare at Dee. From her eyes, I knew she understood what was happening. She looked at me with pity. She reached her hand forward and took mine in hers and intertwined our fingers, she looked down at our hands, I followed her gaze as a tear finally escaped from my eye.

"Let's go." She said walking towards her car which was parked on the driveway, not letting go of my hand.

My dad was still shouting at us from the door, except I couldn't hear anymore. I have heard the worst things he can probably say to me. That was past, now I have to look at the present.


The drive was silent. Neither of us said anything at all. She kept glancing at me hoping I might start talking. But I couldn't, not yet.

"Are you staying with Jeff?" She asked breaking the silence

"No, his place is pretty crowded, I don't think there is any space available for me," I replied

14 Years [GNR/Mötley Crüe]Where stories live. Discover now