4. KeyChain

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Gina let out a sigh of frustration and said to me, "Can you just go away?"


"That's exactly what William has been repeating to you for weeks." I smirked. She looked like if she could she would probably come forward and strangle me to death. She looked towards William to know his reaction to my statement, who just shrugged and pointed toward the door to Gina. Stomping her foot she marched out of the room, guess she thought he would stand up for her.

He took a deep breath before stepping out into the balcony and lighting a cigarette.

"Well thank you for saving me from that." He said with relief

"You're Welcome." I smiled leaning against the railing.

"I didn't know you knew Roger." He said taking a drag.

"Honestly man I don't know him. But Tommy is with him in the marching band, he got the rest of us. Now I have a missing friend and three drunks to deal with." I facepalmed to which he let out a laugh.

"Want one?"He asked extending the cigarette to me which I declined. "Not a smoker." I said to which he nodded, "How do you know Roger?" I asked

"Well we sing together and I would love to use the word,'Jam' to describe what we do but nah.". He sings? I wondered.

"You sing?" I asked in disbelief to which he nodded. "Well, now you gotta gimme a performance man. I wanna listen to you sing." I laughed, I wonder what he sounded like. No, I don't. That amount of politeness doesn't even match my personality.

"Well I am no Robert Plant or Freddie Mercury, but if you wanna listen come to church, Sunday morning. I am in the choir along with Roger." He said blowing out the smoke into the air

"Would have loved to, but I don't know the church isn't really my scene. Not from a religious background." I said trying to be careful about the words I chose, if he was religious I didn't wanna offend him.

"Yeah I understand, neither am I. But my dad's a pastor so you know I don't have any other option, plus I get to play the piano. You play something?". He played piano as well?

"Yeah, I have been playing guitar for now 6 years and I can play a bit of Bass." But was I a guitar player or bass player? Definitely guitar. I was just slightly better than the guitar player who loves to proclaim he can play bass too.

"Heyy that looks cool!" I exclaimed pointing at the keychain hanging off the pocket of his jacket. It was a silver 'A' within a heart beside a flower. It looked pretty.

"Oh, this! I got it for my sister's. It's her birthday, this Sunday. Her name is Amy so you know the 'A'." He said with a sly smile, guess he was embarrassed that I may have thought it's too small of a gift. He pulled it out of his pocket and gave it to me so that I can have a better look at it.

"That's really nice of you. It really pre..." Before I could finish my sentence the door swung open and a really annoyed Frankie interrupted me, "Dude!! They are making a mess downstairs. If we won't leave now I think it will lead to a fight. Come with me." I didn't understand anything of what he said as he dragged me down the stairs holding my hand as a confused William followed being us.

"Yes. If I feel like pouring more drinks on this stupid expensive carpet of yours. I will." Steven said to a boy before giving him an evil smile and dropping the contents of the glass into the expensive rug which was already stained, meaning he has done it before, as Tommy and a now awake Saul cheered for him. Are you Fucking kidding me?

"Man, what's your problem? Do you know how much this costs?" He asked

"You can take your pretty little carpet and shove it right up your ass." Steven grinned

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