8. There goes another

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His words were ringing in my ears, what does he even mean by saying he likes me. I can't do this, not right now. I need to breathe and think.

"Okay then, good night William." I smiled, almost as if I didn't hear what he said earlier, it's better this way, he looked shocked at my reply, I mean any human would be if they say they like someone and this someone wishes them goodnight before walking away. It's just mine isn't exactly a family who are very vocally expressive about care and love, that, it's just hard for me to say those things to anyone, even to dad, I don't think I have ever said I like or love to even an animal, let alone human.

I opened the door quickly and left him to sit there in the car alone, I feel sorry. I mean what am I doing right now? Am I rejecting him? No. I should have given some other reply or said I need to think instead of fucking wishing goodnight. You know what I should talk to him, I turned around, but neither he nor his car was there.

And four days passed since we went out together and he said he liked me, neither he nor I, made any attempts to talk to each other. Did I really have to fuck this up?

With every day that passes, the guilt was building up inside me, especially when I saw him. Do I like him? Yes, but do I 'really' like him? I don't know. But it felt like to know that I should have at least given it a shot.

The boys and I were standing behind the auditorium where Tommy, Steven, and Saul were smoking, surprisingly Frankie doesn't smoke, much like me.

"Guys I have to say something. I am leaving. My mom called yesterday, she said she wants me back, in LA." Steven said the usual happiness and everlasting smile missing from his face. He sounded a little upset.

He was leaving? Could they not at least wait till this year was over? Though we have known each other for only two months, I liked him, he was one of the closest friends I ever had, maintaining my friendship with Evie, Jane, and Phoebe itself was hard, would he even want to contact any of us if he left? This is bad.

No one said anything for a few seconds after he broke his news.

"When are you going?" Frankie asked finally breaking the silence

"Don't know, haven't fixed a date yet." Steven sighed before taking a drag of his cigarette.

I hate this, was there no way by which he could stay here at least till the end of this year. Maybe this is how my friends felt when I left Philly. I know we would all now say, we will maintain contact, we will meet in future, but I don't know, I don't trust those words, I know they wouldn't happen.

"Man, we have known each other for what now? two years?" Saul chuckled, "I guess I will miss you."

Steven gave a faint smile.

Saul was just so laid back, I felt like he rarely showed any emotion, like Steven and Tommy were mostly happy, Frankie always had a: I am tough guy attitude and I always behaved like a stupid bitch who wishes goodnight at the wrong time to the wrong people, but Saul rarely did any of that, It felt like he would always settle for a chuckle. Or maybe I just don't know him enough.

"You know what dude? We can't just send you away like that, coming Saturday, I am hosting no actually we are going to host a send-off party for you at my place, that even if you die, you wouldn't forget us." Tommy said before hugging Steven. It soon turned into a group hug, when I, Saul, and even Frankie joined.

I like these guys.....



I felt my muscles ease as I took a drag from my joint, which Frankie sold me. I have been buying from him for about a month, a secret between him and me. Would he rat me out? Maybe I shouldn't use it in school, it's not safe, what if someone finds it? Wait, am I being paranoid? No, I am being sensible. But this one last time.

I spent the whole of yesterday afternoon with Roger waiting for William to just fucking show up for once. I mean yeah we weren't the biggest rock band ever, we didn't even have a bass player, it was just him, Roger, and I, jamming in my basement, but man! if you aren't gonna fucking show up, just call and inform us, how hard is that?

But no of course he wouldn't do that, all he can now think of is that bitch from Philly, he says he loves her, already. But then again he loved Gina too, and the one before that and the one before that as well. How many times can a human fall in love in such a short span? Also compared to the girls here who didn't even know how to dress for a show, she was better, she traveled a lot and you could see that, which is clearly what is making him walk around like a love-sick puppy.

Now, all he does is whine and complain about how after taking her to a stupid zoo he said he liked her which she pretty much ignored. Honestly, maybe that's the best decision that girl has ever taken in her life. I mean god save her if she and he become a thing. No, no, this.. this isn't right, he is my friend, he is just having a lot of shit to deal with now, I shouldn't think like that, maybe she should consider him. He isn't that bad.

I saw him walk towards me. I took another drag. I don't think I should tell him what this is, what if he tells someone? I clenched my jaw, maybe he won't ask, right?

"Hey," He said lowly as he took out his own cigarette. I felt relieved, he didn't ask.

"Bill, you didn't come for practice yesterday," I said looking down

"I am just not feeling good, man. Like, did I do something wrong? She just didn't say anything, she hasn't even talked to me till now man." He said

Here we go again

"Yeah, maybe you should try talking to her, see if she is you know all about ignoring you, or she is behaving like before." Well, at least one of our problems will get solved.

"Yeah, I don't know, I really like her man." He sighed taking another drag

"Tommy?" I thought out loud, as I saw the literal version of skin and bones, walking towards us, and beside him Nadia.

I saw Bill, getting all tensed up as they neared us.

"Hey dude" Tommy beamed

For christ's sake get to the point man, unlike every other time you open your mouth.

"Hey," We both said at the same time

From the corner of my eyes, I could see both Bill and Nadia trying to avoid any form of eye contact.

"So, guys basically Steven's leaving. Back to his mom in Los Angeles, you know? So we thought we should throw him a send-off party." Tommy said

"Whoah! When?" Bill asked

"This Saturday. You guys should come." Nadia smiled at him

Whoah! where are we going with this smile, child? I saw him smile back as a glint of hope and victory were visible in his eyes. All I can say is don't fuck up your own life. No, they will be good together, I guess.

"It's at my house, almost everyone is there," Tommy said

"I will see you there," Nadia said, but I don't think she was saying that to me.

"Come let's go now," Tommy said before dragging her along

Once they were out of sight, I said," I think that's positive."

He smiled, with his eyes blinking in disbelief. What is the need for this drama?

I think I should tell him about Frankie selling me pot.

"Listen, man, I wanna say something........" I started

"Man, I have to go, Mr. Deal wanted to talk to me, maybe Nadia is there with him. We will talk later okay?" He said patting my back gently before running off.

There goes another.

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