Audition Day

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Ricky's POV

I thought a lot about what Big Red had said about being honest about the situation. When I thought more about it I realized that Nini means a lot to me and I really don't want to loose her. We have known each other since we were kids. If we don't end up being back together the least we can do is save the friendship.

I reached out to her by text and I called her a few times. She's ignoring me. The next day at school I tried my best to talk to her. I still couldn't get to her. She was either busy with that douche of a "boyfriend" she so called or she's nowhere to be found.  I ran into Big Red to see if he had seen her.

"Ashlyn, Courtney and Nini are at those auditions for the musical" Big Red said

"I need to talk to Nini" I said while trying to figure out how to get to her.

"Just wait until she's done with the auditions" Big Red said but what  I actually heard him say "Just go try out at the auditions"

"You are a genius. Come with me, I can't do this alone"  I said while dragging him with me. I stopped at my locker to get my guitar and started thinking about what song I wanted to do.

"Wait are you actually going to crash the audition and sing to get her back?" Big Red asked

"It's a start to get her attention so she will talk to me" I said explaining what was going through my mind.

Nini's POV

I am ssssttttrrrrrruuuggglllliiiinnnngggg with this audition. My heart feels like it's going to jump out of my mouth. I was watching the first group go with the dance portion of the audition. This new girl is freaking unbelievable. Did she like already know the play. Oh my God.

Once my group was called I did the routine to the best of my ability. Finally it was over. I was able to get a short break and get ready to sing. As I was walking over to my stuff.  The girl who crushed the dance portion. I wanted to compliment her.

"You have to show me how to get my leg to kick up that high." I said

"Nothing but a little ballet and practice can do you good" She said

"Wow, are you trying out for the role of Martha?" I asked

"Your kidding right?" She asked and laughed at me a bit and I seriously don't get what I said that was so funny

"I don't do supporting roles, I only do leading roles. The name is Gina by the way." She said and then walked away.

Okay...that was ... awkward.

I was getting nervous because it was coming close to my turn to go up. It didn't help that the girl Gina was up before me and she can actually sing. Like really good, like really really good. Once she was done it was my turn to go. But just before I stood up someone burst through the doors yelling.


Oh my God it's Ricky. This is the last thing I need right now. And what does he even mean try out he doesn't do musicals. He hates musicals. If this audition wasn't already stressful enough it just got more stressful. Ricky has been calling me and texting me non stop. I've been ignoring him since the last time we talked and I actually broke up with him.

He's all like let's try to be friends. We shouldn't be mad at each other. Let's talk and put our differences aside. How can he have the audacity to say that. I don't to be his friend. I wanted to be the one who he says I love you to. I was the one that held him in my arms whenever he was going through something at home, I was the one who he told his secrets to, I was the one that was always there for him. I was the one who said I love you.  I did all those things because I loved him. And after all this time for as long as we have known each other he looked at me as if I was insane to say I loved him. And God only knows why couldn't he have said it back. He can disguise it in every love song he has ever sung me, he can show affection to me but couldn't say the words I love you. He looked at me as if I was curse and in the next second tells me we should take a break. Like seriously it just makes me so angry.

I didn't realize how mad I was to notice that he was finished auditioning. Suddenly now everyone is trying to get my attention. I snapped out of it and sung my audition song.

Once I sung, for a moment there I wasn't as angry as I was a moment ago. I could see more clearly now. When I finished my song everyone was on their feet clapping for me. I was the last one to audition. Miss Jenn said wait 30 minutes to check the list of the roles assigned.

"Nini I need to talk to you, it's important " Ricky said approaching me

"Look she doesn't want to talk to you, why don't you just back off and leave Nini alone" Ej my boyfriend said standing up to him

"No, I have a few things to get off of my chest. Babe I'll be right back. Trust me this won't take long. I got this" I said and I kissed him and then stormed into a more private space as Ricky followed me.

"Have you lost your mind? If embarrassing me by way of the internet and now this. Are you being serious?" I yelled at him

"Nini I am not here to embarrass you. I came here to get your attention" Ricky explained

"You seriously thought this was the best way to get my attention by trying to sabotage my audition?" I asked him aggravated

"I'm not here to sabotage your audition I came here to save our friendship. You know I hate musicals but I am here for you. We can be mad at a lot of things that happened in our relationship, trust me because I am. But above all of that we have known each other for way too long to just act like we are invisible to each other" Ricky said

"Ricky I wish I was invisible. Do you know how embarrassing it is for me to walk these halls and see the looks of these peoples faces who pity me because of you. Forget about the relationship. Even as a friend you suck. You didn't come to my rescue, you left me out to dry. You never tried to say hey i care about Nini , she's awesome or something. You did nothing. So no Ricky we have nothing to save. Just stay way from me Ricky." I said and then I ran away from him and he still followed me and stopped me in my tracks

"I got up in front of almost the whole school and embarrassed myself in front of everyone to get near you to talk to you. I think we can call it even. It's completely pitiful. I get that you are angry. Yes I should have did something. I honestly just didn't know what to do or how to react. I'm sorry I let you down. I never meant to hurt you. You are the last person that I ever wanted to hurt. I know you may not forgive me now. But I hope one day you will" Ricky said saying his peace.

"I can't promise you that. I can't forgive you right now. All I know is that nothing will ever be the same between us. Just respect me and my relationship and respect my space. And that's all I have to say" I said walking away. I walked the hall and everyone was walking in one direction. I think Miss Jenn is posting the list. I brushed off the conversation I just had with Ricky and then got excited to see if I got the part of Gabriella . I kindly pushed passed people in front of me so I can see the list. I saw my name for Gabriella. I jumped up excited and Ej was right beside me and hugged me. He was happy for me but then his smile faded. I looked back at the list to see why.

"You've got to be kidding me" i said frustrated to myself

Ricky is lead as Troy and Ej is Chad and Gina is Taylor. This is unbelievable.

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